Shortage of Tanks? Tanking is utterly depressing

Share factory. Might be a PS4 only app. No idea.

PS4 can record in 15 minute chunks I can then splice and publish on YouTube.

Just relax, brother mine.

I have been playing Reinhardt in Bronze / Silver for over a year, probably nearly two years? Yeah, i was quite bewildered when i first started playing and was wondering why no one ever follows up and why i was always all alone.

As an experiment, when my 14 year old daughter decided to do some QP and played Mercy, i told her to just stay with her 2 Tank players and ignore the others.
She won 5-6 games in a row.

Anyway, i think that the way to remain collected, if not calm, in the view of unco-operative team mates is the same way as dealing with idiotic colleagues and stress.

Heave a sigh, shake the head and know that such is life, and moreover it is just a game.
It is what it is.
ā€œMoving onā€¦ā€


After reading the " toxicity to dps thread" Iā€™m throwing the towel on playing the tanks that arenā€™t funā€¦just so my team can feel betterā€¦itā€™s soul crushingā€¦I donā€™t even like playing reinā€¦I like zaryaā€¦hogā€¦Hammond and dva. You canā€™t stay sane being a team player on NA serverā€¦cuase youā€™ll be the only sucker. And Iā€™m done being a sucker. Who gives a rip about climbingā€¦if itā€™s the same f### ing spit up the ladderā€¦Iā€™d rather be bronze with a tank thatā€™s fun ever single minuteā€¦than die inside.

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Fair enough view.

I think that the new patch has really made Rein a lot more fun.

The shielded speed boost is great.

And the armour revert is surprisingly helpful.

Recording my Havana game for review now. Looking back I got some sweet pin kills, which is quite fun.

I think heā€™s like Zangief in street fighter. Can be very very frustrating if youā€™re kept away, but can inflict utter carnage up close in a very short space of time.

Yeah sorryā€¦Iā€™ve never liked any of the shield tanksā€¦Iā€™ve been forcing myself to play them to be a team player and winā€¦Iā€™ve been deluding myself withā€¦" Keep playing these heroā€™s and grind up the ladderā€¦because further up the ladder people actually become team players, and the game becomes fun"ā€¦but I donā€™t think NA has the mindset to be team playersā€¦people to worried about their own accomplishmentā€¦itā€™s this American idealā€¦and sorry if itā€™s unpatrioticā€¦but America is riding a wave of success thatā€™s about to flatten outā€¦Iā€™m not a socialism guyā€¦but yeahā€¦I just donā€™t see America being a super power for much longer. People to worried about themselvesā€¦to see their neighborsā€¦

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Every empire falls. But us Brits are doing okay (although our economy is apparently smaller than Californiaā€™s!) and we lost our empire decades ago.

As to na being bad, try EU on PS4.

Also includes loads of Arab squeakers.

I still recall the player with 4 siblings screaming in the background, or the little kid I asked to stop blaring music down the Mike and he said ā€œShut up mother f*****!ā€

To be fair, his English was infinitely better than my Arabic, and he was actually a good dps (kiddy reflexes ftw!) and we won the match.

Or, best of all, the level 25 noob kid that picked Genji and just went in 1v6 all game. Didnā€™t understand any English apparently. Seemed a friendly sort. Didnā€™t have the heart to get mad at him.

Good times.

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Well, they are children, Gaz.
Yet, that is also the reason why i advised my son to only play PvAI if he wants to play with people. He would likely spoil the game for other players on his team if he want PvP.

We have such encounters on the PC as well.
Just cannot get mad at the squeakers, they are actually quite adorable.

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Back on topic.

Yes, for the past few days, when i have had the time to play in order to adjust my game play for the shield tanks, Reinhardt has become easier to play for me.

After banging my head on Orisa for about 6+ hours across 2 days, i decided to continue where i left off on Reinhardt when the patch came out.

