Scrap Ironclad, return Bastions shield

What makes you assume 1000?

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Is that supposed to be some sort of clever ironic reversal? Cause Tracer is generally self sufficient, and her low hit points total is one of the drawbacks she has.

It does work like that.

Different heroes have different roles. Some require more support than others. Some provide the support, be it healing, or peel, or shields.

Bastion provides very high damage, and requires defending to use optimally.
That’s totally fine.

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Alright, do you… have the numbers for that damage?

And some sort of reasoning behind why this hero should be 100% reliant on teammates when dealing damage?

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Says the doomfist main…


Sweet heart, what does my being a doomfist main have to do with the price of beans?

Know what ELSE this doomfist main has said?

Lets be clear about something Scout. I have more hours off doomfist, than on him. But even with it in mind that doomfist is my most played singular hero- Im fine with bastion.

And more specifically, Im FINE with him countering doomfist.

I dont reject this idea “as a doomfist main”

I reject this becasue it would be god awful to play against for everyone but the bastion sitting there spraying bullets.

Shake your head else where.

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You said Bastion can’t be self sufficient cos of high damage. Tracer is self sufficient and has high damage.

Also, if the barrier only had say, 200 health, would it really be that big of an issue.

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Would it change how you play?


Would it mean enemies would have to respect Bastion’s area?


Would it be “God awful”

Fighting anything can be called god awful if you choose to be annoyed.

It was scrapped for a reason.


In Sentry mode Bastion fires around 30 rounds per second, at 15 damage per round. So that’s 450 sustained DPS for 10 seconds. That’s 4500 damage per reload.

That’s more than 2 Reinhardt shields.

And he’s not 100% reliant on team mates. He has more hit points than any other damage hero, and passive damage reduction.
His Crit box is on his back in Sentry and he has a whole other mode where he can walk around and basically deal damage like S76, and he can self heal.

Asking for his own personal Orisa shield is absurd. That’s why it was tied back in beta, and removed.

You forgot a VERY important factor.

The rounds that miss.

Those numbers are relating to if every single possible round hits it’s target.

Does that happen?

Hell no.
Nearly never.

Are… you okay?

You seem rather heated.

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“How” would it change?

Are you saying they dont have to respect bastions area currently?

We can make a hero who has an ability that gives them and their team a 50/50 coin toss chance to win or out right lose the match. Its make for the most balanced hero in the game.

But im pretty sure most players would “choose” to be annoyed by this.

Something are inherently more frustrating than others.

Giving bastion an extra layer of defense at his own disposal to chew through to deal with him while dishing out gobs of damage himself, would proooobably be one of those things.

“Protect the VIP” is already a nuisance with bastion. NOT over powered- But for many, an un fun nuisance. Promoting and rewarding that playstyle even MORE, would likely not have good results.

Theres a reason this was removed from bastions kit. A lot of reasons. These reasons havent changed.

Lets find other ways to buff him (Which, even as a “doomfist main”, i agree he needs)

Tracer has 150 hit points and a comparatively long cooldown on her “self heal”

You’re suggesting to give someone that does essentially the same account of damage, over longer range, with a significantly longer uptime the same amount of hit points as the biggest tank in the game.

You see how that’s a poor comparison right?


Anyone who’s fought a Bastion knows you can practically walk up to it and kill it most of the time.

You’re on a rant that doesn’t matter. to anyone.
And doesn’t actually contribute to the discussion.

It must really be unfun to have to switch heroes, and counter your enemy.


List them.

The fact that “that’s the point” doesn’t mean the point is good. I don’t agree with the specific buff the OP mentions, but I think Bastion does need something to be less team-dependent.

Yea, because no hero limits were a thing and it wasn’t uncommon for 6 Bastions to Phalanx and win easily.

This has been debunked several times

You’ve been provided with the stats, and the reasoning it was previously tried and removed.
Yet provided nothing to support your perspective other than “some bullets miss therefore I reject the clear math” and ‘all damage heroes should be similarly self sufficient’.

Overwatch has always had teamwork as a design principle. Heroes are built with trade offs. Bastion’s need for protection is similar to Mercy’s.

It’s been suggested in this thread that he should have the highest sustained DPS in the game while also having self heal, and self shielding.

That’s just silly.

But I expect you to continue being silly.
Few forum goers change their outlook after 14k posts :smirk:

I can still pull out my pistol and defend myself as Mercy.

As Bastion, entering Sentry makes me less self sufficient against a head on attack.

Do you SEE the messed up logic???

Very few forum users have been a part of detailed discussions for literal years. bud.

[💔 Bastion ISN’T being forgotten, he’s being ignored]

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Can you clarify that the devs have stated this was the sole reason and the only reason they have yet to bring it back?

Because I see problems even with only having a singular Bastion, such as setting up right in a corner on KOTH maps, especially at low level play.

Switching to counter isn’t unheard of.

And many many heroes, would counter that easily.