Should Challenges be doable by everyone?

I’m up to 30+ games. They simply leave now, as soon as it starts to turn south… because they can’t be bothered to actually try or stick around.

Thanks Blizzard, for the most frustrating time I’ve ever had in this game. And I main MH, so that should tell you something.

Y… yes. They should. Because it isn’t ranked, and it’s casual play. You shouldn’t lock PvE content out by making them absurdly difficult. Expert is a challenge in and of itself, and if people want to do legendary they can play the legendary gamemode instead of the expert-level challenges.

It’s against AI- a group of bronze players will most likely get it, eventually. It’s unfair and stupid to say “these challenges should ONLY be for people in [rank] or above” or “bronze players shouldnt have a chance at them”.

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It’s in the name, if you want something easy — play classic on lowest difficulty. TBH it’s like asking them to remove/nerf legendary difficulty because it’s too hard (it’s actually not, and neither are challenges)
Get a friend for a duo, pick a carry character, git gud. Part of being good at the game is being able to identify good dedicated players who share a goal with you. And LFG is only useful if you, y’know, actually start looking for group. I check LFG between matches to see if anyone’s looking for help with PVEs, and I’m sure there are others like me who can help you out.
Low level teammates are a problem only if you’re not good. Last Anniversary I queued legendary Uprising on my second account (very fresh one, it was like, lvl 2 or something), and in about three games I went from matching with 10-20 something lvls to matching with 100-300 lvls and finally to silver-gold-plat frames. The game figured out my actual lvl in like 3 games, which is IMO impressive.
A few hours ago I queued with my PVE partner and 2 friends with whom I never played Junkenstein before, and we’ve done both challenges in a single attempt. We barely coordinated. The only person who died was me, because my monitor sneezed in the middle of the match and I had to go afk to fix it.
Lil’ tip: Cree charges his ult real quick if you click on heads, so you can wipe anything and everything if you play your cards right. Good luck.

Can concur.

If the challenges didn’t have some level of difficulty, they wouldn’t be challenges.

If the challenges were reduced to cake-walks so everyone could do them (like the title says) they wouldn’t be challenges, they’d be weekly grinds.


The challenges are not the easiest, but they should not be, otherwise they wouldn’t be challenges.
Yes, it can happen that you are paired with people barely able to play the game, but there are still some strategies to help the win.
McCree is usually very powerful against bosses with his ult (especially if Ana powers him up).
Torb’s ult can basically kill Junkenstein alone (throwing the lava all over the ledge). Also I used Torb to aggro the specter. With Overload he can resist more (and escape easier) and the turret is still doing kills. Beware that the turret takes damage from the ghost.
A decent Hanzo can headshot many robots lessening the burden on the team (especially the Zombardiers). Also Storm arrow and headshot Reaper when he teleports (removing a good chunk of life). His ult can remove Junkenstein/clear bridges and bypasses Sym’s shield.
Zen is difficult to use against the ghost, since you need multiple target fast healing many times. His discord is can be used on the tires and bosses to ease the burden.
Ana is useful for her nano, ranged healing and dealing with Reaper/Road/Mercy healing with 'nade.
I don’t know if it is a bug but someone in my Team (Brig or McCree) could stun the ghost.
Usually a McCree and a Torb on the team can help a lot.
It would also help to know which challege you have more trouble with, and what is usually the reason you all die (broken door, all heroes killed)

I can’t tell people what to pick. I have to hope I get a good team.

LFG either has comp team only groups or chill skirmish groups. No one was doing challenges on PS4 yesterday.

After around 30 Ghost challenge I finished it and got the lootbox. I will never play that mode again, ever.

The fast bot challenge felt like just a normal match and it gave me a decent team on the first try.

I don’t know if its too hard. But I feel like a lot of people wont be able to do it, ever.

You make it sound like you exactly want to do this :eyes:

No, that’s what half the people are implying.

That they can pick Torbs and McCree and take 3 people who’ve never played this game through it and one shot everything and never worry about dying and do funny poses.

Except that might be true on PC, but on console its matching people horribly, and as Torbs I’m averaging 200+ kills a game.

Did both all randos (as ana)

For the ghost, double healer is a good idea. Although, you are on console so I assume very few are picking ana? She’s very helpful. We had mccree, ana, torb, brig. Nano mccree mainly.

On the fast mode, torb, ana, mccree, ashe. Torb goes full door check the entire time. Nano mccree. Bob helps out with the turret for more dps.

Torb usually gets the most kills with his turret. Especially when everyone is focussing elites and not zombots.

Of course, it’s not easy but maybe they should tell people that the mode is set to expert rather than only showing that on the right click menu. It might deter people who aren’t yet good at the mode

I have no plans on playing it again. Either fix the matchmaking or fix the difficullty. Giving me tips on how to play it kinda misses the point that I had to try and carry my team through 30 of those matches before I found one willing to play it seriously.

It isn’t missing the point though.
It is supposed to be a challenge and if they make it so easy that a group of 4 <500SR Bronze players don’t have any trouble doing it, it will be way to easy and boring for everyone else.

If you can’t beat it you have to find out whats going wrong and try to fix it.

I don’t think they should be. Its called a challenge for a reason and quite honestly, they arent that challenging so if anything they should be made harder, not easier.

I have done it numerous times with 4 randoms, its just playing smart. So yes it is still doable

Super easy. Should be harder.

I’d say Zen instead of Ana because his discord is just too good vs bosses and her sleep is pretty useless.

if you really hate getting games with randoms, why dont u just queue with someone? the challenges aren’t really difficult, especially the ghost one

Maybe, but nano mccree is killing them quite fast
Then replace second dps (the sniper) with zen in that, if he is just for dmg anyway.

Game sense which is arguably OW most important skill isnt needed for pve.

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Imo the ghost challenge is a joke. The ghost does tickle damage and you can kite it around the map a little too easily.
I was hoping the ghost would be a little more dangerous… maybe the AoE should increase in radius overtime.

Yeah, but gotta hope he’s smart enough to save it or not get hooked during. And if the op is bronze playing with other bronzes, dunno how likely that is to happen. I’d say 2 healers required for the ghost challenge for sure.