Sick of the constant Paris toxicity

Sorry dude, you are in a tiny minority. Everyone hates that map so much. Whenever people leave to cancel the match (which happens quite often) there’s tons of cheering and praise.

Nobody cares about how much time the devs spent designing the level. Saying that you cannot be unhappy because it was free is nonsense. It’s a two way street. The game is made by the devs but the game does not continue to exist and make money without the players. the players are more important to the devs than the devs are to the players. There are always other games to play.

I would say it’s not only an acceptable thing to do, but encouraged. Also, protesting is not a childish act.


I rather they do that than wait just enough to where the game can’t be cancelled, and immediately after that, leave (some people are evil). They hate the map so much that they’re willing to take a SR loss and time lockout just not to play it…they are already being punished, you don’t have to report them on top of that… isn’t that considered false reporting?

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Nope it definitely is not. Toxic generally being an a-hole, telling someone to report x because they left the match is misleading and false. imo.

Paris is such an easy Map. The issue is that most players feel they have to face their enemy head on and stand face to face in whatever non advantageous ground they are in until they finally win. Like I don’t know how many times I have to tell my team to not stand in the choke on first point Paris, or not to go down middle hall on 2nd point. Like the best way to not get spammed at the choke is to not stay in the choke. All you have to do is run left through the little room next to the choke, then run up the stairs past the bus, and from there take the street directly to point, or go up along the walk way on the second floor overlooking the point. You can even go right, which is a bit more risky, but once you get past it, you have a way to the point that has a lot more cover, but most times people go right, they force themselves into another choke, which is the small room that leads up to the bunker where the enemy team is sitting by stairway. So really, Paris is a very easy map, but players make it very difficult on themselves by picking the wrong places to fight.

Ya the dps thing is a separate issue tho and unrelated. but cmon you know why someone always leaves lets not be willfully ignorant here. OP doesn’t want to acknowledge the common denominator is the map and wants to blame everyone else instead. Then came here lashing out when shamed for refusing to read the room. Which they are continuing to do so.

WTB avoid map feature.
Paris and Blizz world where never seen again.

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The person disconnecting is just something you dislike. That is not a reportable offense.

Leaving a match is not a reportable offense.

Where did I say anything about throwing? Leaving a game at the start of the match isn’t throwing, nor is it a reportable offense. It’s not a reportable offense even if they leave in the middle of the match.

Yes, because it’s not “expressly forbidden” nor a reportable offense.

Paris isn’t just disliked by a few people, it’s widely hated enough for DCing to avoid it is a common occurence.

Leaving a match is not a reportable offense. The game handles DCer punishments automatically. The first DC is only a 10 minute competitive timeout.

You were the one that false reported someone, and then tried to get others to false report them as well.

No, what’s insufferable is you acting holier-than-though and self important because someone did something you don’t like, and you thinking the report function exists for you to cry to daddy jeff for things that aren’t reportable.

You’re the one throwing a tantrum here, bud.


Nope, it’s definitely toxic. Trying to brigade people to false report someone for simply doing something you don’t like is absolutely toxic.


This is not ok and says a lot about the community’s state. It’s #DeleteBrigitte all over again. I once saw a post with more than 100 likes to someone’s post claiming they have been leaving Paris on purpose. That person was never banned.

It’s alarming for the future state of the game. It’s literally gangrene that will lead Overwatch to a chaotic state and it’s already on the verge of getting there…

To me this is just people acting up and being too spoiled. No wonder we won’t get new material any time soon.

it depends on how it’s done but balancing a game should never revolve around people throwing fits just because they happen to dislike something on a game.

It’s impossible to satisfy every single player on a Competitive game. If people can’t accept that, they won’t ever be able to have fun… and with no fun, what’s the point of playing mutltiplayer video games ?

What is the issue with ppl not liking a map? I don’t hate it but I can see why ppl are unhappy with it? It just have bad gameplay design.

Yes and if OP played dps i rightfully understand and empathize with his issue. It’s off-putting that someone leaves because they’re being children and not getting something they do not like.

And OP is not being ignorant? You don’t like the map? sure bud, go off; that’s entirely your opinion and someone else not agreeing with it, is not being ignorant. What if OP likes the map? should he be at fault because someone leaves?

As you know, the one leaving is at fault because he goes against the rules, not OP because he finds it childish that someone would leave.

It’s against Blizzard rules to leave matches no matter what. Realize that, Op telling someone to report x because of might be because of lack of information. Some don’t know that they’re heavily punished for leaving a match. It’s not toxic but as i said, misleading.



If a map is so hated that a majority of the community is happy to sacrifice SR and time just to avoid it, there’s something seriously wrong with the map’s design.

Maybe stop blaming the community for something that’s 100% on the map designers?


Let it go buddy… People like Ginger can’t understand that these kind of actions have repercussions on others.

They are not able to care about people that like a map and the fact that leaving a game like this ruins the experience for others.

All they care about is themselves. It’s all about “me me me” to them… always has and always will be. They can’t even realize they’re toxic.

Just ignore them. They won’t listen to us anyways because they think they’re right even with logical arguments.


The game automatically punishes leavers, Blizzard has officially stated that leaving is not reportable. Ignorance is not a valid defense. Brigading people to try to punish someone on your behalf for doing something you don’t like and throwing name-calling in with it is absolutely toxic.


#DeleteBrigitte is also perfectly acceptable. It’s a hash tag following an opinion. People are allowed to have opinions and voice them. The community’s state is a direct result of the game’s implementation. You really have to open your eyes to understand the correlation. Huge movements like that don’t start because a few people are spoiled. It starts because it is a massive issues in the game.

Yes it should. The developers work for the players, not the other way around. The players are the ones that paid for the game, and it’s the job and responsibility of the developers to make a balanced game. If they don’t fix it, then the players leave or voice their complaints. If those complaints aren’t addressed, then the game dies. The game isn’t going to die because people continuously leave one map. It will, however, die because the devs did nothing to address that feedback and people cotninue to have a bad experience when playing the map.

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Ironic, since the majority of the players in the match were happy not to play it, you were the tiny minority there and yet you wanted everyone else to suffer so you could get what you want. Get over yourself.


I really thought I was in a minority of people that found Paris to be an absolute hellscape of a map.

Paris is a beautiful map but its layout is just as bad as Lunar Colony 1.0. You cannot expect everyone to enjoy it.

Why does their role change your opinion of the discussion? and oh no i called US willfully ignorant, us being the people in the thread theorizing the guy left for any other reason than to cancel the paris match. We know why they did it. And i wasn’t saying they were at fault for someone else leaving, i said it was wrong of them to tell everyone in the match to report the sacrificial player. Which would be the toxic thing to do in this particular situation since no one wanted to play it. why is their feelings for the match more important than the 11 other players? If they thinks everyone else is the problem he has some reflecting to do.

OP seems to be the only one that enjoys it, yet is crying that everyone else is the selfish one and that Blizzard can’t please everyone.

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