Seriously? Pulse Bomb Nerf?

Rather than trying to spin in this on me, do try to tell me what statistics you’re talking about and where did you get them, since clearly you’re so right about this.

Overbuff. Give me a little, I’ll edit this post in a few minutes when I’m out of lunch.

Ah yes Overbuff, i forgot everyone already told you why her rates are what they are and you refuse to listen or understand.

Not a matter of listening or understanding, bud. It’s a matter of there are heroes with far better picks. And up until Plat, she’s not even a prominent DPS pick. And she isn’t effective until diamond. So… that’s not wrong. Or incorrect. It’s facts. She’s strong with strong players. As you get better, so does she.

That’s called a balanced and rewarding hero.

I wouldn’t threaten the Devs man. Jeff Kaplan will bring the hammer down on you lol

If a Tracer triple blinks and recalls just to kill one person, she should be a very easy kill for the rest of your team

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If you played tank then you would understand how much of a relief this nerf is. It feels super bad being a Reinhardt and getting clipped and stuck by the most mobile hero in the game, securing a quick kill on a high priority target that is the backbone of the enemy team’s push.

…how? How the heck would she be a very easy kill when she BLINKED INTO RANGE AND RECALLED?

I’m beyond done with this community, just keep thinking whatever dumb BS comes into your minds.

Well if she TRIPLE blinked, AND used recall, she then has no movement abilities. She’s basically voluntarily hacked herself, and as the saying goes, a hacked Tracer is a dead Tracer

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I do play tanks. Gold gun for hog, lots of hours on tanks

Silently cries in console

She’s also 3 blink lengths away from you after recalling, so…

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Your time played on main tanks is debatable at best, however my comment still stands.


A - Is well in range of most non-melee heroes
B - Doesn’t matter because that’s 3 blinks away from where the pulse bomb target was. Quite often there will be other teammates closer since a triple blink/recall usually means a healer/bastion was the target, all of which are in the backline usually

I mean, on main tanks like rein, sure. But I have a total of 55 registered hours as tanks. and that’s just in QP on PS4

And Sym Mains. Shield Gen/Tp has 350 HP :slight_smile:

I personally wouldn’t blink through their front line to get at the bastion if it is at all avoidable, so if anything you’d recall away from the other enemies.

And with this, Bastion is more of a thing.

Precisely my point. Most of your hours stem from Roadhog, and while he’s debatable as a tank at all, I’m sure you’ve felt the pain of tracer firing at you to force out heal, then clip you, stick you, and be done with you. Feels bad, right?

Now imagine being the Hero that your team needs to make a successful push onto the point or payload, your team is following your lead, then from nowhere you get clipped and stuck, killing you and leaving the rest of your team vulnerable to the enemy.

These kinds of situations happened often and involves little to no counterplay.

It never feels good to die. I see where you’re coming from, it’s a good change for tanks. It’s just a pretty sucky change for Tracer for a, IMO, balanced part of her kit.

I mean, widow can headshot or body shot Pharah, right? Should she be nerfed for being useful?

It’s an ultimate, ya know?