Should Challenges be doable by everyone?

It isn’t missing the point though.
It is supposed to be a challenge and if they make it so easy that a group of 4 <500SR Bronze players don’t have any trouble doing it, it will be way to easy and boring for everyone else.

If you can’t beat it you have to find out whats going wrong and try to fix it.

I don’t think they should be. Its called a challenge for a reason and quite honestly, they arent that challenging so if anything they should be made harder, not easier.

I have done it numerous times with 4 randoms, its just playing smart. So yes it is still doable

Super easy. Should be harder.

I’d say Zen instead of Ana because his discord is just too good vs bosses and her sleep is pretty useless.

if you really hate getting games with randoms, why dont u just queue with someone? the challenges aren’t really difficult, especially the ghost one

Maybe, but nano mccree is killing them quite fast
Then replace second dps (the sniper) with zen in that, if he is just for dmg anyway.

Game sense which is arguably OW most important skill isnt needed for pve.

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Imo the ghost challenge is a joke. The ghost does tickle damage and you can kite it around the map a little too easily.
I was hoping the ghost would be a little more dangerous… maybe the AoE should increase in radius overtime.

Yeah, but gotta hope he’s smart enough to save it or not get hooked during. And if the op is bronze playing with other bronzes, dunno how likely that is to happen. I’d say 2 healers required for the ghost challenge for sure.

OP is lvl 3, I dont think he is doing this mode as much as he claims. Even losing would get you enough exp for several levels higher than he is now is he really did 25 matches.

So he had to have a straight up lvl 1 account, and then lose instantly. INSTANTLY.

Or he is playing on console, which is not surprising he is losing, everyone on console sucks.

You realize I have two accounts right?

LFG is a thing if it’s that much of an issue for you.

Saying that you’ve done the other challenges (in archive) and the Halloween challenges are 3x as hard makes me think you just want a cake walk.

These challenges are 3x harder than no payload damage and then finishing on King’s Row set on hardest? If it was that easy for you then solo carrying in these shouldn’t be a problem.

These are already easy.

I actually found playing Ana (also on console) was a hinderance to the ghost mode. Needing to aim and possibly scope, which slowed you down, was problematic and the ghost caught up w me more often than not. Altho everyone’s experiences are different.

Zen was a much better healer for that mode- I actually won w Zen and Brig heals. Throw orb on the ghost’s target, so you could run and gun if you became the target afterwards. Healers that required finer aim like Ana and Baptiste tended to cause trouble.

I found the advice here helpful!

I’m silverish and got through both in about 3 tries each.

Having a torb and a competent healer were both keys to success. The other two can fill as reasonable picks.

For me the ghost was rough. Pushed me out of my favorite positions, but made it interesting.

In a simulation where the ‘bots’ ability is constant it is completely wrong to say a players SR (and thus skill) has no value in the player’s success of the mode.

Exactly. :joy:

Excellent rebuttal.

I ran bap but had a hard time getting heals to teammates who were hiding in corners out of sight (because of their low health).

This is my fault, a better bap could probably hit the walls and distant healing shots better. But we all made it out…that one time :wink:

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She is if you’re solo healing. But double healer helps to have burst and consistent healing.

Also ana’s kit in this mode is a huge counter to hog (nade) and junk (sleep for later)

Well, they don’t call them challenges for no reason. I’m not trying to skillshame you or something, but if you can’t do it in 20+ games that’s your problem.

I know it seems like I’m blaming everyone but me for this, but

  1. No one was in LFG for challenges

  2. I had 30 games with UNDER 25 level players until I finally got a grouped team of silver borders

  3. I had always gotten Play of the game and gold medals as torb unless someone picked him first or everyone left because they actually had to try.