Smurfing is cheating

It’s not about caring or being petty like you, it’s about showing you that your reasoning is silly.

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Smurfing itself isn’t cheating: Throwing games is. You have to throw games to smurf.

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Why does rank exist Alex?

If you were’nt a cheating scumbag you’d very quickly rank out of that zone, and you wouldn’t keep spamming new accounts to do that over and over, nor would you deliberatly throw to stay in a lower rank (thus ruining even more matches)

Because hopefully you are’nt a contemptible cheating scumbag who’s too much of a coward to face actual competition while also being a selfish koont that doesnt care about ruining other people’s fun

Because THAT is a smurf


I should be banned right now if it’s cheating. :thinking:

I got this when I was new xD I’m naturally good at games, I dropped like 500 sr due to lack of game sens so people called me a smurf wile I got back up lol took me till silver border to do it tho xD

LOL? An old WOW Term? Just how “old” are you, anyway? You sound like a millennial. The term smurf in games came WAY before WOW.

Back in MY day, we had “IWL smurfs” running around NWL destroying people. Hint: this was NINE YEARS before World of Warcraft. Not going to bother telling you what game this was from either.

any smurfing is distributed randomly and therefore equally. that means the actual effect on your ranking is net zero since everyone has to deal with smurfs in a percentage of their games and yet some people will still climb because they are more skilled than you.

cheating like aimbotting is detectable and therefore enforcable, smurfing is not really detactable or enforceable and since the effect on your skill rating is net zero it’s not worth worrying about. there are way more productive things you could focus on to improve your play.

I made a mistake and read too fast. So, it wasn’t Wow. It was Warcraft 2. No need to be rude about it and draw a bunch of unfounded and incorrect conclusions.

Yes it was war2. The old IWL people would make a new name on Kali, join NWL and climb to the top ranks quickly. But they didn’t have skill based matchmaking in those days. Back then you either got gud or went home. It was no different than, let’s say, Wishmaster in Battlefield 1942, changing his name to (insert random chinese characters here) and destroying every airplane in the sky (Wishmaster was the top pilot in North America until some of of our group, like me, iSpitOne, Jagzed and some others finally caught up to him and could take him down)

can all be changed easily enough.

A company who is in the business to make $ is against preventing ppl from buying game more and making more $?

you don’t say?

Blizzard IS a business. They are there to make profit.

They would NOT make ppl unable to buy their product and LOSE potential profit.

players feelings, the health of game, etc are all second to that.

Same as any other business.

:laughing: You actually had to explain why this is bad to someone and they still don’t get it.

I am literally laughing.


I have played numerous games with a two stack, he plays lucio with a god aim and she is ana with decent mechanics, and they throw every match by camping the spawn in every single game. Whole teams reported them, both teams reported them. Today I played against them again, so, gg JK, well done Sir

sync the hwd id + credit card ban with bnet >> will not staaaaahp, but will be lower on new smurfs.

Yup just report it as cheating.


So I have to ask: what is the point of your alt accounts, then?

And what if I buy 3 accounts, one for me, one for my wife and one for my 15 year old child all on the same card? what then?

To play other characters/roles before role queue.

Now that Arrge dropped to Diamond cuz of the New Hanzo, should we consider it smurfing or he was boosted to be a top500 all this time? :rofl:

I start some comp matches to hear a player coughing out a waterpipe/b-o-n-g hit, and I don’t think those guys are very good players… lol

Their reaction times seem a bit delayed. The one benefit is that they are rarely ever toxic and very mellow.

I guess that depends

Are there other hanzo players who remained in GM / T500? Or did they all drop?
