Seriously? Pulse Bomb Nerf?

With all the shields, and now this, it seems they are trying to bring Bastion back to the forefront out of necessity

At your service ^^
(late reply because I was sleeping xD)

Can’t even one hit bastion anymore.

Neither can scatter…

Bastion returning to somewhat meta?

I forgot where I read this but the pros were complaining about pulse bomb for a while, so it got nerfed

Tracer mains aren’t the only ones that believe she doesn’t need a nerf. She’s not my main. I don’t like her, but I still think she is the most balanced hero in the game.

Its not because “oh it’s their poster girl”. That’s such a dumb thing to say. You touch any of her movement or damage abilities, she’ll become utter garbage. She balances herself out with high skill and low health. She doesn’t need a nerf.

Also, don’t bother checking my stats. I know I don’t really play her. Using “time on a hero” statements means nothing when you watch others play and do research.

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So explain to me why Doomfist’s ult is harder to land and is no where near instant and does 300 dmg, but Tracer gets an easier to aim and mostly instantaneous ult that does 400 dmg. Where’s the logic in these?

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Tracer gets an easier to aim

LOL. Stopped reading there.

They literally said in the patch notes why it was nerfed.

It was too good at melting tanks, who are also the easiest by far to stick consistently.

Now a tank can actually tank her ult, which is fine because it’s not like they’re going to catch her anyways.

60% pick rate in owl(genji is 30%)
yea tracer is balanced LUL

Landing a pulse bomb? Really? Statistics show that Tracers get 3 kills with their pulse bombs per game.

Doomfist gets 2.59, but he has a pick rate of 1%.

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In OWL she might have 60%. Compared to full world statistics of a 4% pick rate

Don’t compare OWL pick rates to overall ones.

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They touched the untouchable tracer and genji, ANYTHING is possible from now on


u do realise it can still one shot bastion

Im consered where you get these stats
Current overbuff stats(april 20th)
Tracer has 18.58% pick rate on pc for all ranks
In master its 30.39%
in gm its 40.40%

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Considering how fast she gets her ult it’s a welcomed change.

If Blizzard would have increase her cooldowns, reduce her dammage or increase her fallof dammages you would have cry harder.
This buff is legit and healthy for the game.
Big buff for Sym teleporter/Bastion/Tanks in general

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It doesn’t have fall-off…

This is a perfectly reasonable nerf to pulse bomb and it will still remain very strong against tanks.

Only thing I don’t like about it is that Bastion in Sentry Mode is going to survive it.

The pirateschip is now literally unstoppable. Worst nerf blizz every made.

Pulse bomb vs tanks was never really an issue though as most can negate the damage.

If anything they should nerf her ult charge build up. This nerf is going to make pirate ship strats even harder to beat.