Shame doomfist is getting nerfed

The hand cannon already does similar DPS to Soldiers rifle after you used up the initial 4 shots.
It’s actually crazy how an extremely ability based hero got such a strong primary weapon.

Lol what

He can’t, but could you imagine lol.

Yes he can. A punch + slam allows him to fly a longer distance than any map allows for snipers to shoot across.

Rocket punch isn’t even the problem. It is the amount of shield gen when hitting more than one target that’s the problem.

This fixes nothing. Doomfist will still destroy the back line with no consequences unless the nerf is a cooldown nerf. Rocket punch has always been primarily an escape tool for the good doomfists anyway.

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RP is an extremely cheesy one shot ability on a low cooldown.
It’s very powerful, but like somehow the rest of his kit is so strong people use punch for mobility.

Unless he can fly from volskya point A to the point B choke point, that’s a no from me.

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He probably can…

Here is a similar distance flight on another map.
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Hmmm, now im trying to think how long it is compared to this lol, I don’t think he would be able to but i guess someone would need to test it.

Pff yeah, an A tier hero getting nerfed is so bad, meanwhile they nerfed Mercy from C tier to F tier and nobody said a word but Mercy mains.

Of all the problematic CC Doom really doesn’t feel like one of them. He disrupts you, but at no point does he leave you defenseless. I think the DPS form of Winston would be a better fit for him to be honest. Rather than one shotting people he’d dive in and dislodge people, moving them off the point with rocket punch and upper cut. He’d have that constantly building shield from more abilities keeping him in the fray longer but he wouldn’t be simple KOing the people unlucky enough to get hit. I really think the game would benefit from that kind of hero. If not him maybe someone new.

As a main healer the guy can be extremely irritating as he moves in, ignores your team, kills you, and then rocket punches his way out. This process continues unless I either switch to Sombra or Brigitte, or my teammates notice their not getting their heals and hear my pleas.

Despite hating on Doomfist, though, he can sometimes be a lifesaver if his on your team. I think what they should do is first fix all the bugs that plague him before doing anything. Once that’s done, look into what actually needs nerfing:

  1. Slam ability should be loud enough to hear so players know that he is coming.
  2. Rocket Punch should not always be a guaranteed instant kill. The fact that it can also stun you and your abilities is also a big no-no.

That’s all I got. Not a real expert on him, but can tell that Doomfist mains really love him. I believe deleting him isn’t really the answer or nerfing him to oblivion. But they can ignore him either.

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Won’t matter to me, I’m still gonna punch them into a wall. Then that “nerf” will be called a buff cause people are still dying to it.

Was sorta referring to BF3 and BF4 but you know. Its more realistic than CoD and Overwatch(Whom isn’t even trying to be realistic and that is completely and totally ok :slight_smile: )

Its an interesting experiment sure, but it failed horribly akin to Dr Frankenstein’s monster. The experiment failed, now all that’s left is to clean up the mess left behind and either start over or just not do it at all.

DoomFist has some serious issues, issues that when placed inside the environment of a first person shooter, just horribly screws up either point A or point B(Doomfist or the person/people he’s killing respectively).

I’ll give Blizzard this though. SHOULD they, in some magical My-little-pony’esq way manage to balance Doomfist with his current kit intact. They’d definitely gain a portion of my respect(which mind you, isn’t easily earned. The portion in question would be small af. 1/1000000 but a portion nontheless. And no. I do not watch MLP. I’m not a child lol).

The bugs were the only things that allowed for some counter play before.
Without major nerfs, his abilities need to bug out randomly for Doomfist to be balanced.

Doomfist is already too loud. What needs to be done is nerf Doomfist in a way that you can realistically avoid slam when you know he is coming.
Like it really shozldn’t have a 7m long hitbox.

He needed a nerf.

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Doomfist been out for a year, and some people are still having problems with Rocket Punch.

I don’t think he’s getting nerfed I think that they’re just reworking his rocket punch which is just wrong. If they’re going to nerf him they should nerf his uppercut or something else but his rocket punch is perfectly fine like this. With the recent Roadhog changes and Ashe Doomfist is already going to be indirectly nerfed. I really don’t get it why they would nerf his Rocket Punch exactly.

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For a reason.
And the reason is that he is not balanced.

I have a better reason. Some people ignore Doomfist when he’s charging rocket punch

So you are back at the “my hero is balanced, everybody else is just bad” mentality.