Shortage of Tanks? Tanking is utterly depressing


Tldr. Tanks are great enablers for teams. Unfortunately many ow games are death match crap shows where idiot team mates run around death matching all over the map. This means that main tanks often pointless and you’re better off playing Hog or Zarya to dps.
But dps so utterly unbalanced right now that you need to be far better than the enemy dps to match them. Especially if enemy has Reaper, Mei or Junkrat and your dps are psuedo throwing by picking heroes that actually need skill to use.

I’ve been trying to play tank. But it’s damn hard work.

1). I’m set up at a choke and our McCree decides to run past my barrier and try to 1v3 enemy team at melee range. Strangely enough he died.
(To be fair the guy was obviously throwing or drunk as hell. Just constantly in kill feed as a casualty. We lost and I avoided him).
2. Same game we’ve lost team fight. I’m Rein and I’m ready with shatter. Just group up, go in, shatter, win. Simples. Nope. Team continuing to dribble in like piss down the leg of a drunk that’s whipped it in too quickly after a toilet visit.
Don’t they want to win? Are they all stoned? Are they all little kids that don’t understand emotes indicating ult ready and to group up?

Several games now I’ve had to swap to Hog or DVA as team utterly unable to grasp the concept of grouping up or following the tank.

  1. Anubis I go left side and hold up shield. Shield going down and nobody running past me to go left side. Shield breaks. Turns out that our elite dps are trying to duel the enemy behind their Orisa shield, which doesn’t break.

People wax lyrical about tanks needing to make space. I make space. The dps stand there with their cocks in their hands…

I ended up swapping to DVA. We won and I got gold kills and silver damage. Woot!

Tanks are the most team dependent type of hero. Dps are mobile enough to escape trouble or have some self sustain.

Supports are mobile enough to escape trouble or have self sustain/ regen.

Some tanks are mobile, or have self sustain (Hog).
But trying to play Rein when your Moira is trying to duel the enemy Reaper, or your dps just run ahead to die pointlessly is just utterly crushing.

I’ve hardly played Hammond or Winston, but if my dps are going to throw hard (it’s invariably the dps that run in like lemmings), then I’ll happily throw by learning a new hero in comp.


I think people still want to play OW as an FPS for the most part.

Blizz is trying desperately to force something that goes against the players’ natural instincts. Stand behind a shield. Forced 222.

Know what i think? Give up on all that. Remove 222 and let the players play however they want again. If solo players don’t want to group and play like the Pro players do, oh well.

Then, (and get this wild concept) create guilds, or an actual Team Builder, for the ones who want to play with some sort of meta comp if they chose to. You shouldn’t force everyone to do it, but have a system that allows players to do it if they want. To EASILY join a like-minded group who’s looking to emulate professional comps and play.

What i’m seeing right now is that Blizz tried to FORCE 222, and it’s a massive failure that’s literally killing the game. 10 minute queues to find me the worst teammates of all time, JUST to force some 222 comp?



Duo queing as tank is much more satisfying. My advice on rein is to play aggressively enough that your team feels responsible for you. (If you are solo queing.) Invariably if you play anything other than a shield tank you will get b**ched out.

If you are on shield and people are not really understanding it’s probably just that, in these cases jumping into chat and literally saying everything you are doing is enough to get people behind you.

Alot of people might disagree but a huge barrier to tank players currently is literally who you que with and their attitude. Just facts. Hovering around 3k sr all season as a first time tank player since my ADHD won’t let me sit in DPS ques and this is how i see things anyways.

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dude after patch that nerfed barriers…dont focus on climbing…its no money…just focusing on keeping your rank…there are a metric ton of dps and supports dropping like falling bricks through the ranks this week. just weather the storm. tank population is so low…youll be climbing super fast soon…but stay strong and we’ll get through this together. but by golly its so frustrating seeing so many awful…and i do mean awful dps. 20 sec ques…u see so much bad it aint right.


“We NeEd a SHiElD!!!”

Support dies for 5th time in 3 mins while standing in the open


I have literally been doing nothing but practicing Hog in Qp just to climb out of bronze.
Hog if they have a dominant Reaper, zarya if they have a dominant Mei, and Rein or Orisa if the team is competent enough.
I need to get a feel for Dva or Winston when they have a dominant sniper… But it’s been my experience that Dva is always the other tanks instalock.

