Sick of the constant Paris toxicity

paris and hlc do suck tho.

uh that’s you. you’re one, saying childish and toxic is the same words. two, acting like i’m not making sense when you’re just arguing because you want to. if you wanna discuss, stop getting not making sense okay? i’ll argue then.


As long as you don’t want to understand that there’s a big difference between not liking a map and still proceeding to play the current match, and not liking a map and deciding to leave the match on purpose to cancel it (which is basically some sort of exploit) then I don’t think we can take the conversation to another level.

I don’t know if some of you are new to this game but this type of behavior would have not been accepted 2-3 years ago. I’m just wondering what happened to this community.

In what world is it ok to leave competitive games and be cheered for it and going against people telling it’s not ok to do such things without being banned for good ?

We all happen to dislike a few things about the game but if we come to a point where it’s impossible to enjoy the game, better quit it instead of harrassing other players or devs.

There are people who still like the game the way it is, just because some of you don’t, doesn’t mean it’s ok to ruin other people’s experience on the game.

This Paris hatred is not even warranted in the end. It’s just based on personal feelings. We all have personal opinions but they shouldn’t impact people’s games.

That’s all I’m saying but if you think it’s ok to behave that way, then fine, carry on but once the game is unplayable with people leaving every other game (because they can happen to hate other maps), just know it’s on you, not the devs.

People can do whatever they want but this will have consequences on the game and people should take responsibility for them. I hope they will instead of deflecting the fault on someone else.

either op is really this dense or this guy is a troll because ive never heard a load of entitled bs like that before, so let me get this straight, your complaining like a child even though you dont get ANY concequences for the match ending and you feel SO entitled to come on the forums and whine? Please grow up and accept the fact that people will go to great lengths to not have their fun squandered by some garbage map, and telling people to report when it was most likely a disconnection or some irl stiff going on makes YOU even more toxic, but considering how dense you and your defendants are i dont expect you to actually take any of what i say to face value so imma sum up this post for you

OP, you are an entitled child, grow up and move on

I mean, the leaver is in the wrong for leaving as well. no matter what.

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you dont know his intentions for leaving, neither does the op

Uh, you are though?

Blizzard already punishes leavers automatically. That’s the end of it. There is no discussion about whether it’s “okay” or not. You can leave if you want to, but you’ll get a penalty for it. That’s all there is to it. The person left because they didn’t want to play the map, and they were punished automatically for it. They’re not “childish” for doing so, they made a choice not to play the map and were willing to face the consequences for it. Childish is throwing a tantrum about someone else doing so because you want to force everyone else to suffer for your own benefit.

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I never said they were the same words. Scroll up and look and quote it when you find it (Which you will not). I said being childish IS being toxic never said they were the same thing. You lying is’t making yourself look good.

I said you didn’t make sense now you are literally using it in every reply. Congratz you have new phrase to use

People are snowflakes when it comes to actually trying in games now.

If it gets to hard, just give up, like most people in life now. The world has become a bandaide solution for people, someone else will do it if I find it to hard to do it myself.

Paris isn’t to bad, I enjoy it most times. It has its problems, but so does most maps, people just aren’t willing to change off and try different tactics, this is the whole problem with people in real life.

Not with 10+ min dps queues.

I’ve never seen a DPS player leave a game in comp that wasn’t an accidental DC where they came back, and I’ve been seeing a roughly 33-50% leaver rate since 222-queue went live. Literally one third to half of my games have a leaver in them.

Penalties for leaving comp games, especially leaving to cancel a match or leaving mid match and not coming back, need to get ramped up in a major way. If you leave, you need to try and come back. If you can’t, it needs to be made abundantly clear that you should just not bother coming back for a while.

Do you have a bad internet connection? Don’t come back into OW and ruin more games for other people. Go get it fixed instead.

Do you live in an area that totally lacks good internet? Life isn’t fair. Don’t play comp.

Competitive mode should be a privilege. Not a right. If you want to mess around, go play QP.

If you want to win, and you’re not willing to ever lose, you need to stay away from comp. Go play against AI if that’s what you’re really after.

Go feel special elsewhere.

and people are snowflakes when becoming “offended” that people have opinions on a map. your claim can be used both ways lol

The thing is, have you ever thought why do people hate Paris that much?

doesn’t matter because you’re still not “in the right for leaving.”

well, we both know there is nothing else to say in this matter. We’re not going to agree so, :+1:

you go, bud because that’s what it feels like you’re implying


first, yay thank you dad! splendid gift. second, what’s wrong with pointing out hypocrisy?

If when someone leaves the game people are praising them, and when looking on the forums you see people saying they leave whenever the map appears and get praised for doing so, maybe blizzard needs to do a redesign of the map and change it.

Except that you’re looking at the issue from the surface level, and putting the blame on the players first rather than the Dev team.

From a deeper level, the outcry about Paris as a map has existed for quite a long time now, and it’s come from enough people that one would expect the Dev Team to have…ya know, said ANYTHING about it.

But that’s the big issue here. Blizzard is constantly, CONSTANTLY silent about their feelings on things, their plans for the future, their goal with how they want to shape the game. Players have very few ways to actually get solid results from the company because they are so famously stubborn and proud of their decisions that simple posts on forums or tweeting won’t influence anything. In a way, this is a form of protest against Blizzard’s lack of action.

You can find issue with the behavior, and I’m not trying to glorify it, but that one player, even if hes in the minority, shouldn’t have to suffer through a match on a map he hates for the sake of the enjoyment of the rest of the group. Blizzard could easily solve this with a map selector like TF2 had, but they don’t because they’re too lazy, and would rather pump money into the Esport that is their primary cash cow.

If you’re going to come onto here and publicly complain about these people, you have every right to do so. But if your response to people calling out the inaccuracies in your words is to basically take your ball and go home, it speaks of someone who doesn’t actively want to think deeper about their opinion. If that’s the case, why talk about it on the forums at all?

And the other group is also snowflakes for trying to justify something against the system lol.

leaving a game is not a ban able offense, that is a fact. does it suck when someone leaves? yeah, but bo hoo suck it up and move on

Continuously leaving a competitive match is in fact bannable as said player will be punished by the system. So, yes it is. :man_shrugging:

ok, let the system deal with them, not you.

where did i say i would deal with that?