Seriously? Pulse Bomb Nerf?

have u seen his new kit. he will be. he will need a nerf.

Im gonna give it a shot but dont see how he wont be op af

Ahaha, you’re right!

But, you’re not. Sorry.

She doesn’t become a “prominent” offense until plat, but even then, she’s isn’t even top picked overall. She’s isn’t “dominating” until masters.

Overall, 4.43% pickrate.

Source: Overbuff

I feel like if tanks weren’t in such a bad place this wouldn’t have happened.

my question over all ( im happy for the nerf on tracer not so much the changes on junkrat ) is why did it take them THIS long to even bother changing something on her

yeah yeah i get it shes there poster girl and all.

but realy ? are the tracer mains the only ones that DIDNT see that she needed nerfs ?

wait i just answered my own queston there no they didnt thats why they played her.

well its good she got the change. the same to ganji who needed it also. not looking to happy at that change to junkrat but at the same time its going to be intaresting to see how he plays when it hits live.

Tanks are in a bad place due to dive, imo. Anchor tanks, anyways. Not the mobile, beefy DPS


They increased her blink cooldown. Absolutely uncalled for. Why are people talking about the minor pulse nerf?

She’s balanced. She isn’t even prominent until plat, and only really good in masters+.

4.43% pickrate overall, one of the highest, arguably the highest, skill requirement in the game.

VS Junkrat, who is way too strong for the lack of skill required. A quick charging, OP ultimate that can easily determine team fights.

But okay.

It’s not a skillshot when it’s used on tanks and that was the point of the nerf.

got to ask what makes him so op to you ? have you ever tryed playing him in a live comp match or any match for that matter that was not agenst bots ? tryed to lean how he plays how to ark his shots though a door how to use the mines to bounce a tank like rain off a point or a payload ? mastered the art of the dubble mine jump ? learned who you can and cant single mine or dubble mine ?

or how many secends it takes for a mine to reach a target and be close enough to blow it up and it STILL do damage to them ? where to place your steel trap to best help you funnle enamys and stop them from flanking ? how to dubble mine a tracer that just blinked in the face as shes geting away ?

people complain that junkrat is OP when in reality hes one of the most annoyingly technical heros in this game becuse of all the things that ARE wrong with him.

Wait what? No they didn’t

im going to ask you also you ever even played him ?

i went on the ptr and i swear blinks took 4 seconds to come back

Check my profile, there’s some pretty decent chunk of time in there.

Enough to know how heavy of an impact he has with such a low skill floor, ya know?

I’m not saying that he takes zero skill, but it’s definitely not as much as it should be for the massive impact he has.

mmm nope 7 hours on your main 15 mins on junkrat. thats not a chunk of time at all

might add your also a ganji main from the look of it and also a low level unless your on a smurf,

ill give you credit for your rank though. congrat at geting out of bronze hell


Check my PSN. 15 hours. That’s a good “chunk of time”.

And no, I’m not smurfing. Still high plat tho. And I never actually went to bronze, I’ve been in plat :slight_smile: but thanks!

send people here when you want them to see your hours on a hero. still not that large of a chunk of time by the way.

h ttps://

Honestly I consider it a decent amount of time, but that’s just me. Obviously it doesn’t compare to my almost 90 hours (combined across platforms) on Genji, but I don’t think that’s it’s a small amount of time, ya know?

Indirect buffs to Bastion and tanks. Can’t see anything wrong with that tbh

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u still have never played junk rat. thats the chunk of time i mainly talk about and cross platform means nothing the skills of a keyboard and mouse player on PC does not transfer to a controller on a console

Actually, cross platform does matter. I am able to tell you how he performs on a separate console, which, like it or not, needs to be taken into consideration by developers.

And are you smurfing? You’re a very similar level to me