Should Challenges be doable by everyone?

Lets be honest, the challenges are hard. Not impossible, but definitely not doable for random group of 4 that might not even be bronze level.

Should we keep these challenges for coordinated groups that probably complain that they’re too easy?

Literally did both of them first try with zero deaths (with randoms). This week is easy.


Would you consider yourself bronze? Did you even read the title?

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being bronze or GM has nothing to do with it. Its PVE. It has nothing to do with your rank in PvP.


Please explain how skill has nothing to do with these challenges.


Just pick ana, mccree, torb and maybe sniper for last one, and everything on that lvl is easy, nano ulting mccree for bosses, torb ult zomnics, and last dps is free to do… stuff.
There is no need for skill, all needed things dont use aim, just dont be trigger happy with ults.
If it would be for groups, i would never do it, as i play with 1 person max.


You are fighting against bots,not actual players. Most of them move in a straight line. And if that is not enough,then the arcade matchmaker can que you up with Top500 players if you are lucky enough. Its just a matter of trying.


I have played this mode 20 times, at no point did I get anyone who knew what they were doing. You have got to be kidding me. No Skill? So am I just going AFK the whole time and not know it?

I’m pretty sure this is not something you can just sleep through.


I mean I think anybody can get these challenges done in enough attempts, they’re much easier than the archive’s ones

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The challenges today were super easy, way easier than archives imo.


The jokes you people tell:

Matchmaking with top 500 people?
Just pick [insert random group] and you can just hold down shoot and win?

Are you people trolling?

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With Torb,you basicly can. The turret does almost enough alone for you to not do anything besides moving.

This weeks challenge is genuinely easy compared to some of the Archives event challenges before.

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I think challenges should be… challenging.


I have done every single archives challenge, and did not consider any of them easy.

I have yet to complete these challenges and I would consider them 3x as hard as any of the archives.

isn’t it literally just win 9 games? if you can’t win 9 games in A WEEK? That’s just a bit sad really…

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They mean the pve event modes that have a twist on them.

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The one with slow moving robots???

How tf do you even lose in that?

Even in the fast moving gamemode they move slow asf

high ranks are matched with high ranks while low ranks are mathed with low.

Now matter how you look it, it will always be easier for 4 GMS compare to 4 bronzes.


One of the 2 challenges they move faster, another an unkillable bot chases ppl around and does dmg to them within range. They are still easy tho.

Event modes are easy. As someone else said, SR is irrelevant against bots. I have dragged Gold players to victory on even Legendary difficulty of the original modes, and that’s vastly harder than the event modes.