Sick and tired of "Genji getting buffed too OP" counter him if you want to defeat him

Learn to adapt, learn to counter him, It’s easy. Make the effort as well and if you lost try harder next time the game won’t adjust for you, you’re the one who needs to adjust. He’s a dead hero before and really needed that buff. The only hero that really needs a nerf is Echo’s Ulti and low-key Ashe.


He was better than half the DPS roster in GM and top 3 dps in all ranks before the buff.

His stats are busted in GM right now.
He’s getting a nerf no doubt.


Or hows about blizzard give us actual reason as to why he got buffed. There are heroes in worst state of play than he. Pharrah is my 1st example


According to who? I doubt that any gm thinks that


I was looking at statistics.

In all ranks, genji was the third most picked hero in “all ranks” with an average winrate. This was before the buff.


I do wish instead of continuing the power creep train they should’ve just actually… nerfed the issues. In fact in the notes, they literally said they buffed him to compete with hitscans, probably the most power crept class in the game.


Overbuff is not an accurate source


Excuse me if we wont take the word of someone who looks like a Genji main



They literally have 5-6 dps in the trash can since the game release, 4 years ago, but they buff Genji because ‘‘he wasn’t meta’’ and ‘‘to help solidify his viability’’.

Genji was balance, the reason he wasn’t on the meta is that there are some characters that, while not OP, are a little overtuned.

But again, let’s repeat the same mistakes, let’s create more problems instead of solving those that already exist.

‘‘We’re changing our balance philosophy’’. No, they never change… sigh.


Learn to adapt, learn to counter

Sure, and you do the same about Brig and Moira.


But it’s the only source we have and it’s still more reliable than opinions from players like Genji mains and such.


And you thinking genji is broken isn’t an opinion

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Of course is it an opinion.
It’s player feedback.

But Overbuff isn’t based on opinions, is it?


Allow me to answer this because you don’t seem to want to answer it.

No. Overbuff is not based on opinions.
Is data collected from players who still have an open profile. This may not be a large portion of the playerbase, but it is still data taken from a large group of players, making this a more reliable source than opinions from a group of players.

It’s good, even important, to listen to player feedback, but it shouldn’t impact the balancing too much.

Well, statistically is Genji becoming a problem and the player feedback is mixed, but it seems to be more leaning to negative, but this could be because this forum mostly attract negativity.


I can’t wait to make a topic laughing at all the crybabies once the next patch comes with no genji nerfs


Hey, remember how YOU just had to adapt to Brig? How did that go, huh?


The key words being “All Ranks”
Before the buffs, he was only a few percentages off of Bastions pickrate in GM.
Using All Rank pickrates has never been an accurate way to look at any heroes power level.
Look at Mercy and Mccree across the entire span of the game, even when they were terrible they had the highest pickrates across all ranks.

While this isn’t untrue, it is a bit deceptive. Last 6 months in GM, Genji has a 1.69% pickrate, while Bastion has a .09% rate. It is a few percentage points, it is also 19X more than Bastion.

By comparison, most picked over all is Ana at 10%. 6X more than Genji. Most picked dps is McCree at 4.5%, so only 2.5X more than Genji. Nobody would argue that McCree saw more play than Genji, but he is also just a few percentages off.


Calls for others to adapt to play against buffed Genji -> didnt want to adapt to play old Genji pre buff.


The irony is off the charts, you could say the same about Moira, but it’s better to nerf her instead.


“Adapt to me after I whine for month for a nerf”

Really earning that genji main hate.