Skins missing or becoming locked

Missing nearly all of my skins after a 8ish month hiatus from the game. Really not a fun thing to come back to. Will submit a bug report but from what I’m reading I’m not optimistic.

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I made my own thread talking about my experience, of course no one has said anything. I @ blizz support on twitter but they are claiming that I have either refunded my loot box purchase, or that I misremembered it.

I replied back to them stating that I can give them my account info as proof that I’ve never refunded anything, and a YouTube video showing me owning said item that is now locked. I don’t understand how this terrible bug has not been resolved, and what’s worse is that they don’t seem to believe you when you ask for help.

I haven’t logged for 1-2 years, I’ve also realized that a bunch of my skins are lost except the one that are equipped. Is there still not support for this? :confused:

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I’m having this issue too- dozens of my skins are locked now that I ALREADY paid for. Why is Blizzard ignoring this? Why isn’t there some way to track this built into the game? They should provide achievements for all skins unlocked along with dates, and the same for gold weapons.

How did they react to the youtube video you were wearing the skins in? I don’t have such proof, which is super frustrating. If I had saved some replays I might but I didn’t.

This! I’m having this too!

I haven’t played the game since 2016, and recently decided I’d try it again and was shocked to find that quite a fair bit of the skins I had and loved from then have disappeared.

I spent a lot of time and even invested real money into loot boxes for the collection I had, so I’m feeling quite bitter about it. I certainly won’t be going down the same route again unless it can be resolved.

Just out of curiosity though, has anybody here happened to have had their problem resolved or is everyone still in limbo? - In which case the outcome looks quite dismal.

Any kind of response from anybody would be most helpful.

Thankyou :frowning:

It seems it’s not just my skins either, but most of my Hero Gallery Items in general . . . this sucks

I don’t really play PS4 Overwatch any more but my youngest has picked it up. She commented to me that she wanted a skin she saw me playing with…but it was locked. Lucio and Hanzo items I had earned or paid for were locked. I probably wouldn’t have noticed, but I had made a point of collecting all Lucios emotes, victory poses and skins, as well as Hanzos and Genjis skins.

Support explained to me that the way the game is designed that it wasn’t possible to lose items. I’m sure there are more than a few devs here who’ve dealt with people complaining about your software behaving in ways you know aren’t possible, and I would’ve had that attitude but I have a Genji POTG captured on PS4 in an Oni skin that is now locked. I was told she may have logged into a different account… the ONLY PSN account we’ve ever had…for many, many years now.

Icing on the cake [read: kick in the ballzack] is seeing advertising for a new game that looks exactly like the original. I’m not paying for something that can magically disappear and no one wants or cares about looking into it. It’s called theft.

Thanks to the OP for dedication, time invested in this. I’m literally too pissed to deal with them.

This happened to my friend on Xbox. He doesn’t really play Overwatch much, but one day we went to play and when we got on he just sat there. I asked him why he was so quiet. All he said was that everything he had was gone. Every hero card had zero unlocks (with the exception of the free skins for getting Origins/Legendary edition). And now hearing how long this has been happening and the lack of addressing it is actually upsetting…

I’m just replying to the topic. This “skin missing” or becoming “locked” is a real thing. I’m slowing trying to collect all the skins and have played the game on a consistent basis since the beginning. When I started to get near my goal that’s when I started to experience or notice this. I’m not one to buy loot boxes but I grind and earn them through leveling up etc. So this is a big deal to me when I see my hard work get erased. Slowly, as I earned more I noticed that one or two skins become locked again. I specifically collected all the rare (purple) skins first because they are the easiest to acquire (except for Bitrate Lucio, because I missed the window) and now those same event specific skins are locked again. The crazy thing is, it’s the skins that are tied to events that you have to wait an entire whole year to earn again. That’s why I’m upset. In order to regain what I lost I have to stick around for another year. That’s crazy. Also I’m currently experiencing a bug where over four emotes (etc) are checked marked as equipped. What the crap is that about? So I have 8 emotes check off as equipped and it confuses the heck out of me. I need some help. Someone needs to fix these bugs. I don’t want this to affect my transition to “Overwatch 2”. That would definitely be some B.S. Are they really listening? If so, it’s not to us.

Edit: After detecting the error I closed OW. A little later there was a small patch, the missing skins are back now.

I played last yesterday and today I noticed that I lost the sinks and cosmetics I had already unlocked.
I also found this article from august 2018 saying that Blizzard knew about the bug and will take care of it.
(www) dbltap**(dot)**com/posts/6152844-blizzard-working-on-fix-for-missing-cosmetics-in-overwatch
That was almost 2 years ago now and the bug still seems to exist.

Just to add to the topic here, some time ago I had confirmed myself that I owned every standard gold skin there is, but recently D.Va’s skin “B.Va” became unowned for me although I’m 100% sure that I had owned it already. I don’t know what caused it exactly and when, but this bug is a real issue that needs to be adressed.

Same thing here.
Elite Pro D.Va skin equipped for more than a year now has suddenly become locked. I still own it though, so I can’t even buy it back…

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I’m having the same issue. I recently came back to the game after not playing for four ish years. I have missing skins, gold guns, highlight intros and such. Was there any fix for this?

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This literally just happened to me both of my Ashe Highlight intros are locked again. I earned traget practice from a loot box and scream queen i used coins. I merged accounts before i lost them but i don’t know if i can get them back.