Seriously? Pulse Bomb Nerf?

There’s no skill in sticking a tank. This change only affects Tanks and Bastion.

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I think Tracer needs a nerf, but this change is just bizarre.

Why would they oppose Tracer using her pulse bomb on tanks? That’s the entire point of the ult. She already is awesome against squishies and healers with her primary fire.

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:roll_eyes: Sure buddy, sure. That’s only what, the 4th time this meta has been doomsday predicted? But this time! This time for sure!

Back On-Topic: I’m a little weirded out too, but I guess this is the only part of Tracer you can really nerf that doesn’t cripple her (as much) in lower level play. Tracer’s kind of a difficult hero to nerf because so much of what she can do depends on the player.

I mean… Bastion is left with 5 HP after getting stuck now. Unless he receives immediate medical attention, a stiff breeze kills him.

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I don’t get why this is such a big deal. You’ll still be able to one-shot squishies, and you still wont be able to one-shot tanks.

Literally nothing’s changed.

Trust Blizzard to finally nerf Tracer but in the most pointless and ineffectual way imaginable.


Maybe Blizz, You should think, And nerf her ult charge, Like you did to Mercy (-25%)
Because the damage ult is todally fine

And that’s the big deal.

They nerfed her in a way that is bizarre and unhelpful. You’re fine with it because you wanted her nerfed anyway, but that’s shortsighted. You should see this as a big deal because Blizzard will use this as an excuse to not nerf her further. They think the job is done.

When it reality, the areas in which she is oppressive and overpowered are still there, and her ultimate (which is already pretty lame) is now weaker for no reason? It’s completely stupid!


I absolutely agree. They’ll now be able to say “See? We listened to you guys and nerfed Tracer” even though this is arguably the least impactful nerf this game has ever seen.

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I guess anything else would be a MUCH harder balancing act.

It is like the Mei spray change. It doesn’t effect 90% of it’s uses, so, it was safe to apply.

I mean, what else would they change? blink cooldowns? hp? movement speed?

Gun damage maybe…

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It honestly feels like an excuse for Blizzard to say “We listened to your feedback and nerfed Tracer” without actually really nerfing Tracer.

This nerf will change nothing.

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You’re probably right. As long as Tracer has her mobility and damage she’ll be in the too strong category. This isn’t an unwelcome nerf though as it really does help tanks. Perhaps this is just the beginning. The community hates massive nerfs all at once that “gut” heroes, so maybe this is Blizzard starting small with more incremental nerfs to come?

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Pulse bomb isn’t being nerfed because pulse bomb is OP. Blizzard is nerfing it because it doesn’t damage the way they think Tracer should be played. It keeps Tracer a little more honest and rewards cooperation with team mates to ensure kills if you want to go for the “easy” stick. It’s a healthy change for the game overall.


Oh no, wait I didn’t think about his additional damage reduction in sentry. He survives with quite a bit actually. Good for him I say.

Honestly, I am starting to wonder how Blizzard come up with these nerfs. So many of them seem just so random. Literally no one has ever complained that Pulse Bomb is OP.

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Way easier to hit then so ething with a big red circle basically screams danger and has a cast time for you to get out. Tracer is way easier to play then doomfist and it’s not hard to tag a tank. And the tank can take out close supports like Mercy if they aren’t careful.

There is no way Blizzard ever thinks they are done tweaking anything. That’s what makes them an amazing developer.

It wasn’t even the change I was expecting or wanted to see. Most of the posts about nerf Tracer that I saw were usually mentioning her pistol damage (fall off?), blinks or recall (my bug bear with Tracer is recall). I honestly have lost faith in the balancing done in this game lol.

I think they chuck some random suggestions written on bits of paper into a hat and pull one of them out at random (or more if they think a hero needs nerfing hard).


the nerf is a good idea, instead of being really good at killing everything now tracer is good at killing everything with slightly less efficiency when facing tanks

No it can’t. What are you on about? Are you forgetting Bastion has 20% damage reduction on tank and sentry?

Maybe in your tier she has a 4% pick rate