Sick and tired of "Genji getting buffed too OP" counter him if you want to defeat him

Well yeah, but Doom didnt get any changes. If you compare these stats from Genji 14 days ago to current Doom stats, then Doom only beats his pickrate by 0.08%

And that benefitted overwatch very well.

You’re using both pre buff stats and post buff stats and trying to say that equals what their stats were before the buffs. Do you see the problem here?

Fixed to you. :wink:

Please, pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase. This is what the moira mains were saying since her release and you’re using the same argument that you hated for years. Oh Genji mains, you’ll always make me :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :unamused:

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Fixed to the whole community. Everyone hated mei except for the people who mained her, that’s why she got the nickname “the devil”

So its just because you dont like her huh?

Post Genji buff Doom stats are still valid, because he didnt get any changes.

We’re talking about pre buff stats though. What Doom got was better compitition

Damn. You really just ignored everything I said.

June 7. Overbuff tells Doom had 1.48% pickrate in GM.
Thats 0.2% more than Genji, there you go.

Where are you getting those stats?

I did, but is because what you said is BS, why a hero should be nerfed because how much people hate them? I dont see Doomfist getting nerfed since like a year or two, no one likes him, no one likes to face him, even the pros.

Ah, trends. That’s what I thought. Trends are completely off. It also showed Genji at a .71% pickrate, which wasn’t a thing, and has shown heroes like Junkrat having pickrates near 2%

Not sure where youre getting the .71% from.

Overbuff trends. I’m telling ya, it’s not accurate

I mean he also has a near 60% winrate so… when a hero in the top 10 most played also has the highest winrate by A LOT that’s a bit telling.

2nd most picked DPS as well.

And as Kaz said in another thread, he has the highest elimination count, participating in more kills than any other hero, including those who attribute trash damage like’s primary spread and ashe’s dynamite.

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Cant find it on trends either. The closest is on June 3. with Genji being at 0.74% in GM.

So you want him nerfed because 1% of the players can be dominant with him? You sure you know what are you talking about?