Seriously? Pulse Bomb Nerf?

It’s honestly a pretty negligible nerf, since it really only affects tanks, who are really not my first choice for a stick target to begin with. And sticking a tank is absolutely not a skillshot. Even I can do it reliably and I’m terrible at Tracer.

However I’d agree that it seems like a pretty random nerf. It doesn’t actually do anything to address the issues that either regular players or pros have with Tracer. Which kind of makes me wonder if the only reason that Blizzard even released this nerf is so that they can point an it and say “s-see we nerfed her so no favoritism.”


i just mean either u throw it then recall and he used to die now u throw it hold lm for like a sec then recall there is rly no difference and he dies there is rly no difference

This is my instinct as well.

This nerf, that nobody asked for, will change absolutely nothing. Squishies can still be one-shot, tanks still can’t.

I have my tinfoil hat on here but I genuinely think this nerf was just so Blizzard can claim no favouritism.

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It does not work that way in reality as it was made painfully clear when Bastion’s Ironclad was 35%. He has a self heal and is pretty much always pocketed, just staying there to shoot him a bit more generally gets the Tracer killed with nothing done to the Bastion except for feeding his supports ult charge. This has literally happened before, it ain’t no speculation. In fact, when Ironclas was 35% pule bomb left Bastion with like 40hp, now it will leave him on like 60hp. There absolutely is a difference, and you’d know if you played back then.

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Tracer mains complaining about the nerf like it would have been better to nerf something else. You got off easy. This doesn’t effect your play style or anything.
You just can’t blow up tanks as quick.

Anything nerfed instead of this would have messed up her general kit. Some of you don’t even think.


Very, very true. I’d be counting my blessings if my main got a nerf this gentle and inconsequential.


Because this nerf will not actually affect all that much. Tracer’s strength doesn’t come from her ult, it comes from having the most mobility in a game where mobility is king. This just means that Tracer can’t intagib tanks, which she shouldn’t even be focusing on since her main job is take out low-health targets like the supports.

This “nerf” is a slap on the wrist.


It’s not just Brigittes ult that helps. If she gives armor to a teammate with 250HP that has a pulsebomb the bomb won’t kill them. Not so sure about 200hp heroes though.

Source: Overbuff.

On all ranks in PC, Tracer has a 4.43 pickrate, 49.53 winrate.

Moira has a 9.66 pick rate, followed by D.Va at 9.42. Why isn’t Moira getting nerfed :thinking:

Because supports are far fewer than DPS?

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So that justifies her being leagues above everyone else? Which is exactly what people complain about Tracer for?

I’m in no way saying Moria needs a nerf. At all, actually. But if we are going just on pick rates here…

DPS pool is larger than healer and tank pool.

As for the nerf, on the one hand, I’m “meh” about this, since I just started playing Tracer more seriously. Guess I’ll have to practice sticking this thing up people’s behinds more consistently :stuck_out_tongue:
On the other hand, the fact that she could kill a Zarya (a tank!) at full health was… not great? That’s the exact same thing people criticised about Hanzo’s scatter arrow, which is going to be removed once the new version goes live. Removing one one-shot ability but not another would have seemed a lot more unreasonable than removing/nerfing all of them.


I think she still can, isnt it easier to break shields than actual health? I don’t really remember.

Nah, shield behaves like hitpoints, it just regenerates after taking no damage for three seconds. It’s only armour that behaves differently.

Oh, that makes sense. The more ya know, thanks!

I can’t decide what is the stupidest nerf in the history of humanity: zen alt-fire nerf or tracer ult.


No, all I am saying is you should compare Moira’s pickrate with that of other healers, not DPS. DPS have lower pickrates because there are more of them.

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Moira- 9.66
Mercy- 8.33
Zenyatta- 6.02
Ana- 4.48

Junkrat is barely below Tracer, as well. 4.43 to 4.29.

Junkrat with a 51.13 winrate, vs Tracers 49.56

Of course, they did both recieve nerfs. I’m just comparing the two.

Tracer’s pulse bomb was akin to Reinhardt’s charge being an instantaneously activated 20m dash forward, covering that distance over the course of .3 seconds and doing 150 damage to anyone he body checks. Sure, most targets would survive, but he’s a single hammer swing or firestrike away from killing them and more importantly he can easily catch targets that hover just outside of his reach.

The idea behind the pulse bomb nerf was to cripple Tracer’s capabilities against tanks in much the same way charge is made clunky to the point of near suicidal to use so that he can’t very easily catch highly mobile or distant characters.

Only pulse bomb still isn’t suicidal to use.

Try using stats from diamond+ ranks where game played somwhere close to how it supposed to be.

Also you compring healers to tanks to deeps. Entierly different categories which never interfere with eachother.