Sick of the constant Paris toxicity

What’s relevant about this is that a lot of people still play the game even though they don’t like everything about it such as certain maps, heroes etc…

and others, unfortunately, are so full of themselves that they can’t even cope with things they don’t like and feel the urge to leave, throw, insult people.

This is not ok on a multiplayer game is should be bannable (actually it already is but it’s hard to catch every fish in the pond).

Well, I can help you when it comes to reading simple sentences and understanding them…

If you didn’t get the point by now, either read all the posts again or let it go. I’m not gonna explain the same thing once again, especially to someone that is being so rude.

I take it you’re just trolling and don’t want to understand what I’m saying just to upset me or something but you’re just wating your time.

You literally said it Lmao scroll up and think before you speak

That’s not childish? take a look at the statement, reread ; look at what we’re talking about and go back to said statement, reread and you’ll realize we’re discussing childishness not toxicity!

blatant deflection. im done with this

He wasn’t. They’re just trying to justify their own poor attitude.

Paris is literally a map people asked for. It’s got a decent choke with interesting bypasses and long sniper-friendly sightlines.

People literally asked for maps like Paris.

The real crime here is people refusing to say what’s bad about it.

You know…feedback that the devs could maybe take into consideration and use to fix the map.

Nah…easier to just skip it. /s

All leavers, for any reason, don’t deserve to play.


So being “Childish” ISNT toxicity? Lmao you really are reaching for something that’s not there. Just stop.

OP was trying to falsely report someone, and convince other players to falsely report someone. honestly its in the same area for reporting someone for picking an off meta pick.

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Leaving a game is reportable. Especially in comp.

It’s so reportable the game effectively auto-reports you.

Ok I’m gonna put it that way :

“Not liking a map and playing on it nonetheless = GOOD BEHAVIOR”

“Not liking a map and leaving the match to avoid it = BAD BEHAVIOR”

Is it clear enough or do I need to add drawings to my post to make it easier on you ?

Oh the double standard

Odd how this thread is more toxic than some extreme mercy threads ive seen before.

Do you need to borrow any crayons? There might be some lying around…

You’re the one that’s not staying on topic. Maybe you’re having a hard time following because you keep trying to move the topic somewhere else. You said that it’s “not okay” to leave because “Blizzard said it’s bannable”. I said that it’s okay because you will receive an automatic punishment based on how often you’ve left, which for a first offense, is not a permaban.


I think that’s what a lot of people keep thinking about your posts.

If I could try to understand Nightstream’s odd rambling, I think he’s simply pointing out the contradictory nature of a lot of your arguments. You dislike the map yourself, but when people show that dislike in the only way that actually matters, you call it toxicity and ask that they be banned.

You want people to be content with a game that has glaring issues and a lack of basic QoL issues for the sheer sake of…being content with it. You angle it as people beating down on Blizzard.

Equally odd is that you dislike when people post their opinions on why a character should be deleted because you view it as toxic, and yet miss the irony of you talking down to those same people as if you’re the mediator of morals.

He was right, in a way. Maybe you do need to take a look in the mirror.


No double standard. Leaving is reportable. End of story.

Leavers have cost me nearly 1k SR just in the past week. They can all burn for all I care.

HUGE Difference between leaving so the game can shut down and leaving LATER in the match when the game keeps going but you or enemy team is down one

Oh sorry, is childish and toxcity the same word? didn’t know.

one is being an a-hole.

the other is having child-like tendencies or performing something which resembles a child. And if you read the discussion with me and ginger, you’ll realize I’ve said “we could argue that both situations are in fact childish.”

but please don’t reply to me as you’re not making much sense, bud.

100% agree.

uh… i’m not though? stop projecting.

it’s on topic, because i’m just stating facts, Blizzard is against the idea of leaving games. do you or do not agree? (it feels like you just wanna argue because you can and not because you genuinely disagree.)


Its also an awful map. I would not leave but bless the people who take the fall for the rest of us. Same problem Eichenwalde had except they fixed that one (though I still really dislike it) and they’ve allowed Paris to keep on sucking.


Oh you have nothing else to say? Not shocking when you have yet to make sense in this thread

Is it because you bought a pony made out of solid diamond?

@topic Paris is bad and if people are constantly willing to take the auto punishments to avoid it I see no issue beyond the devs needing to disable and retool it so people aren’t getting double queue time because Paris got cancelled.