Sick of the constant Paris toxicity

I’ve previously stated that yes, Leaving a match is not reportable offense as said person gets heavily punished by the system however, this is not about being a child and not agreeing to something one has done. OP has the right to be mad about someone being childish and leaving a match.

Blizzard is against leaving matches as we know, it’s not matter of “liking or not liking” it’s matter of the one leaving being in the wrong. OP is sure as hell, right by being frustrated

Also, I will not further repeat myself with this one sentence but it’s not toxic and will not be considered as toxic because it’s a legitimate issue. He should not do that in the future but still not toxic.

Queuing up as support and tank is rather quick and doesn’t take long. I would be happy if someone left paris for me if i queued up as tank, however considering the dps queue takes long time, i understand the frustrations. because the queue is long and someone leaving is frustrating.


If they left right at the start then they should be the only ones taking the SR hit. Considering that most people in that match did not like that map, it seems like he did them a favor.


Tell that to the voice actress that was publicly harrassed and insulted.

#DeleteBrigitte is not acceptable because even though 99 % would hate here, there would still be 1% that like her and it wouldn’t be ok to remove something they’ve introduced to the game for so long.

Blizzard released her and should therefore take responsibility for her and defend their work.

Then people should be creating their own games. I mean, there are tons of ways to learn about a game we want to purchase and it’s literally impossible to satisfy every single customer in the Overwatch community.

We all happen to dislike a few heroes, maps or features but it’s ok… It’s just like real life, we can’t have our cake and eat it too.

people not accepting that is pretty sad 'cause they only think about their own pleasure at all times, and completely ignoring what other people like. On a multiplayer game, this kind of attitude harmful to everyone.

Maybe they should try and question themselves.

I don’t agree with you when you say people are not gonna leave because players leave a specific maps. I think it’s one of many things that could lead them to feel discouraged and eventually leave and join a more positive game community.

Devs have been doing a lot for us and once again, we should be reminded that there hasn’t been any DLC’s since the game’s release. Everything we got was free. Not a lot of games can claim they did the same and yet people are still not satisfied… even after role queue.

It’s actually kinda sad. I wonder what’s wrong with the community and these forums. It feels like everyone is depressed and angry.

Except leaving the match wasn’t even childish. They didn’t want to play the map, so they left and were automatically punished by the game.
Childish is throwing a fit, false reporting that person, and trying to get others to false report them for you as well. Then crying on the forums about them not doing your bidding. OP is the toxic one, simple as that.


Seems so. I personally, and generally, have no issues with maps enough to tell others to report a leaver due to not liking one or another.

I’d report a person for heavier things like AFK in spawn after the match has long started, vicious toxicity, and basically throwing.

Reporting for leaving before the match start… over a map just seems like a waste of a good report. Imo.

Ya the que is long but we aren’t discussing que times we’re discussing something else entirely. The argument is that OP has no self awareness.

Ah, the classic “you can’t critique something unless you make something better!” fallacy.


Had paris 5 times in a row.

Its honestly really fun if everyone knows how to attack and defend it. Makes for an interest match

One time the match went on for 40 minutes

So much so at the end of it all 12 players started a message group and we organise scrims and we all have fun

Disclaimer :

I don’t particularly like Paris myself but it’s not about what I like or not, yet about people’s behaviour and keeping people from playing the match (especially for people that like the map or have a good strategy to winning said match).

It’s a part of Overwatch to get challenged and try to play on maps that are annoying. If the game is all about playing on maps people like then where’s the merit ?

Except you’re the one doing that by trying to force 11 other people to play a map they hate just so you can enjoy it.


You have to let it go - Mei

It sure as hell is childish? You’re leaving a match because you don’t like it and don’t want to play it? Let’s not go there bud and delude ourselves further. “i don’t wanna do this, mom! i’m not going to, bye!” what a child like statement.

“let me pretend that leaving a map is not wrong even though blizzard is against this certain action. Also you’re in the minority therefore my opinion on said matter means more, uwu”

Game developers should strive to make the game be as enjoyable as possible. Putting up with bad design that no one likes is not part of a good game.


Would you rather the map be behind a $30 a month paywall?

No, it sure as hell is not childish. Childish is crying that someone left a game they didn’t want to play, false reporting them and trying to get others to do the same, then crying on the forums about them not doing so.

The game automatically punishes the player who left. Someone who wanted to play the map doesn’t have the right to try to punish them further. And yes, if 11 people don’t want to play the map and 1 person does, then the 11 people shouldn’t be forced to play it. You’re definitely the childish one here.

What does that have to do with anything?

Nothing, im just saying that the map is kinda mediocre compared to some of the other post-release maps like eichenwalde

Okay, but what does “a 30$ a month paywall” have to do with anything?

You can’t bend the defintion of childish because it does not suit your opinion, it’s childish. Get that, ok?

It’s still childish. also your opinion on the matter isn’t “right or better” than others. get off your high horse. I hate the map but it’s not going to make my sympathize with players like you who pretend it’s “the right” action when it clearly isn’t.