Skins missing or becoming locked

I thought this was happening to me for ages… now I’m certain and pretty annoyed because I paid 1000credits for D.Va’s Black Cat skin only for it to become locked again. Pretty peeved that skins I actually paid for are now disappearing too.

This is still alive, I’ve just been dealing with a lot lately in my life and as such. Haven’t been active.

But this is still alive, you may use the information collected here to assist you in anyway for your individual experiences.
I would still suggest using this topic as a HUB or congregation of sorts for everyone experiencing the documented issue. I feel it would be wise to try and keep things together as much as possible due to the fact I won’t necessarily be able to maintain links etc in my absence.

I have not been playing Overwatch since Halloween, and coming back today on the game, I could see that all the skins I had won during the Halloween event have disappeared (locked) and now i’m really mad, why this happening? how i can get them back ? Thanks overwatch to react to this problem ( irony ). I hope that with all our requests they will decide to react to this problem.
ps: another one victim to this bug

Maybe there could be one thread for all of the re-lock problems.
Linking to this other thread here anyway:

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By all means feel free to use this one if needs be.
Use the information or documentation that is here to best benefit everyone.

I still can’t particularly maintain this as well as I’ve done in the past due to personal problems. BUT THIS WILL NOT BE FORGOTTEN.

I’m just getting tired that not once, especially with all these referrals from the so called support department, has there been a single bit of acknowledgement on ANY post.

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Can add me to the list too. Im currently talking to them in support but it doesnt seem to be going well and is slowly killing my motivation to even play the game. When one of the key features of the game(unlocking things) isnt working and theres nothing they can do why even bother with the game? I hope they fix this problem for me.

Oh no! :scream: If I were you I’d be so depressed.

This bug luckily hasn’t happened to me, but now I’m nervous seeing it happen to so many people. I guess we’ll have to hope that a big streamer or pro gets their favorite event skin accidentally locked so that Blizzard has to acknowledge the issue you guys in this thread are facing…

Blizzard that will be 150 lootboxes please to approximately cover the credits required to manually unlock the stuff again. When can I expect the payment?
Only prob are the event skins though, how to get those back?

Or maybe you could just tell us when you’re planning to have this bug fixed? It shouldn’t be hard if it’s true that the game still “knows” which skins we have, as is obvious by the game not giving us the missing skins in loot boxes but just duplicates instead.

Is this somehow related to a long period of inactivity? I had been extremely busy with school and had a few months without playing, just came back, and almost all of my skins, emotes, etc are gone. Can anyone point to any form of Mod response to the topic at all? Been looking but no luck so far.

I am so sorry to hear about that.
I can’t say on behalf of others, but for me my experience was a long hiatus away from the game - 1 to 2 years away.
From what I remember having and what I noticed, I had lost my Plague Doctor Skin for Reaper which was one of my first purchases.
The full extent of this particular issue is unclear. Meaning I have no knowledge if anything else was affected.

In terms of any help from developers, support (HA, hired ‘game masters’) or Blizzard. There simply is none at this given time and with everything I looked at since I started documenting, there has also been no presence.

I truly am sorry to hear how bad you’ve been effected but at the moment this topic seems the best help we can get.

This has happened to me recently, noticed that my noire skin for Widowmaker has been locked — even though I have recorded footage of me using it previously.

Please fix this Blizzard

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I’ve tried again in general discussions and made another post.
Please also comment on it in order to try and keep it afloat on that forum board.

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It seems the game “knows” which skins you had already unlocked, because it seemed to me that it will not generate those again in loot boxes, even though they currently seem magically locked again by the bug.
The particularly bad thing is that event-only unlocks are also hit by this bug.

Blizzard, please ANSWER! It’s especially bad to lose SPECIAL EVENT skins…

I feel blizzard ever since making this new forum have been ignoring their users I have had my own experience with this and I spent around 75 DOLLARS on lootboxes for uprising and most of my items from that are gone

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I lost my Oni Genji skin on Xbox One and I ended up having to rebuy it. It was pretty frustrating, Blizzard please fix this

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So when OWL first started, I got bonus credits (the free 100 credits you get for watching OWL or something.) and I got another skin for Sombra. So I have 3 skins in total
Dynasty Widow
Excel for Sombra
Fusion for Sombra.
I take a break from Ow for a while and come back to the skin being gone. What’s up with that?

Blizzard, hello, hello, hello? Anybody home? Can we get back the unlocks you stole now?


Hi I came back and saw this you may do whatever you want to with the video or anything you want to


Add me to the list as well, I lost well over 20 legendary skins many of which limited edition ones along with highlight intros as well after not playing for about 6 months. It’s extremely upsetting.


PS4 version owner here. Happened to me on this anniversary. I noticed I was getting duplicates but no coins gained after opening loot boxes. I checked my stuff and I found every single event voice lines and sprays locked again. I will check later for skins.

I heard that this issue is notorious for the lack of Blizzard’s response. At least one site reported this kind of issue 2 years ago. gamerant. com/overwatch-lose-skins-bug-ps4/amp/