Tankers, How is Patch 1.43 Treating You?

To my fellow Tankers, greetings and salutations.

It has been nearly a week since Patch 1.43 is “live”.
I have played about 7-9 hours across 3 different days in both QP and QPC.
How has it been for you?

Has it been good for you as a Tank player or does it seem like this is 1 patch 4 screwing 3 tanks?

Personally, for me, it has been a real adjustment to playstyle for Orisa.
I am still trying to find my legs with her. Sometimes, she just feels really bad.

For Reinhardt, this would my personal assessment:

Sigma, for all the 3-4 times which i had tried him, seems to be ok.
From day one, i had always been using Kinetic Grasp to push forward while my Shield is on that 1 sec cool down or when it is broken. So not much change there.

However, overall, my take is that the shield tanks feel rather bad now in the sense that Orisa is like a paper tiger, Rein is a hammer bot, Sigma is just … Sigma but less.

From a larger perspective, it seem like i am seeing more Hanzo and Widowmaker now as well as Soldier 76 and McCree.

Do share. =)


It’s been pretty great as Roadhog.

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My sister enjoys it a lot more because she feels more comfortable playing most of the tanks (outside of Winston/Dva). She is happy that Rein is sort of at the forefront again and feels the same way a lot of people are describing (that offense is really fun and easy, but defense is kind of stressful).

I am not much of a tank main, but I would be lying if I said that the Sigma nerfs were as awful as I expected. He still seems fine.


Not a tank main, but all my tank friends have been absolutely thrilled by the patch and really enjoy tanking again. Aggression is finally rewarded once more.

One I am hearing from all of them though is that Reaper, Mei, and Hanzo are making it very hard to play any sort of dive tanks.


It has completely rekindled my love for Overwatch. I took a month long break from the game, because I was bored and tired of the stale pace of every match.

Now, every match feels like a new and involved experience. I can out play the enemy Tanks and feel extremely rewarded for doing so.

I don’t have to rely on my teammates as much and if one of them isn’t pulling their weight, I can easily adjust and try harder. It doesn’t work all of the time, of course, but I don’t feel as helpless as I did months ago.

Also, my change in attitude probably helped a lot. I genuinely want to get better and view every match as a learning opportunity now. A month ago, I thought I would never improve and just went with the flow of things. Horrible, boring, uninspiring, pointless. Never again!

Sorry, I don’t mean to get so dramatic. I’ve loved this game since open beta and I’m thrilled my passion for it is back. It’s been a very, very long time, since I’ve been actually happy to play it.


Hog main. This patch is ROUGH. Especially in gold I’m getting 28+ kills 10k games and still feel like the power creep is unreal right now

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LOVIN IT. The new patch is ages more fun to be tank in.


I’ve loved it. I actually feel like I can outplay my opposite tank players, unlike before where I just stood there and prayed that my team had better coordination and focus fire then the enemies.

I really feel like a good player in this patch, as I’m pretty good at risk management, and I’m also good at not wasting resources on chip damage and facing. Orisa took some time to get used to, but now that I have, I feel she may actually be OP. It’s super nice to be playing Winston as a main tank though, and I’d forgotten how much fun D.Va was.

All that said, Reaper really, really needs a nerf. Mei and Hanzo probably as well.


Best tank patch ever.

The underlying thing about this patch I sense a lot of people are missing, is that it main tanks less synergy reliant, particularly Rein and Orisa.

The biggest problem with tanks has been the lack of individuality. Rein was too tied with Zarya and Lucio, Orisa too tied with Sigma and Hog. Now it’s way more broad and open. Rein/Orisa and Orisa/Zarya aren’t memes anymore.


Not doing very well over here,

ive had terrible matches and id practically gave up on tanks after this patch, and refuse to play them

Quoting myself in discord (with some edits)

“i think that now tanks are extremely unfun
now you not only have to deal with the same broken characters as ever in hanzo and reaper that delete tanks with no counterplay, But also characters that were buffed to deal with tanks like mei and never re-adjusted for 222 and the nerfed tanks, But also now hitscan spam damage that can melt you from the other side of the map with very little downside, and there are no barriers that can hold, and they are so far away that dive tank cant reach before beeing dead by the aftermentioned characters”


It’s great except now the insane damage creep makes it tough


reaper is just a perma high charge sym with 250hp and 2 different abilities to avoid one shots and cc

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I’ve been instalocking D.Va and trying to brute force it

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Her match up against Orisa really improved (armor revert hits Orisa for ~33% damage).

I really enjoyed, and succeed, with Rein/Dva recently. I was Rein though, so I can speak for the Dva’s side, albeit my friend seemed very pleased as well.

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While it is/was a problem, it wasn’t the biggest.
The biggest issue was more of Tank Busters and mass CC IMO.

Well, lets just agree they are all big problems. To which extent one bother you or me is immeasurable.

Orisa doesn’t feel like a main-tank to me anymore, she feels like an off-tank who happens to also have a shield. I don’t dislike her changes though, just need more time to adjust


She plays a lot like Zarya in my experience.

Use CDs to extent life and murder everyone.

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Reinhardt feels good.
Sigma gets :eggplant: by beams.

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She has 1 personal “extend life” CD (fortify), 1 general “extend life” CD (barrier), and 1 “murder” CD (halt).
I think you’re right