Sick of the constant Paris toxicity

Accepting people cheating, insulting, throwing or leaving on purpose is not part of the game’s design… it’s just people being problematic and having behavioral issues.

You’re making weird parallels just to justify people leaving games and not accepting the rules.

I don’t think people would be so proud about leaving Paris if the ban system was as efficient as in 2017-2018 where such things could warrant a perma-ban.

You can put it whatever way you want, not liking people leaving a game or throwing is not the same as giving a free pass to people that left a Competitive games just because they dislike a map.

One is accepted by the CoC, the other one is not. There’s the difference. We don’t have to accept bad behavior.

No irony on my post.

You’re allowed to do whatever you want but that’s not what we’re discussing. <Please comprehend this statement. I’ve said it countless of times but you’re not getting it.

Blizzard is generally against the idea of someone leaving a match hence the message which is displayed after one tries to leave.

Your is a wrong assumption, mine is based on their statements.

Tbh the people who do this are heroes.

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mate, you have no idea WHY that player left, just because other people were happy the match ended doesnt mean that player was happy, we both dont know why he left. automatically assuming he hated paris is bold of you to assume that

It’s not a baseless assumption as countless of other hero’s-

have left the map because of that one particular reason. they despise the map

I agree that I might have overreacted that specific time but there are a lot of other examples where people boldly said : “I’m not playing this map, f*** this” and proceed to leave.

This is evidence and I think there’s one thread on these forums that also reported the same thing by expressing how proud they were to have left the map on purpose…

More than 100 likes to that post. Don’t you think this Paris hate is problematic ?

and i personally cannot blame them for leaving, but im not gonna report over them leaving that map in the game. leavers happen, oh well.

Sure, that’s you personally but understand that there are others which do not have anything against map.

It’s amazing how people can just up and leave a map just because they hate it on attack.

Remember on comp you play both attack and defense. Stick around and try to prove Blizzard wrong by holding the choke at point A. I’m sure Blizz has all the win/loss stats and could possibly prove everyone wrong.

What it comes down to is most people who fail on this map only remember those moments. If they win on attack they quickly forget those moment because they don’t go in line with their hate for the map.

The same thing happens in politics. You only see and remember things that favor your point of view and opinions.

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while it is extreme the way people are expressing their hatred, their hatred is well warranted because this is showing how much hatred this map has, that alons should be obvious to the devs that this should be their next priority for changing

yeah and thats a very small minority compared to the very loud majority

If people give up on reporting and highlighting bad behavior then there’s gonna be a Domino effect where any other toxic behavior will be accepted.

it’s like opening the Pandora’x Box… If we let these kind of actions unpunished then it’s gonna lead to worse issues.

I should also remind you that someone told me “Die” when I said it wasn’t ok to leave a map on purpose. Is this fine as well ?

What’s the next thing people shouldn’t report ? Racist slurs ? Misogyny ?

None of this is ok…

doesn’t make their opinion less valid. one likes the map? sure. the other hates it? ok. both opinions should be respected.

it’s too extreme and not the way to go because it affects other players. Not the smartest move from people’s part…

im not gonna sit here and say that i agree with what those people said because i clearly dont, but lets not go to high extremes that such hatred like race or death threats would be deemed ok. thats would be obvious to everyone that its not ok

yeah, but if there is an overwhelming majority, then there should be something done to rectify the large and loud glaring signs that are saying “This Map is Bad Please Fix”

This is what I said. These are all factual statements supported by Blizzard. So no, mine is the one based on Blizzard’s statements.

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One can only hope this doesn’t escalate some more…

I feel like the community is more and more angry at all times. Nothing can please them anymore.

Seeing people cheering for doing something that is compromising the Overwatch’s experience is still very concerning.

Let’s hope there’s a turn of events soon :slight_smile: !

We do.

I, however, think that the current penalties for even accidentally disconnecting aren’t enough. Obviously, people are willing to lose SR to dodge certain maps which means the punishments just aren’t up to the task of curbing the behavior.

Here’s what I think should happen:

If you leave a game of QP, you are prevented from queuing up for any other QP games until the game you left is finished. If you want to leave QP to go play in the arcade or queue for comp, fine. It’s still just QP and I think better queuing incentives would go much further than harsh punishment.

Arcade? Who cares? It’s arcade. No penalty. Hell, if there are penalties for leaving arcade games now they should be removed.



If you don’t immediately try to get back in game and re-join the match you just left or cancelled, you get hit with full penalties. If was simply accidental and you immediately log back in and re-join, penalties should still be leveled (especially if DCing is a regular occurance) but should be lessened.

However, if you make no attempt to get back into the game…

Immediate suspension from comp for [total time all 12 players spent in queue] x [severity multiplier based on your DC frequency]. You can then only count down that timer in QP or the arcade. Should give you some time to cool off, and no sitting in queue doesn’t count.

I’ve never been on the Paris map before.

Must’ve dodged a bullet