Sick of the constant Paris toxicity

It’s disrespectful to the players to force them to play a map like this.

you deserved it paris is garbage it’s ludicrous we have no map vote 3 years into the game.

It really isn’t. It’s just ruining your fun. The majority of the community hates that map

Nobody talks about it, so it’s a moot point.

If you’re willing to leave, but not willing to talk, you deserve nothing but punishment.

The correct way to address a map you don’t like is to tell the devs that you don’t like it and why, and then play it anyway. Especially now that there are much longer queues.

your tone and the way ive seen you reply on this forums seems like you would be the type of person who would but hey i could be wrong

Should I be honored or not?

should i be sad now or?


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Offended over an opinion, yer no that’s not the case, offended when a person blatantly leaves because they are unwilling to even try on a map, then yes.

People are unwilling to take the good with the bad, its one map, that’s right one map people are whinging about, its a max game of 10 mins if you cant get past the choke, but people will leave and stuff it for others, go dps, someone leaves, oh now they have to wait upto 45+ mins to get into another game, then another leaves.

Those people that leave have no idea what will happen, they have assumed just because of the map. Those people that do it, need to be perma-banned from comp.

do you have any idea how many people have stated their hatred with this map? and when it was removed everyone was so happy?

Even as someone technically arguing the same point as you, your lack of logical thinking is making our side look very, very bad.

Please cease.

suck it up and move on, like you said its just one map,

True and even though devs make efforts and proceed to tweak it just like they did with Lunar Colony, there’s no guarantee everyone will change their mind and like it right after the changes.

Lunar Colony still gets a lot of hate just like 2CP maps usually do on these forums.

The main issue is not the devs or their game, yet the community. Most people in here don’t want to understand that it’s impossible to please everyone in a game such as Overwatch.

Tweaking Paris could make things better or worse and if let’s say 50% of the community is happy with new Paris and 50% isn’t, then it’s still going to be problematic and divide people in here.

I don’t get why it is so hard to get a grip and accept that not everything can be likable on a multiplayer game.

The way I see it, Paris is just an excuse to people being fed up with the game and not having the courage to take a break or leave for another game. They’re just expressing some inner rage about this instead of being upfront about the reasons why they criticize the game so much.

It’s more healthy to leave a game that one is getting tired of than promoting toxicity and bad behaviors just as leaving games on purpose.

I wish people in here would realize that :cry:

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There’s the thing.

That is the correct way. Leaving is not.

If you leave, you should be banned.

If you don’t like a map, post on the forums and play it anyway.

If it were pre-222-queue and new games didn’t force you to suffer through a 10 minute queue my answer would be different. It would be “just stick to QP” because who cares? It’s qp! Just give someone a backfill bonus and go about your life.

But 222-queue changed everything. Now it’s not okay. Leaving or canceling the match is wasting at a minimum 2x[the longest queue time] minutes of people’s lives. All because you don’t like the map.

If it’s not hurting anyone, fine.

Now, it can hurt people. Now it’s not okay.

Other people who are not you play the game. Get that through your head.


thats just pure irony

Cool. Blizzard agrees with one of us though, and it’s not you. :+1:

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Awhh, sure, that’s cute. Blizzard believes that leaving games is okay!

should i let you have that one?


so if my internet crahses and i leave by accident i should be banned? ok.

If it happens enough? Yes. Which is how it already works.

Good thing we agree and are on the same page. /s

ok we both agree that multiple times is an issue, but thats not what op is saying at all heck what we just described is different to op’s complaining

Blizzard agrees that you are allowed to leave the game, the punishment for a first leaving offense is only a 10 minute comp ban a bit of SR, and that leaving is not a reportable offense, yes.

We are not talking about that and now you are clutching at straws and you know it.

bold of you to assume i care enough to do that, im literally giving obvious examples of players leaving, if you think im clutching at straws then oh boyyyyyyyyy you have no idea what your talking about