Share your words of wisdom

I’m sure we all have a piece of wisdom about the game that we learned. Thus whether it helped or harmed, I would like to hear it.

I’ll share with you mine:
Fighting your enemy has two outcomes, fighting your team only has one.


Compliment someone. It costs nothing, but people still work hard to earn it.


In the desert, the cheetah lives for 3 years, and the camel lives for 9.


Fully agree op, tilting on your team never has a good outcome. The diagnosis of blame is usually pretty laughably misdirected as well based on lack of info during a match.

Words of wisdom.
“Shoot the mei wall”, its low health and 1 pillar out makes a world of difference. As a support main it drives me nuts when my MT is cut off and I’m plucking the wall with ana solo.

On the opposite end I was tanking a bit earlier and pushed up a bit. Enemy switched to mei and walled me off from my team as soon as I saw her. I put my sigma shield up like a foot out expecting either death or maybe a reprieve from my support at expense of resource as enemy mei and zarya charged at me. And to my surprise I slipped backwards through the column my team took out. One of the first times I’ve seen this happen in quickplay and I was super thankful being the tank in the scenario this time.


The biggest thing a support needs to learn is when it is time for your team mates to die.

The moment it looks like the fight is lost, it is time to stop healing. All you are doing is giving the enemy team ult from that point on.


killing widowmaker is her #1 weakness


If the enemy team has a doomfist just use your ears and you will win

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when it’s clear both the community and the devs are incompetent and/or just unwilling to solve an issue despite many voices pointing it out and justifying how it is an issue, just give up on the matter, distance yourself and walk away to something else.

oh and also if your 2nd support is struggling to deal with a flanker despite your help, it is perfectly viable to pick a main healer you can properly defend yourself on like moira and pretty much nearly entirely leave the other support behind as a sacrifice to the flanker to distract them long enough while you win with the rest of the team.

oh and never expect anything from the team as a support.


Solo ulting someone is completely worth it and has the additional perk of dealing temporary psychological damage to the recipient.

Solo grav the gremlin DVa. Send a message.


Treat the enemy Mercy like a mosquito. No rest until she is dead. If you ignore her, she’ll make your life hell later when you least expect it.

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If you don’t criticize what you dislike, don’t be surprised if it never changes.

  • “Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” – George Bernard Shaw
  • “Youth is wasted on the young.” – George Bernard Shaw You know this quote from Ana right? :rofl:

Please remember to always share your opinion whether people like it or dislike it. Your opinion MATTERS and it can help the devs and the community create a better future.

Not playing OW extends life with 5 years.


Real life is so nice


Never accept the world as it appears to be, dare to see it for what it could be :slight_smile:

… also, if you’re playing ana or zen, stay in the back behind cover. Frontline grandma won’t win :frowning:

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People die when they are killed


Just because you’re correct doesn’t mean you’re right.

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most overwatch players stay for a year and then quit for too many reasons, and never come back.

It’s supposed to be entertainment.

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If you don’t have something nice to say… THEN SHUT THE HELL UP!

“If you see an enemy pilot D.Va trying to commit suicide, stop her.”

Either by claiming the kill so its no longer gamer girl suicide or forcing her existence to prolong as much as possible so you can stagger her team more.