Shield Breaks = Shattered

I have recently learned that if your shield breaks from shatter damage, then you still get shattered, particularly with Brig but I assume the same with Rein and such.

I feel like this shouldn’t be the case since typically the shield blocks everything behind it, including allies. The shield even though it dies, should absorb the damage and still block.

Idk, its not a big deal but esp since its something not a lot of new players, inexperienced players, or lower players do… I feel like they should for sure be rewarded if they’re blocking them and making sure their shield is above 0 before hand in order to do so.

This actually explains so many times where I’ve blocked shatter on my screen but still got shattered, I’ve always just assumed with png and it hadn’t fully deployed yet and contacted the ground to stop shatter.

Anyways, I just wanted to point this out and why I think it shouldn’t be this way, and if anybody knows if its like this for every barrier in the game. I assume it is but I wouldnt be suprised if its inconsistent between heroes.


You may have been walking. Her shield bob’s up and down and when your moving, it doesnt block earth shatter.


Mm, no. Definitely not. The shield is literally in the ground even when shes walking, only exception is on stairs and unlevel surfaces. I block shatters often on Brig and I’m typically walking.

I know for sure its breaking the shield, I just don’t think it should stun me after breaking the shield.

Even if it was the whole “walking” thing, which no offense to you, I don’t think is actually a thing, the shield wouldn’t die to it or take damage, it’d just shatter, similar to jumping.

This happens with every shield.

I will say, brig’s shield is unique with blocking shatters since you need to look directly at rein and not even remotely vertically to block them.

Unlike most shields it does not go under the ground so shatter slips underneath it often, and brig’s shield doesn’t block shatter well unless it’s directly pointed at rein due the left and right edges of brig’s shield not covering her feet


This could be due to the code of the game registering the damage first, then the stun. So the damage breaks shield, then the stun checks to see if it was blocked but there isn’t a barrier anymore so it goes through. That would be my guess on what is happening. I feel like this is rare enough I don’t know if it needs changed, but I can see why it makes sense to change it


Try it. I played her a lot until very recently. Walk a bit, than stop and watch as her shield drops a bit more into the ground. Than open a custom game, have a friend use earth shatter while you walk with shield up. Than again with you stationary and let us know the results. In my experience, walking with brig = shattered
Standing still = blocked.

Nope. Brigs Barrier is just doodoo and buggy. You should block shatter but the hitbox of brigs barrier is just buggy.

Oh Shatter, and Brig shield are all just weird I have no idea.

I believe it’s more to do with the fact that shatter is a bit of a cone and Brig’s shield isn’t wide enough to block a cone if she’s not directly facing the top of the cone

I made a really bad paint drawing to try and visualise what’s going on


Barriers aren’t very consistent, anyway. They haven’t been for about four years now.

It’s because shatter doesn’t hit the entire area at once
It travels in a (very quick) wave away from Rein.

No, OP is right about it. Uf your Shield has only 75HP left shatter goes through. This is the xase for every Hero, thats why Rein guides twll you zo keep your shield always above 200HP if you want to block it


I wouldn’t be surprised if the walking thing was true, but it might just be Brigitte’s janky shield. It really struggles with area of effect attacks. Sometimes it blocks them, sometimes doesn’t. Even of you are in the same situation.

I was mainly referring to the instances where Brig’s shield is full health (probs shoulda said so) when Rein shatters but still gets shattered, though I could still be wrong and it is actually bugged

Alright, I’m going to respond to everything here, but I want to make it clear I was not talking about the shield simply not blocking it bc its “buggy” which I have found it really isn’t. I onetrick the hero and I’m fairly consistent at blocking shatters on her. Twice during placements this season, I blocked shatters and those 2 times won us the fight and came in clutch, bc my CC and healing kept the team alive for the duration. I block shatters more than that but saving the team isn’t always the case, just a hope.

