Seriously? Pulse Bomb Nerf?

I always get a good chuckle when people bring up Widowmaker when talking about Tracer’s one clip capabilities.

Widowmaker has an overall weak kit and is given the ability to do massive amounts of damage with her primary as a trade off. Tracer is given high damage up to medium range, with an excellent kit, followed by one of the few ultimates in the game that trigger instantly, and is the ONLY ultimate in the game with no clear audio cue to make you aware the ultimate went off.

You misunderstood. I was just bringing up “feels bad” moments. I wasn’t really comparing the two, that wasn’t my intention. Sorry.

Edit: I see why you saw it that way, with my “nerf for being useful” comment. My apologies.

If that was the intent, then I clearly did. Apologies.

And that’s also the reason people are complaining about her. :wink:

You’re taking a small group yet again. You have no idea how the percentiles work.

I’m not talking about specific tiers. Does no one pay attention to general percentiles?

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Oh no, she can’t insta-kill Bastion in Sentry and Tank mode or Zarya anymore, how horrible. Everyone else with 300 or less health still gets instantly deleted, so what’s the problem?

And they’re just gonna keep going with Tracer and Brigitte until the end of Overwatch.

Gotta admit though, I’m actually on the Brigitte hate-train lol

It’s because on tanks it is not a skill shot. It is a free kill.

I know like Junkrat…

No? Too soon. :joy:

Honestly it wont hurt her but it was a courtesy nerf to the criers nothing more. She’ll just have to be a little more seletive in her choice of sticky bomb placements. I openly admit I hate her but she really didn’t need a nerf, at all… weird.

yeah, you’re gonna love the pirate ship on Junkertown now, when even your tracer won’t be able to deal with this cancer. but hey, bastion mains, yay :slight_smile:

Do you know how difficult it is to land her pulse bomb on squishees? This technically makes her ult garbage. She would have to have luck that someone doesn’t dodge the bomb on the ground or she hits a stationary target.

Tracer is balanced, but this doesn’t help her ult at all.


The patch notes confirm it was to do with her tank busting ability which is clearly not her primary role anyway so…

If anything, the only change she needed was a slight increase to her spread, essentially the reverse of what Sombra got. Tracer is supposed to be all up in your face and shouldn’t be able to apply the ludicrous damage she does at medium ranges. Increase the spread or damage falloff slightly and she’d be fine. The bomb nerf is ok, but hardly “necessary”.

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so let me get this straight you think this is better against tanks ? sure whatever as if tracer was really that huge tank destroyer that needed a nerf so bad…so will she even be able to kill ANYTHING with her pulse ? bc some heroes have armor and with the new and no skill brigitte your friend opaf support only needs to press E and even if you stick someone you dont get a kill this is insane

They should balance around the small group of top players if the devs want the game to be an esports

She…She basically was, though. Her meta dominance is directly related to Orisa and especially Rein being unviable. Even against Mei and Winston, her typical strat is to build ult charge until she can erase either from the game.

Why on Earth should they balance around the smaller groups of players? This would show that they care more about the minority of Overwatch. Bad idea.

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If the devs just think overwatch as a game, then sure they should balance it around the majority
But if they want to market the game as a “sport” then they should balance the game around the top
Otherwise heros at the top will be stupidly broken
e.g beta mcree, s1 widow, ana in tank meta, genji with wallclimb reset, etc…

Which could in the end ruin the game for the majority.