Skins in Battlepass not showing

Same thing is happening for me. I’m hoping after the maintenance on Monday it’ll all be fixed

They did the same thing with an Emote/Victory Pose for Venture last season.

There’s no Venture skin in the Battle Pass.
Most of the things that appear as Unspecified skins are just Voice Lines

Same here. Same here.

1 The skins and most items arent showing whatsoever
2 I also cannot equip any of the things I’ve unlocked
3 Some FTC resources for others affected by a product that isnt what it says it is: https[:]//www[.]ftc[.]gov/about-ftc/bureaus-offices/bureau-consumer-protection

Dont worry, FTC report 174339630 has been submitted.

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They’ve been doing this since OW2 started. Emotes, Victory poses, and sometimes highlight intros all share animations/modeling.

it looks like they did that for Genji, too. tiers 21 & 77.

Unfortunately a cop out ones an emote the other is a victory pose….

Yeah, this exact thing is happening to me. I purchased the battlepass, and on every page is an unspecified item or skin. And yes, the Zenyata emote is on there twice, at 7 and 59.

One is a victory pose and the other is a emote. Two different things but yes the same animation sadly.

Kiri’s Mada Mada line IS bugged. I was watching Flats’ Twitch for the drops and Eemong had it. You could hear it anywhere on the map and it seemed to happen without even selecting it. Made it difficult to hear callouts in the game. Makes sense they would temporarily disable voicelines until they fixed the issue.

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Yep. Same here. I haven’t bought the battle pass and I don’t plan to unless one of these hidden things is something I can’t live without :roll_eyes:

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I am having the same problem after buying the ultimate battle pass.

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From pinned comment:

Same here and my friend, we bought the pass and unspecified rewards appeared (rainheardt, genji, hanzo, zenyatta, sojourn, and the other ones)

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I’d already equipped Mada mada for Kiri and now it’s gone :frowning:

let’s just say it in words blizzard understand
If the bug still exist, we no buy battle pass thx bye

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Same here. It shows as unspecified and won’t let me equip it so I can see the skin. What’s the point of buying the battle pass, when I can’t equip the items?:-1:t2:

I also got Ultimate BP and … this is super bugged. it shows like Cassidy skins even tho they aren’t that way… or a Venture one. Did they accidentally leave code in for the NEXT pass?

Same issues, 5 stack we all are missing many skins in the BP.