Shame doomfist is getting nerfed

I have a question for you to answer. Is it really that hard to pay attention to the sounds Doomfist makes when he’s charging rocket punch?

I knew it was pretty long but christ.

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Sounds like you dont understand what the word balance means imo.


Yep! Personally, I’m happy. It’s about time.

They aren’t going to remove the numerous bug fixes he got.

I knew it was over for him the second they nerfed Brigitte. They had been performing very closely in terms of stats in GM. It was always going to be either one of them was a problem or neither were.

It should happen tho, 350 dmg every 4 seconds like wtfff the move is so easy to hit as well.

Dude it’s 250 damage if the punch is fully charged and the enemy hits the wall

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My bad, typoed meant to put 250.

Do we have confirmation on the doom nerf?

Pathetic people cry about his slam, shotgun, uppercut killing of supports because no one peels for them and then immediately pretend RP is broken when Jeff says that is what they are going to nerf for no reason. Just people who aren’t worth ever considering the opinion of on any subject.

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They’re going to need to be really careful with him.

IMO, what makes him frustrating isn’t his combo, mobility, stun, slam or even his armor.

It’s that if your team ever gets him low or CC’d he just ults and it starts all over again.

Irrelevant question.
There isn’t much you either way.

Great news!! Now with the new hero coming out, he ll take the back seat again.

I only wants his rocket punch to get nerf. Other than that I see no problems to buff his other abbilities to compensate.

Then I guess a glitch occurred because yesterday it happened to me. He uppercut, and no one could move out of it.

Do you understand how rocket punch works?

Reducing it would only highlight the fact that it already has trouble functioning even with the current knockback values, putting Doom back in the trash.

Removing it would make the ability completely worthless with mediocre benefit at best for MASSIVE risk and incredible counterability.

Literally either of those changes would just destroy the character entirely.

Also “people complained about since launch”? People complain about everything all the time on any given day. This community has absolutely no idea what it’s talking about 99% of the time :confused:

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Just the slam ability. The other abilities are loud enough lol. Because he can slam from high altitudes and is one of the abilities that you really don’t hear coming.

On Watchpoint Gibraltar I was playing Ana with a Mercy + 2 thanks + 2 DPS and both of us supports were being annahilated by the enemy Doomfist on spawn. Had to check the death feed to see that he kept hiding between the top bridge or the left building. Basically he would slam us from afar with hit-and-run tactics not knowing he was going to do that.

Like I said I am not a real expert on him and there is no way I am a game developer, but I think all running bugs should be fixed before before buffing or nerfing any hero.

Not just Doomfist.

Just to see how they actually play bug free and what needs to be fixed.

How would a small knock back nerf destroy the entire character?
It makes no sense.
He is busted now, so he needs to be nerfed (or utterly redesigned)
A simply thing as knockback distance is not so binary that you couldn’t change it at all…

A. Not busted in the slightest. Easily countered by several different characters.

B. Doomfist still has bugs he’s had since day one where people already just for WHATEVER REASON don’t properly impact the wall for the additional damage and simply slide off. So tell me why, if the ability already struggles to function, we would make it even harder to pull off so that for your increased efforts, added risk, and generally less usability, you still have a fairly common chance of it just outright not working?

Get Doomfist’s punch working 100% of the time every time, not at random, then we can maybe talk about the distance (which also is impacted at random as far as I can tell depending on anything from slight map bumps to latency to the positioning of the solar system on any given second).

Doom’s been in the trash for a long time and I’m not exactly too keen to put him back in just so people can go back to not thinking.