Skins missing or becoming locked

Excellent, cheers for that dude. I Just wanted to ask and check if it was okay because it’s your video / stuff.
I’ll most likely add a video evidence section with what you’ve shared with us.

Unfortunately though I still don’t have any info or idea of a fix so that Soldier skin and anything else is still a loss I’m afraid.

Reply to Simonxoxo (Click to expand)

Added to list and seen your topic, thank you for getting in touch and I’m sorry to hear that you’ve been so severely effected by this.

This topic will be maintained as much as possible so I do urge you and other to try to keep in touch if you’re able please.

"Reply To Silvarionx" (Click To Expand)

Thank you so much for sharing this, I didn’t know there was more publications on the matter outside of the reported Kaleptik case.
Also thank you for getting in touch, I’m just sorry that besides all the information I have gathered I can not fix anything for anyone. Blizzard etc, have yet do a single thing. That includes for cases going all the way back to 2 years ago, all those created topics and stuff did not have a single bit of developer intervention from what I could see.

I did read the article you shared and have even sent an email to GameRant in regards to this.

I’m honestly thinking more and more about reaching out to other publishers, reporters or news outlets to see if there’s more we don’t know about. Maybe even get help but who knows.

If any of you know of possible contacts, please let me know and I will take a look.

Adding this posting here
of someone who purchased 24 boxes and had half of them re-lock.

I don’t understand why Blizzard has not even answered these bug reports even once in all these months. I mean people are losing real money here, it’s like actual fraud.

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Evidently, the “devs” aren’t too interested in reading these forums, or taking any action from them. Compared to WoW, this “support” kinda sucks. Recently, I mistakenly thought I purchased a skin I didn’t get, once the anniversary event was over. Even though that was on me, (so I delete my prior post), there’s still no excuse for letting this bug go so long without a fix.


Same thing is happening to me im getting negative gold and lost some of my lootboxes as well as the cybjorn skin and some others probably

I got the blackwatch moira skin in the event, lost 3000 coins that i had farmed for hours and hours during the weekend. On the wednesday after the event my skin was locked. I opened a ticket and surprise surprise, they told me they could not do anything about it, they would not give me back my skin nor my coins. One GM even told me to ‘‘wait’’ for the skin to come back into the game. Which usually happens after a year or so. Yeah, great solution.
Now im remembering why i stopped bothering with WoW…
Funny how they tell you to write suggestions on the forums, even tho no one from the OW team ever reads these.


I have received a message from the blizzard Twitter were PJ said that they don’t respond all the time in big report but they do still look at them so HOPEFULLY this is fixed soon

Highly doubtful. Heck, I’d put money on it. Blizzard at this point is just another EA or Ubisoft.

To all those still facing this issue. I’ve not forgotten so dw, just been occupied with personal stuff as stated before in the past.

EDIT FOR 07/07/18:

I can tell that Blizzard still ignores this issue amongst others which is no surprise to be honest. Doesn’t change how appallingly faeces the company is in anyway, just goes to show how negligent they are.

Zero response from Blizzard. I actually found one Reaper emote in a loot box, so I’m back at 1/7 now :-p which is kinda surprising because originally I thought you cannot re-find “lost” items. But maybe Blizzard stealth-patched that… or I didn’t have that particular emote yet, also possible.

I’ve honestly had enough with Blizzard, they can just go get cucked for all I care at this point.

Edit: Like here’s another example of their negligence. They changed the authentication app with no communication, not even to their support department. They claim it now needs Android ver.5 at minimum, app page still shows support for 4.3. Users experiencing issues were forced to uninstall if they had no capable devices.

Shame the games have to be soiled with their name :confused:

I had no response at all too. Lost my skin and all the time i spent farming for it.

My brother doesn’t really play overwatch anymore, but yesterday I went on his account and started playing. He has a lot of skins, and I know that because I ran through a bunch of heroes and looked at all of them. However, today, I went on and I see some of his D.Va skins missing, and I noticed all the sprays I had equipped were unequipped. He never went on, since he doesn’t play anymore, and I recognize some of the skins he had were locked. I’m really sad. Does anyone know anything about this, or is this just me?

Exactly my issue aswell. Logged on after a long time, Most of my skins are just GONE.

Hey, I am missing some skins too.
Same issue like others before, logged on after a long time and most of my skins are gone, sprays missing and most of the cosmetics are locked again…

Yeah happened to me just today… I unboxed Halloween skin “Spider” for Widowmaker about a week ago which is the only skin I had for her, hence i vividly remember that i certainly had it. Today came to realization that it is gone. Contacted support and all they said was :
“Currently, we don’t have a way to check loot box contents and skins on our end.
Please check your Hero Gallery again, and see if you actually got a similar skin.”
Not as bad as other people who loose bunch of skins, but still pretty annoying. I could’ve lost more skins and just didn’t realize…

I lost ALL of the Halloween skins I unlocked during this event. Every single one of them. I paid money for loot boxes to get a few of them. I did a bunch of grinding. I lost them ALL. I am beyond furious. I am enraged. I hope Blizzard plans to do something, because this is garbage.

I missing all the skins too. Also, the gold weapon of Soldier. My purple points was returned, but only 2000, i can’t puchase it again!! Please answers!!!

Yeah I lost everything. Not just skins. Sprays. Voice lines. All of it. Every box I opened over the last few weeks is undone. That $10 I spent on loot boxes hasn’t found it’s way back into my bank account though. Funny how that works.

Yes, same here…I bought my halloween skins and they are gone and locked now…I even equipped my characters with them but they now have other skins on them…major bug!!

i got my halloween skins gone,used them aswell but now they are suddenly gone.