Should Hanzo one-shot?

hanzo is a prediction charchter widow just gotta look at the dude cmon man unless you spam in chokes hanzo takes skil btw im a hanzo main.

Aww…sorry to hear that dude :confused:

Just play him alot, u will get used to it. The arrows are falling off now, but can be quite accurate on close / mid-close fights. Also make sure to use Sonic alot, u can get alot of sneaky headshots on unprepared flankers.

Best feel ever when u play Hanzo into a Pharmercy, and u kill them and get praised for being a b1tch to play against :slight_smile:

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I’m more a hitscan player, widow is my choice in that case.

I mean i once got 2 kills with SA and flipped out. :sweat_smile:

I basically use it to burn shields…

But i like his speed revert a lot. :blush:
Played him a lot back in the days.
Even though i suck at wall climb.

Especially in double sniper, sonic is op af. :sweat_smile:


You’re completely right, but its actually a bit more than skill, too. Hanzo’s arrows are weird projectiles, they need to have a ton of damage because the average Hanzo will be missing more than they’re hitting. Reducing their damage to the point where they can’t one shot on a headshot would be dramatically reducing his effectiveness.

There’s fights where, as Hanzo, you only get so many confirmed shots on a target. That one shot, be it luck or skill, might be the only shot you get on a Genji or Doomfist that’s pushing you.

There shouldn’t be non-ultimate or non-damageboosted one shots in game in the first place, but ok…

sighs :persevere:

hanzo is the only existing hero I feel that deserves to one-shot 250 damage from across the map. he is a projectile hero with drop and needs to charge his arrows

since his arrow speed was reverted he has definitely felt more balanced. if a hanzo one shots me from 100 meters away he is either good, lucky, or my movement was poor. either way he deserves the kill

I’ve read it as spider tank…

28 seconds in and it’s the most glorious thing I’ve ever done on Hanzo.

There’s also the fact that he’s pretty terrible currently, let’s not nerf him just because people don’t like playing against him.

His projectiles are some of the smallest in the game and are the same size as Genji’s shurikens.

Well, there quite big for a potential one shot and, unlike widow, hanzo can get quite a lot of value out of spaming

Also btw guys, I was making a joke. Chill

Im against all one shots (unless it’s on tracer) with the exception of Rein charge which is easy to dodge and comes with a huge risk for Rein

Hanzo, like Widowmaker runs on a charge mechanic wherein the laonger the shot is held the more damage it delivers upon release (up to a certain maximum). In Hanzo’s case, the arc, speed of the projectile, and the damage are all tied to the charge which is not automatic like Widowmaker’s is.

Thus, while Hanzo and Widowmaker have similar charge times, Hanzo’s attempts to connect a shot is substantially more difficult than Widowmaker’s.

Hanzo could easily “rapid-fire” his arrows and the return output would be much lower than a single fully-charged shot, they also would not be able to one-shot even if critically hitting headshots (within certain respects).

Should Hanzo be able to one-shot his arrows? Well, for the most part, Hanzo cannot “one-shot” with any of his arrows unless it critically hits the head of a target. Factoring the charge time, projectile speed, strength and observing the opponent’s movements and predicting correctly where the target is located by the time the arrow reaches the location is difficult and so the reward should be met.

It is true that Hanzo can continuously let off arrows flying in random directions or where the opponent(s) may be and “get lucky” on those shots, but I see this more of a element of suppressive fire than specifically based on lucky shots or the ease in landing them.

Suppressive fire is a thing. And given Overwatch’s love of tight chokes and narrow passages with long sightlines, it can be pretty easy to land some shots just based purely on luck or the opposing player’s inability to move erractically.

This isn’t to say a more skilled player would have similar outcomes, even they can get lucky sometimes.


Tl:dr; Yes he should be.

Well, instead of looking at it like snipers, I would like to look at the situation more from a different angle of one shots and play styles.

there are 3 main play styles in the game (6 in total but we won’t get into this…), brawl,stationary and dive.
because of that each play style got a one shot hero in order to be good against the play style itself and in order to have an advantage in mirror match.

Widowmaker is all about the stationary play style which is all about damage, in order to be good against it how ever she has so play from range and only peek in order to get max results, she deals very little damage but she can get off angels on the stationary heroes and take them out with one shot, she pays for it in mobility and damage.

Then there’s Doomfist a diver. dive is all about speed and close range.
because of that Doomfist has to have better defenes in order to survive the quick push, he’s one shot ability size is big in order to hit fast and agile targets but he pays for it with range only being able to use it for up to 20 meters.

Lastly there’s Hanzo, supposed to be an anti brawl counter, brawl is all about protection and defenses. The composition moves slowly and punish everything in it’s range. Because of that Hanzo needs his storm arrows & strong projectiles to help destroying the shields. He got leap and wall climb in order to avoid brawl’s range and his ultimate not only zone the enemies but also go through protections forcing the enemies to back down giving him more time to deal damage.
But because of that hanzo pays with lack of range (vertical and long range) and a slow fire rate, he can’t deal with enemies which are close enough unless he pulls a lucky shot and he can’t do anything in the long range.

Hanzo might have a one shot potential but in the long terms he has a very low damage and can be easily taken down using dive. Hammond,Winston,,Genji,Sombra,Lucio all counter Hanzo really good.

Not only that but the long range works as well: Widowmaker,Pharah,Echo,Ashe,Orisa,Ana all work really well.

So in reality I think Hanzo deserves the one shot combo- he punishes slow movement and big bodies.

He does, though. After every shot.

A minimally charged shot, due to the .5 second reload period, will deal 54.4 DPS.
A maximally charged shot, released at exactly 1.25 seconds since the previous shot, has a potential 100 DPS.

All DPS suffer from holding their shots longer than they have to, but Widow is the only other who suffers for firing when immediately able, rather than at the last possible moment of damage generation.

That 84% DPS gap between minimally and maximally charged shots exists specifically because you are essentially taking the same reload time whether you’ve fired .0159 seconds of charge (the minimum, given server tick rate) or .75 seconds of charge (the maximum charge time).

And despite this shortcoming, and despite being a projectile dps with barely more projectile speed than Zenyatta, and a lower burst or downtime usage potential than Zen, you deal among the least raw damage per second of any Damage character. As Hanzo, your sole advantage is disproportionate TTK, that you can, essentially, consume 1.25 seconds of damage for exactly 1.25 seconds worth of dead 250-HP target — no more, no less, no waste.

If not for Storm Arrows, Hanzo’s raw output would be, frankly, abysmal — lower than Zen’s or Bapt’s DPS even when including their reload times, and, within his role, outperforming only Mei’s DPS (and only by 6.25).

Hanzo is my most played hero I love one shot thoses boosted widow and ashe, when I see a lvl 20 pick him and does nothing but spam I start raging.

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One shots are fine but they need to be skill based … most Hanzo one shots are based on luck or spamming.

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I don’t like the way you assume that everyone shares your opinion in not liking the direction the game is heading in. Don’t put words into my mouth please.



One shots/combos really need to be more costly in the game. at least Widowmaker has to scope.

Oh yes so much damage potential from Sonic Arrow.