Sick of the constant Paris toxicity

Imo the problem is not it being disrespectful to devs but it being disrespectful to people that like the map. Why are you preventing me from having a good time?

Top 3 reasons to play Overwatch:

  1. Give money to Blizzard.
  2. Read the lore.
  3. Respect the devs.

I dont really care how strong the argument is or how many people believe it to be true. They’re still allowed to have an opinion.

It’s inappropriate to stereotype an entire group of people based on the actions of a few. Being a member of that movement does not make you a harrasser. It’s extremely important to me that you understand this concept or I cannot move forward on this point.

I want to be clear here: They 100% can. It would probably just not go over very well.

They really don’t, though. What matters at the end of the day is how pleased your existing user base is, and how many more people you can pull in. If deleting a hero from the game caused 1% of players who mained that hero to quit but made the other 99% really happy and also pulled in a bunch of new players now that the hero is gone, then it’s completely reasonable to do so. I don’t think that will ever happen, but is well within reason for them to do.

Toxicity, abuse, and not respecting the CoC is punishable, and many have for violating those rules. Leaving games is not in violation of any of that. Those that were toxic to you are in the wrong, but that doesn’t make your opinion of the leaver right. As a poster above said, if leaving games were a punishable offense like you’re suggesting, then the leave button wouldn’t exist. There is a punishment for leaving a comp match and anyone who clicks the leave button accepts those terms. If so many people are willingly leaving games and accepting that punishment then it shows an enormous issue with the game that needs addressed. You don’t just ignore problems “out of respect for the devs.” That is sunk cost fallacy.


Not liking it is perfectly fine. I myself don’t particularly like that map and I happened to dislike many heroes at the beginning but never have I ever left a map I didn’t want to play on or made tons of posts to convince people a hero was too broken and needed nerfs (or needed deletion such as poor Brigitte).

I always tried to make the most of it, to learn things even when I was constantly dying to Tracer or Genji during the Dive meta.

That’s the difference between having personal opinions and still remain positive, and people not being able to cope with things they don’t like that often proceed to cross the line (toxicity, throwing, leaving games).

It’s childish to be honest.

However being in the majority for some means that their opinion “is right.”

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relevance please.

what the hell is this post for then?
you tried telling people to report someone who left a match on a map YOU DONT EVEN LIKE EITHER
this is just sick. and you called them toxic, look at a mirror

Dude. I get you’re someone who likes Paris or have morals with Blizz ToS. But people really really don’t like Paris for good reasons. Ranging from players in -500 to T500. People hate this map because it’s an attack/defend map with one bizzare choke that reminds everyone of the dark days of eichenwalde having one choke.

You see, no one likes a map with just one entryway to point A and spend a whole 4 mins just to get through. Either winning or just wasting their time on the map. No one wants to waste time doing a single defense strategy. No one wants to shoot mostly shields on this map. No one wants to fight against stall city on this map because spawns are too close to where Egypt’s point B looks acceptable when defense has a hammond and Mei. Most of the players in this game don’t like PARIS.


It’s extra funny since the majority is most often wrong.

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Paris should be deleted from Overwatch. It’s by far the most hated map!

It’s basically been proven by this point that Blizzard only reacts to something when it becomes a problem. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a developer be so gosh darn silent about their future plans or their design mentality in my life.

Asking people to just blindly accept the game despite the massive amount of issues is a terrible idea, and it makes it sound like players are bullying a teeny tiny studio.

Blizzard is a multi-billion dollar corporation paired with one of the biggest publishers in the industry. And with all of that behind them, they somehow have worse community interaction than a lot of smaller studios that I follow.

As others have said, how else does one point out distaste to a blank wall like Blizzard?

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No, you just used words wrong.

Yes, they do, because they provide a button to leave the game, and the punishment for the first leave is only a 10 minute comp ban and some SR.

In this matter, it sure as hell is childish and clearly in the wrong.

Some are justifying said players leave because “he’s scarifies his own sr for others fun,” however said action is against the rules and shouldn’t be defended.


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If 11 people don’t want to play the map and 1 person does, it is far more selfish for the 1 person to force the other 11 to play it than it is for the 11 people to avoid playing it.

Right, and clearly saying

ISNT “Childish” at all. Please

No need to go further, we have a complete different point of view and way of thinking.

I don’t think we can meet halfway when it comes to our personal concepts on such topics. We’re the opposites.

We could go on and on about this and still not agree and I really want to play a few more games before going to bed (yes I can be selfish sometimes as well :p).

Thanks for the exchange though :slight_smile: ! It’s always interesting to read different opinions even though it’s impossible to agree.

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Because they provide players with a leave button they encourage players to leave matches? have you ever seen the red message that pops up when someone tries to leave comp? do you think they meant, “oh, just leave; i don’t mind.”

man, now you’re actually going too far with that.

where exactly did i state that words of OP was not or is childish? Please qoute me on that.

There you go moving the goalposts again. I never said it’s “encouraged”, I said that you’re allowed to do so.


You just said the majority was wrong…so the minority is wrong as well? you aren’t making sense?

Yea i’m very confused on what he’s talking about as well

Nope. Because that’s what it feels like you’re implying. why did you have the need to bring up the leaving option? blizzard don’t want players to leave and therefore they get punished for leaving. they’re allowed to, of course but that’s not what we’re discussing, can you play stay on topic?
stop picking out parts and repeating the same nonsense.

huh? I said majority of those who believe leaving a map “is okay and right action to do” is in the wrong. And where exactly does this qoute me in where i said op is not or is, childish?
you’re the one not making sense, bud.