If you can't stop the first tire on Rando Junkenstein

Hey guess what, if I keep getting grouped with new players again, I’m not going to be able to beat the game, just like the first challenge.

Yes, its an easy challenge. Yes, I can beat it, with a half-experienced team.

No, I’m not getting experienced teams.

Yes, I’m salty about that.

I might as well leave if the team can’t even be aware of the first tire, we all should know when it spawns, there’s almost nothing preventing it… and sometimes we get stuck with a person that can’t kill it on their own.

If we can’t show basic teamwork and awareness at the start of the f-ing match, then I already know we’re not going to win against the final battle.


Im sorry, but if you took 35 tries on one of the easy ones, you are likely the problem. Not the 100 other ppl you had before you beat it.


I had 0 problems with all of the other challenges. The problem is not me. I know you like to think otherwise, but you’re absolutely wrong.

You don’t have any people to ask to play with you? You can’t blame beginners or people who aren’t good at the game.

I’m not yelling at beginners, I’m yelling at blizzard for poopy matchmaking on something that should group similar skills…

Considering you said it took you 30 tries for the first challenge, id say that you did have problems with it.


And? The only reason I had problems with it was because of the damn teams.

Like I’m having now.

Its ridiculously easy with the right people playing.

But no one wants to guard the door, or knows how to kill bosses… or knows how to use half the classes.

Why is so hard for the forums to believe we are getting bad groups? Do you have an SR? I don’t.

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Okay. Its everyone elses fault. GL beating the tire one.


I already beat that one. All it took was a couple of people who knew what the f they were doing.

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You really want the loot boxes, don’t you?

Got all the skins already… just want to complete the challenge.

I’m surprised you take it seriously. I just treat it as a loot box farm mode.

Which to be honest is why most people play it.

But have you tried turning into a Vampire Lord?

Ahhh… another “it’s everyone else’s fault” complaint.


I’m sorry I’m only able to carry 3 people up until the last battle. I know, I’ll get better one of these days.

Besides, If your team can’t kill the absolutely most consistent and easiest to focus tire out of the whole set…

What would you consider their skill level to be, high?

Excuse me, but why should i care? I didnt que for you

Blizzard is in charge of matchmaking, we don’t get to choose.

I know why they do it too. More attempts = more people playing the challenges = less time waiting to join a game.

If you dont trust your team to get the tire, and you know where these tires come from, why dont you just shoot the tire.


I understand, ive been in stupid marches where we have a tracer or genji, but i keep my mouth shut. They are probably children and i never want to rage at kids. Just gives you a chance to be empathetic

Get some friends in a stack and play, or accept the teams you get. Same rules as any mode unless it literally doesn’t have teams

Better yet just don’t play the event modes, with this attitude you don’t seem like the kind of person anyone would want on their team period.

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