Respectfully, the whole “walking” thing, unless you’re not looking forward, the shield does continue to stay in the ground and again, I typically am not standing still when I react to a shatter. Walking does NOT get you shattered in my experience and walking does not make your shield stop clipping into the ground to block shatter. I don’t know where people are getting this.

There is an issue with the bottom corners if you’re not looking in the direction of Rein, where you can still get hit. There is also an issue where of you are on an unlevel service or you’re on a staircase, where this will cause your shield to stop clipping thru the ground so you will get shattered, specifcally 3rd point Eichenwalde comes to mind due to all the wooden pieces and such on the ground, as well as stairs.

None of this is exclusive with shatter… It is also the same with abilities like Ball Pile Driver, or Doom Meteor Strike. Something exclusive to shatter though, is because it actually has travel time, you’re more likely to react to it and successfully block the further you are from him. Shield doesn have a small deployment time and png and such also affects it, so the further you are the more likely it’ll block.

This isn’t true, Brigitte’s shield does go underground. In fact, I used to hate it and thought it was ugly bc it clipped thru the ground, and yes, it does continue to clip through the ground while walking.

This is true tho rarely happens with practice.

Yeah, I was thinking of this too. Would definitely make sense.

I’m just bias bc I’m a Brig otp and my shield is only 250hp lol. I feel like something thats not often encouraged or thought about for Brig players, but definitely rewarding, shouldn’t have a decent chance of not blocking bc you’re below a certain hp. But I guess I’ll just have to start keeping track of that.

I’ll go ahead and say I didn’t try it in a custom game, but I’m like 98% sure you’re wrong still. Even in the practice range, you can clearly see her shield clipping thru the ground even when you’re walking.

And again, I’m typically walking when I block shatters, bc typically I block based on reaction, and I’m typically not standing still bc I’m an aggressive Brig and I’m typically smacking the Rein and trying to stay right out of his swing distance using Shield Bash and Whipshot.

I really have never had an issue in my 450hr+ of Brig, where I didn’t block a shatter bc I was walking.

I wouldn’t say buggy, just weird. You can definitely adapt to it.

This is true, but in my cases the shield is facing Rein, and the shield takes damage and specifically dies, which is what has lead me to believe it dying from shatter damage means it doesn’t block.

This could explain why some people think walking prevents them from blocking. Idk tho.

How so? The only majour inconsistency I can think of has to do with png.

Yeah, but as I said I believe, I think it should absorb it and continue to block.

An example being like bomb, it doesn’t kill you when you block it even though its 4x the damage of Brig’s shield HP. You can even block for people behind you with it.

I think the person you’re replying to has a good idea of what could be happening, though the travel time is most likely also a part of it.


I still don’t think this should be a thing, but thanks for 100% confirming my question rather than bringing up something else about why it might not have blocked lmao.

I guess I’ll just have to learn shatter dmg numbers and all the other abilities and keep mental notes for my shield hp, rather than just “don’t let my shield die”.

Could you give me an example, bc I don’t find Brigitte’s shield being inconsistent with really any abilities. I’ve seen pro’s who don’t often play Brig, pick her up and not realize how Brigitte’s shield works and blame it on a bug for it not blocking.

I feel like there’s just a big misunderstanding that Brig’s shield is buggy but I personally haven’t found this to be the case, and I play on about 75png on average too. If you give me a specific example I might be able to think of a reason why it didn’t block one time but did another.

No pressure though, only if you want to. I’m not trying to sit here and like “flex my knowledge” or act like I know more than anybody. It’s just people are bringing up stuff that wasn’t directly related to my question as like an “excuse” as to what happened, I did get an answer that confirms if it dies you get shattered on any hero.

But anyways, in my experience I haven’t found the shield inconsistent, so if youre interested I’ll be glad to give you possible reasons for why it didn’t block things.

If it’s unique to brig, then you’re probably just mistaking something else for it (like others have said, due to how her shield does or doesn’t penetrate the ground). If it’s happening for everyone, then it’s a side effect of how shatter works and honestly, if it does work that way, that’s kind of gross.