I mentioned this on another thread, Reinhardt is now actually easier to play, for me; at least, post 1.43 (i call it the ā€œ1 Nerf 4 screwing 3 tanksā€). I won majority of my games when i used him so i went Orisa to see how i needed to adjust (50-50 at best for Orisa). All games were either in QP or QPC.

Anyway, for Reinhardt, the +speed while Shield helps so much in staying alive because coupled with shield jumping, i can get out of sticky situations very much quicker and get into cover quicker as well.

I now find myself looking at FireStrike coold downs more because i am using more natural cover (since i can move into them now). Game play is actually more nuanced than before.

Of course, now instead of being a shield bot, it is hammer bot time because i can engage the Red Time quicker and retreat with a shield just a little faster.

With armour revert, survivability is just a tad better and it helps to enable abilities like Charge. Again the added +speed when shield helps.

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People avoid playing tank because they sense the disadvantage of doing so intuitively. Tanks and healers have it the worst in the handicapping system:

I just did my tank placements and i had a lot of fun playing Rein and Sigma


Iā€™ll hop on this train now. Iā€™m really loathing these patches. Tanking with barriers has been especially frustrating lately since anyone who sneezes on a shield can melt them. With the exception of Hammond, there isnā€™t a tank who has the luxury of a quick get away; even D.Va seems to fall short anymore.

Iā€™ve never had an issue with being an aggressive tank, but Iā€™m tired of relying on corners and walls just to survive. Iā€™m used to initiating team fights and cover that gets destroyed so quickly is annoying. People always seemed to complain about Mercy 1.0 ā€˜hiding and using group rezā€™. Now it seems like the gameplay has devolved to that for tanking.

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This thread was my morning coffee after a long night of trying to climb past 2400 SR. Ive gotten throwers, ive gotten leavers, ive gotten the DPS who cant switch becasue ofd X, Y, or Z.

This entire thread is literally everything i feel and think when i play. Im not a bad rein nor am i a bad Zarya and I can play every character in the game competently. I use to be a Flex player in season 16. and by god does 222 suck. Like you all said, the DPS are bad. Its more like a dice roll. Are you going to have the DPS who sucks? Or are you going to have the DPS who are climbing?

Now its great when both teams are matched evenly! Both reins playing the mind game of who will shatter first and trying to bait one another. Zarya building energy, healers healing and DPS getting picked and capitalizing on the enemy dps mistakesā€¦ BUT more often then not, its not like that and its just frustrating


Ive done this. I was told im playing too aggressive and to play back.


Youā€™ll get better at it, youā€™ll time better, youā€™ll use natural covers better, youā€™ll know what your team is doing. If you just stay back and wait your dps to get 4 picks before engaging then youā€™ll stay where you are. Pressing w is not being a good rein but itā€™s the beginning of being one. At least thatā€™s what I think.

Your support players will complain about everything.

Too aggressive, not aggressive enough, demanding you push up, demanding you babysit cart etcā€¦

Canā€™t win.

Just tell them to shut up and heal. If they want to lead the team they can queue for tank and pick main.


Overwatch might be enjoyable again in the future. The less people play with boring shields the more they get used to it.
Playing Rein and Orisa is just not fun to some people and if Hog or Hammond arenā€™t throw picks I am sure more will play those.

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Hog is very good. But you need to reliably one shot, else heā€™s just a fat ult battery.

Yeah I donā€™t really see him as the problem in my example. He is a carry hero for a reason itā€™s just people arenā€™t used to play without shields.

In the rare case of me playing tank and people ask me to go shield I know damn well itā€™s so they can stand in the middle of nowhere instead of playing smart and use the map.


Hog is better now. He can melt an Orisa shield solo in about 4 seconds.

Heā€™s great fun, but very mediocre if you canā€™t one shot Reaper or Mei reliably.

first tank game i played last night, a booster duo couple dps / heal did nothing but rag on me the whole game. i had to leave voice chat. almost left game.
Itā€™s no wonder why a tank player doesnā€™t want to play. I even told them Iā€™m there to have fun, but they told me no. These are not humans playing comp. Bunch of nerds that care about profile stats more than anything.

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