Sick of the constant Paris toxicity

No, it’s not childish at all. Childish is trying to force others to do something they don’t like so you can get what you want.

Except they objectively are allowed to leave. They get a punishment for it, but they are allowed to do so. If they weren’t, the game wouldn’t have a button for leaving, and the punishment would be an instant permaban.

No offense, but Paris is a trash map and the devs have known for some time. It’s horrifically designed to force snowball effect. There’s no real strategy and I think it was made this way to slow Goats down for OWL, rather than be functional for players. Even as a game map standard it’s poorly cluttered on first point/Way too open second point punishing any method rather than brute forcing or just cheesing in with Sym Tele. It’s not well put together.
But for the person that left, you’re likely wrong there’s been a lot more disconnects lately and someone likely didn’t even connect in. I’ve had it happen a few times. since 3 patches ago but had never had this issue prior. The tech board often seems to get threads being confused by their disconnects.

My post was not talking about opinions, it was talking about the existence of the hero. Absolutely nobody is entitled to something not being removed from the game. The devs are allowed to add or remove anything from their game at any time for any reason.

i wish people did this for havana i hate that map more than paris :triumph:

A group that is advocating for a character deletion on the sole argument that they personally find her “broken” is not good enough of an argument for a game.

Asking for tweaks or nerfs I can understand (somehow) but this movement was very toxic and not very smart to begin with (even people that participate in it didn’t display any form of intelligence whatsoever).

Brigitte was released anyways so a complete deletion would have brought even more controvery with #BringBrigitteBack movements etc…

It has been proven that those that harrassed the voice actress were part of that unfamous movement. If I were to be in a movement that would harrass and attack people for what they are (they called her fat etc…), I would leave the movement on the spot and create a more pacific one…even though asking for the destruction of a video game character can be anything but pacific but well… that’s another topic.

It’s not about being entitled yet about letting everyone enjoy the hero they want. Overwatch was always about different type of gameplay and gathering together people with different gaming backgrounds.

Blizzard can’t afford to delete something they released… At least not an entire hero. Would it be ok for you to delete Tracer or Genji 3 years after the game’s release just because a minority was loud enough to make a call for it ?

It would be unfair. 1% of players still matter. Devs would never do that anyways, so it doesn’t matter who’s right or wrong on this topic.

I don’t mind being in a teeny tiny minority. People always have a way of deflecting their responsibility when something goes wrong.

I agree devs have made some poor choices but it’s ok, it’s human and at the end of the day, it’s their game. We bought it 3 years ago and even if they completely change the game, the hours we spent on it kinda make it for the price we once paid.

Things can be fixed when it comes to the state of the game.

However, acting up, being toxic, insulting people, not respecting the CoC, leaving games, trash talking etc… will never be a good excuse for a game not being perfect.

Overwatch could be completely broken, unbalanced and unfair and it still wouldn’t be ok to be toxic and do harm to the whole community.

This is what my thread is about. Accepting the game the way it is without compromising it by not playing by the rules.

The fact that people are against me and would rather cheer people that leave games is alarming.

And just for the reminder, just because a lot of people are wrong, it doesn’t mean they are right.

These forums are also a teeny tiny minority when it comes to having every players’ opinions about leaving game solely because they happened to not like a map.

That’s selfish. Childish is the action wish resembles something a child would preform. Hence the previous examples I’ve provided you with. Whether you do not agree or not, it’s in fact childish. As I’ve previously stated, we could argue that both actions are in fact childish and not the examples i’ve given because you refuse to realize both are.

It’s not about being allowed or not. It’s about whether said action is right or not. Is it okay/right for said person to leave even though Blizzard has clearly stated that leaving a match is bannable?

Lmao yea Havana is pretty awful as well :joy:

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Nooo that map is so aesthetically pleasing.


i like paris better, especially aesthetically :triumph:


That response is super toxic dude. Like someone else said if people are willing to take an SR hit and people rejoice in not having to play Paris…the map is bad and needs changes and that can actually be put on the devs.

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Nope, it’s not. A child would throw a tantrum about not getting what they want, like OP did.

Keep moving those goalposts.

Yes, it is, because they automatically receive the appropriate punishment, as per Blizzard.

OP must be the alt account of a dev, pls don’t get baited

you… like Paris? :confused:

Sure. i don’t see the need for further discussing. Go on with your confirmation bias.

ah I apologize for that. I really thought i wrote “right.” that’s on me as i meant the latter. quite tired.


Don’t use words you don’t know the meaning of.


i do actually, i’m a pro gamer who always wins on paris :eyes::sunglasses: (i do i swear it’s VERY rare i lose on it :rofl:)

Paris is garbage, i’d rather wait in queue again than play it. Although I wouldn’t leave to dodge it (i’d rather not take the SR hit/cooldown). But if someone wants to leave paris more power to them, I respect their right to not want to play it.

This all would be fixed with map voting.

I do think you got what I meant. You’re only picking out parts which favors your argument.

Blizzard don’t agree.

I respect you, good sir.

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its disrespectful to not love every single thing the devs create? nobody has to like paris and you arent justifying anything saying that its disrespectful


How much do you charge to share your secret to winning ? :smiley:

Not losing.
