Seriously? Pulse Bomb Nerf?

I agree with it’s tank busting ability being strong. I wouldn’t have gine for the change but fine.

Only problem I have with this is sentry bastion survives a stick now… for low rank pulse bomb was our holy grail to stupid teammates feeding the cheese comp… what do I do now?


What else would they nerf on her? She already struggles at mid tiers (playing at gold I very rarely see good tracers) so if her direct damage or survivability was needed she would be in an even worse spot for most players. This seems like a concerted effort to make her less oppressive at high ranks where tracers regularly farm and murder tanks without killing her for everyone else.

As a main FFA player i’m extraordinarily glad about this change. Tracer is not fun to play against at all, however it is fun to play her. She needed a nerf as she’s basically spearheading dive comp and one of the only heroes to have not been changed which made her insanely powerful in a lot of game modes. Although a 100 damage nerf to her ult isn’t exactly what the problem was, I am glad they are addressing her as someone that needs to be taken care of badly.

Yeah, I don’t get the need for this nerf. Like, I think I mentioned the idea of making her ult get rate higher since she gets it pretty easily, or at least it seems like it. The actual damage of the pulse bomb itself was never an issue, in fact the issue I had with it was when it would literally just disappear (and no, it wasn’t bubble-stuck/ dva eaten either, just legit vanishing after you tossed it)

As a Tracer main, I’ll take it. It will make it so Tanks will survive more easily, bastion surviving on sentry and tank (but it’s more a team effort to kill the Bastion, not just Tracer), and both of Sym ultimate surviving although she can shoot as it’s detonating. Although her ult is not what makes Tracer good, it is her mobility and the player utilizing it. It’s like a zen/ nerf where it won’t affect her power that much or at all.


Even though people like to say this only affects tanks, any hero with 250 health and armor now lives theough her ULTIMATE. ULTS are supposed to be tide changing and significant, now she can maybe kinda kill 1 person if they get stuck and don’t have armor and aren’t being healed. That’s major.


A flanker made to harass and eliminate the soft 200 health targets, shouldnt have the ability to instakill a tank every 2 fights.

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And how viable are HP giving heroes in the current meta?
Sure aren’t with how our HP giving builders are below 1% pickrate and get flamed for even scrolling over them.


You aren’t insta killing except for Zarya. And, let’s be clear, she wasn’t made to only Eliminate and harass soft-200hp targets. That’s what she’s good at, not what she’s made to do.

And her ultimate? Yeah, it was balanced. Why should Moira get the ability’s to heal 140HP and do 70 DPS through barriers every two fights?

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Don’t forget Reins. They die the most to PB from any tanks in my experience. They have no defense against it.

Dva can DM
Zarya can bubble
Hog can heal
Orisa can fortify but still goes down easier than the above 3

Reins almost always die in battle to PB in my experience so this helps both Bastions and Reins out too. Although I do believe Rein has other issues that need addressing separately outside of these changes.

You want to talk about Tracers Ult not having that much impact anymore I invite you to try Tac-Visor, or maybe try Lighthouse ult.

For those who didn’t get the joke its a joke on McCree’s ult sure they could be devastating when you extensively prepare for them. Soldier 76 and McCree literally have to be out in the open and hold their Ult to be useful Tracer players just throw theirs and blink out or recall out of harms way.

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What’s your problem? It still deletes anyone with 300hp or lower except Bastion due to his armor.

yea but tbh i think the nerf was removing an “unintended gameplay.” Tracer is a flanker who’s focus should be squishy heroes, not tanks. So the nerf is removing the “easy way out” of just sticking the pulse bomb to tanks and focusing more one getting it’s picks on squishies.

Yeah, that’s pretty much the entire reason Brigitte was built the way she is.

its gonna cause a huge riot they should of nerfed the heck out of stinking majorally op junkrat if i ever became the devs boss id probably fire each one and get some that actually listen to the community not only to so called pros

Nobody is going to riot, and nobody is going to get fired.

You are delusional.

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ya only say that because you main OP junkrat

You only say that people are going to riot because you main Tracer.

You’re only saying these things-- these incredibly kneejerk reactions-- because you are upset and it’s the first day. You’ll get over it.

It’s a weird one.

Anyone outside of tanks and Bastion are still going to die.

You sure Bastion won’t die? I can’t ever really recall a time I got tagged with a bomb that I also didn’t get parts of a clip loaded into me as well.

Problem is her and Genji regardless of tier rating takes over the offense roster.