Sick and tired of "Genji getting buffed too OP" counter him if you want to defeat him

He just got buffs that make it so he doesn’t just roll over dead anymore. People are used to that so now they need to adapt. He’s also facing heroes he’s meant to counter so that also plays a part.

Also, he’s only 3rd most picked

Are you actually trying to talk to the same people who were trash talking Genji players because they refused to switch when enemy picked bring or moira? They just don’t like to be in the other guy’s shoes when they are the one who should switch hero

I might be remembering wrong or it could just be that it changes somehow.
Either way, he’s never seen .74% pickrate and I’ve been monitoring it for quite some time and he’s never had .74%.

Even if you consider overbuff not accurate. There is no reason to assume that every hero is tracked differently. So the factor of error regarding Doom and Genji should be about the same, which results in that their stats relative to each other should be about the same.

Nah, he’s overpowered. I have been advocating for Genji buffs the past 2 months on here, and he’s clearly overbuffed.

He is def getting nerfed soon, the question is just of what. They even said in the patch notes they would keep a close eye on him because they knew it was risky buffing so many parts of him, rofl.

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Na, they’re completely off. Look at the trends today, or yesterday. You’ll see that Genji is above Ashe which is wrong, he’s currently below her.

It’s hard to tell if he’s OP atm seeing how he just got buffed though. Give it a couple weeks for it to settle before you jump to conclusions.

Nothing counter mobility better than mobility but we have little mobile heroes like genji so he is hard to counter properly

So many pros hate doom. People hated mei because she was unbalanced

you guys say “just counter genji” yet whine about us playing moira omegalul

Coming back to this. I can’t believe you think Sym takes more skill than Genji, I’m actually done with sym mains

They have been said the same thing for years, so why cant the same thing be said for them? It’s the same situation and Moira Mains are begging these changes to be reverted

Moira is getting some changes that’ll make her into a more skillfull hero with getting rid of that easy to aim beam, so she’ll not be around for long to tickle the genjis.


Thats exactly why gameplay is so stale.
You are forced to counter pick. That sucks big time.

Jaegar is that you?

So why don’t Genji mains take their own advice when they complain endlessly about Moira and Brig?

“just counter them” LOLZ.

Genji by far did NOT need this buff. He deletes other DPS with two swipes of his secondary. It’s incredibly BS that Sombra needs to empty an entire clip of 60 bullets that takes roughly 3-5 seconds to deal a third of the damage Genji can inflict with 2 swift swipes of his secondary. Or worse, he’ll swipe you once then dash and inflict an immense amount of damage or insta-murder you. Most of the play of the games are all Genji’s now too.

Still waiting on that nerf.

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They literally just nerfed one of his biggest counters lmao. Brig was one of few things keeping him from totally overtaking the game.

You can’t counter him if they dumpster his counters. It feels like his only proper counters now are tanks, and a tank having to put resources in to a single DPS can break an entire comp or strategy.

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You have to run three or four of his “counters” on the other team to even start being able to stop him.

He’s an overpowerd disastrous must-pick right now. He needs nerfs. Stop defending this insanity.