Sick of the constant Paris toxicity

There was talk of having content behind a monthly subscription pass

At the end of the day, it shouldn’t matter. You’re not losing SR. Only thing that can be frustrating is having to wait again in queue for DPS. But many will take that over Paris.

I just got chat banned and account suspended again for typing out the word trash on a Paris map and having false reporters jump on that. ‘After careful review of the evidence, you did in fact call someone trash’.

I was calling the map trash but cya in 2weeks.

And yet I was called a child and accused of being a bootlicker and telling on other people for doing something bad :slight_smile: !

People are entitled and can’t acknowledge they’re wrong. I never stated people shouldn’t hate Paris. They can but that’s not enough of a reason to jeopardize a match by leaving it.

Most of the time, it’s a smurf that does that so that their friends on their mains don’t lose their SR so yes, it’s completely a reportable offense as it stands for cheating.

People mix things up.

Hating a map is not a reportable offense.

Leaving a map is a reportable offense.

Whether people like Paris or not, whether I wanted to play Paris or not, this is not the question.

Leaving on purpose is a reportable offense, period. I agree that I didn’t have any proof the leaver did it on purpose but it has been happening for quite sometimes now so this should be brough up to the devs attention and they should start banning people for this.

If only the system could have a “leaving” history then it would be easier to know if someone left on purpose or not. Leaving paris 2-3 times within the same season should be warranted a season ban, according to me.

I’m not bending anything. Not wasting time playing a map you don’t want to play isn’t childish. You crying about it is. Get that, ok?

Nope, it’s not childish. And this has nothing to do with my opinion. Disconnecting is objectively not reportable, as stated by Blizzard. OP false reported someone and tried to get others to do the same, which is childish, toxic, and against the rules.


Funny how you only reply to the people who agree with you because you don’t have an argument. :slight_smile:

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Nope. Disconnecting is not reportable, as stated by Blizzard. Period.


That is completely different from a protest using a hashtag. If you cannot differentiate the difference between that and physical harrassment of the voice actor I can’t help you.

100% disagree. That 1% is entitled to literally nothing. It’s OK for the devs to do whatever they want, they just need to deal with the consequences of those actions.

There’s always going to be some people who do something because of a reason. But when the majority of people appear extremely pleased every time the match gets canceled, then those people are a tiny minority. People are going to quit playing the game due to bad content more often than quitting because a match gets cancelled every 1 in 21 matches.

Actually tons of new games provide free DLCs these days. Like a massive number. Their revenue stream often comes from cosmetics/microtransactions and lootboxes, just like OW. OW is not at all unique in this respect.

People are upset with the state of the game, and being ignorant towards that doesn’t make those people wrong. People have differing opinions. In this particular case you appear to be in a teeny tiny minority.

“I don’t wanna do x even though i must do this because it is a competitive environment, so let me leave real quick.” ah, quite similar to scenarios i’ve had with children refusing to do their homework. Childish.

We could argue that both scenarios are childish, not only the one im providing.

That’s not what we’re discussing as we earlier cleared upon this. Reporting someone for leaving is not a reportable offense and that’s on the OP.

However what we’re discussing is the fact that you’re pretending it’s okay and the right thing to do, that a person leaves a match. Which is not, as blizz is againt that as well.

Let’s not forget that the forum loves to throw insults because a person is apart of a minority or generally doesn’t agree with another’s opinion.

grabs popcorn

This thread is on fire :eyes:

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Nope, not childish whatsoever. The leaver is willing to take the automatic punishment for leaving.

The game automatically punishes the leaver. That’s all there is to it. Other players don’t have any place to try to punish them further, so trying to get people to false report them because it made you upset is absolutely childish and toxic.

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Except OP was the first to throw insults.

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Joking aside, god these pretzels suck, hows your day been buddy?

Good so far. Hope you are good as well, but I’ll focus here on the show… new comments are coming every minute, I’m afraid I’ll lose something.

Mine has been pretty good.

I sincerely highly doubt the devs care if some skrub left a comp match >=P

Except it is. It’s immature and silly. Legit feels like i’m discussing with a wall. It’s not child according to you and your own dictionary? Sure bud. Bending the definition of childish, i see.

The system does indeed punish the player and other don’t have valid reason to report said player. Okay we’ve been over this. doesn’t address the fact that you believe said player is allowed to leave when that’s far from the truth.

I understand that you like the map and it’s annoying for you that people leave… BUT the vast majority do NOT like Paris at all and you acting that entitled doesn’t look good

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Leaving a map isnt tocix behaviour lol. Why does everyone just throw that word out now.

There’s always going to be a small minority of exceptions which disagree with the majority. It’s not matter of disagreeing or not. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.