Should be easy enough to test in a workshop or 2P custom.

Brig’s shield is demonstrably inconsistent:

And yes, shatter keeps going if it breaks the shield, not sure why either.

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According to others, it happens with everyone. But, I don’t know if its bc how shatter works, or if its how shields work.

It could be A:
Because shatter has travel time, because it breaks the shield first and then continues, it still damages and stuns you.

Shatters first damages then stuns, so damage is absorbed by the shield and it dies, then the rest continues because it wasnt fully blocked. Idk if that makes sense, but it’s likely A or C but possibly this.

If a shield breaks with any CC AOE ability, such as Ball’s piledrive, then they still get CCed instead of blocking.

Reading over and thinking about it, it’s likely A I think. But I’ll try to test it with friends today in customs.

The links on Reddit don’t work and I assume the replay is expired.

But png could heavily affect it, more so uhh, I forgot what it’s called but people have brought it up before. Basically the game tries to correct for high latency and gives somebody priority?

Idk I really don’t think Brigitte’s shield is inconsistent or buggy, just unique bc of its size. I think people have to adjust. Maybe I’m wrong but I block a lot or abilities with Brig’s shield, I play her a lot. I will admit Riptire is one that I block fairly inconsistentently, but again, I think png is a complete logical explanation for that to be.

Odd, links are working fire for me. In any case, there’s videos:

It could be ping but even then we’re looking at someting demonstrably inconsistent. The workshop code still works, anyone can check it.

There’s something really, really off about it.

Oh alright, and maybe links arent working bc I’m on mobile?

Also my bad, workshop codes dont expire like replays lol.

I’ll try to check it out later, but anyways, yeah it’s inconsistent I guess you could say even with it being png, but I feel like a lot of people use that as an excuse for things like shatter and such too, which isn’t any worse for Brig than it is Rein, other than the size. If you adapt to the shape of Brig’s shield, it won’t be inconsistent for non-fast moving uhmmm… organic? Idk if thats the right word. I mean like shatter for example, goes in a predictable shape from the Rein, where as things like Cree’s Flashbang and Junk’s Riptire are able to be controlled, so its incredibly hard to block with Brig shield bc png delay and Brig’s shield needing to be in a specific place due to its size.

It’s annoying but I don’t think that is really a bad thing, I don’t think you could make that consistent while being fair for everyone. I think the current iteration is the best way they could do it.

Edit: Bc im stupid I didn’t watch the video before replying, but I would still say its likely the png thing again with the game having to prioritize certain things depending on the situation and such, its kinda weird. I would assume it’s the same for Reinhard but thats not really testable. I think Rein and Brig’s shield fully deploy in the same amount of time, meaning from 0% to 100%, but obviously bc Rein’s is so much bigger, the area covered in the amount of time is way faster.

In the video, the shield is still in deployment stages, I think if Rein’s was at the same size, that it’d also be inconsistent. Yes, it’s because its smaller that it has to make a decision between if it was open enough to block and if thats fair for everyone with everyone’s png taken into consideration. Idk if that makes sense but I hope it does.

But again, this is the fairest it can get I think, thats assuming its a png thing tho. If I’m wrong and it has nothing to do with png, then idk. And I could for sure be wrong, but I do think it’s likely I’m right.


So, I just tested it in custom games, I only tried it once per hero. Brig doesn’t get CCed if her shield breaks to anything other than Shatter, Shatter is the only thing that goes past it. The things I tested were Shatter, Remech, and Ball Piledrive.

I then tested the Shatter vs another Reinhardt, if Reinhardt’s shield dies to it, Rein does not get shattered like Brig does. This is apparently unique to Brig unless something weird happened during my testing, I only did it on Rein once, he should’ve been shattered if it went thru barriers after they broke, and he wasn’t.

This is stange and silly that its inconsistent.