Skins in Battlepass not showing

I am experiencing the same issue. Thank you for posting. I hope they address this soon. Haven’t seen any official acknowledgement of this issue.

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Same here, “Unspecified” for all elements in wide cells.

Im also having this issue and the skins also arent counted when i click Info for the battlepass, it says theres only 8 - the ones that are visible for me

Along with the missing content, there is also repeat emotes in the battle pass. I noticed Zen and Genji have their power ranger themed emotes shop up TWICE. Either thats a bug, or it’s a cop out for content that they hoped no one would notice.
Lastly Maugas hair in his new victory pose holding the coconut is stiff, as if its T-posing. Not sure if anyone else sees that same thing.

same problem here but before i bought the pass was normal

Seeing the same thing, even for some of the voice lines too. OMG A BUG IN OVERWATCH??? this NEVER happens.

It’s a bug, luckily a common one so they’ll hopefully fix it soon. Also they’re not skins, they’re voice lines, so it’s also a bug getting people’s hopes up falsely. Maybe they’ll give everyone a complementary skin as compensation (probably not).

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Same issue, even just logging into this forum to like the thread was a nightmare.


Same bug here too. Me and my friends all can’t see the skins. Emotes repeated twice in bp (which i hope is a bug as well).

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Same here. Also bought the starter pack with Lucio skin. Money has been taken and I haven’t received the skin + coins

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The repeat emote is actually a victory pose! I agree it looks a lil lazy considering it’s just copy paste emote and victory pose.

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wait so how do i fix this?

same, any voice lines actually

Yep same here. Tried reloading the game a couple times cause that fixed it last time it happened to me but just checked today and it’s still blank.

im having that issue aswell along with the battle pass I just bought not showing up, I just bought it on ps5 and its still not changed the money was taken from my bank aswell :confused:

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Emote and Victory Pose.
They are the same, but different.

Same thing is happening for me. Only the last skin on each “page” of the battle pass is showing, the rest are undefined and not loading. Confirmed this is happening for 2 other friends that play as well.

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Same here. BP level 3 for example is “unspecified”.

Same here… in computer programming there is a concept of a “minimal viable product” I hope they reach that goal one day at Blizzard.


I am having the same issue. At least one skin every 10 levels is just forever loading with 3 dots. This has been happening since launch yesterday and it’s still blank even after a restart on Ps5.