I’ll give you an advice and I want you to try it for at least few games. Pick Rein, press w till you reach the enemy and start swinging. Don’t wait for anyone to do anything, just get in to their faces and swing it.

Please don’t do it in defense and come here to complain btw lol


Send me a vod. I’ve reviewed your Lucio play multiple times let me see your tank play and I’ll try and help.


Thank you very much for the offer.

Hopefully got my Havana game is in the last 10 replays. I’ll find and record it to Youtube in next day or so.

I start as Orisa, but swap off as not getting heals. Then I play Hog and I’m utter wood tier with him. i make bronzes look like Harbleau. I then switch to Rein in an attempt to stop the cart just shy of the end as all of my team are sniping and we’ve got no point presence so cart advancing unopposed.
On attack I go pure Rein and I think I do a pretty good job of getting it to the end.

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We’ll have to see how this patch shakes out but I think it’ll fix some of the DPS imbalance

I’ve gotten high masters every season before role queue since season 4. I just instalocked flanker (Genji Or tracer) sometimes playing zarya, and got there, never falling below 3600. Pharah? Killed her as tracer or took the loss if the other DPS couldn’t kill her. Brig came out and I had to add hanzo and Ashe to my roster if I couldn’t get picks and some more zarya in goats.

But in double barrier/bunker, everyone is grouped up so it’s harder to single people out as a flanker. In this situation from like season 10-17 I would just go ashe or hanzo but double barrier counters that too. So you kind of have to play mei, sym, reaper, or doom, none of which are fun to me in all but small doses.

Season 18-19 has been tougher for me because of this. I’m high diamond/low masters DPS on a few accounts in s19/low to mid master as tank on a few (zarya/hog only).

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Forum crying post by someone whose Sr is probably below 4 digits #1203

I agree with this 100%. It has been asked for since the beginning of overwatch. Friends will come and go. A guild can grow and practice together a lot.

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Last night I got so tilted at our dps bappers I actually yelled at him over the mic to heal me once in a blue moon…big oof …tanks should never lose their cool…


Try watching Harbleau. He’s really mellow tank player.

One game he had a dps that he thought was throwing, but he kept his cool. Lost the game in the end. He even said, “I’m so tilted right now”. But he still seemed more mellow than most players on a good day.

Sadly, I’m more like XQC tilt wise (Alas with none of his talent). Another aspect of playing for me to work on.

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It’s a pretty easy thing to do. All you have to do is die a little inside.

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Ok, Blizzard tried the do anything you want thing… comp just got worst.
Then you got the GOATS comp… That was a true and utter imbalance and completely BORING experience and people just gave up.

222 is a VERY good move imo… BUT you still have to deal with the trolls, throwers and 1 trick losers that don’t care if they win or lose, they play comp like they’re playing QP and players have no way to get those people out of their queue rotation.

If people played the game with the true intent of trying to win… wanting to get better and wanting to work with their team the game quality would be better.

There is nothing wrong with 222, what we need is to have control over our own game experience by being able to PERMINENTLY AVOID as many people as we want. That would change the game experience to QUALITY over QUANTITY and make it SO MUCH HARDER for Trolls to actually get into games after the player pool they’re in gets smaller and smaller increasing their queue times. YES, this would raise your own queue time but it would also raise the QUALITY of players you get in your queue rotation making your games MUCH more satisfying.

If you’re upset by a 10min queue time… then stop 1 rolling DPS and learn to flex to Support or Tank. Otherwise you’re going to be sitting and being salty at queue times… that’s 1 of the reasons 222 was created to get players to learn and play other roles. Don’t blame 222 because you won’t do anything else… that’ s on you.


Looking at your profile…

You play support vs tank on an approx 10-1 ratio.

Why not play tank more if it’s such a great role?

(Looks at tank win rates vs time played). Oh, I see… Still, at least you’re not crying on the forum about it. Fair play.


bring back winston and reinhardt and tanking will be fun again, simple.


What program do you use to screencap? Hi you have recommendation?

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It isn’t so much tanks but that 2/3 of each team is now locked into not doing damage as it’s main function. Leads to games that are dull.

No tanks, 1 support, 5 dps had other problems but one of them wasn’t boredom. The change in tanks recently is better but it won’t change that the basic 2/2/2 has dropped this game in popularity. It’s still played of course, still popular enough. But you can see what’s happened in the Twitch metrics, which Blizz uses itself.

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