Scrap Ironclad, return Bastions shield

If you want to give Bastion some form of protection without having other damage reductions stack (Nano boost/clad, etc…), then its time to go back to the roots of when he was in beta and give him what actually worked.

Would this make him much better? Yes. Would it make him self sustainable without the help of literally everyone on his team? Y e s.

The old shield doesn’t even have to be 1k health. Hell, it could even be 200 right now and it would be a lot better than the crap he has now.

If its too strong, increase transformation time so he just cant jump in and out of it like he can now.

Some might say this would be a strong contributor to making a super pirateship comp like Rein/Orisa shield…but please remember an important factor: Bastion is stationary in this. He cannot move. Mei wall can easily disrupt this comp, and this is basically a Sombras dream as well.

This would allow heroes like Reaper to excel since he can pretty much output max damage against a Bastion while not being punished by a tank like Hog. There are answers to this.


Bastion shield+Rein Shield+Orisa Shield=Pure Cancer.

No thank you.


I don’t think the shield should regen in sentry mode either.

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Sounds like prime bait for a fat EMP then :wink:

Not like there isn’t flankers in the game that wouldn’t be able to get past and cause trouble…

And without Ironclad, Bastion will take a lot more damage, especially with his weakspot.

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Bastion bunkers are already bad vs emp so thats a moot point, the sheild is only balanced by restricting the field he can turn which even further restricts him to sitting in a corner, shield won’t benefit him in tank form.

Not like there isn’t flankers in the game that wouldn’t be able to get past and cause trouble…

And without Ironclad, Bastion will take a lot more damage, especially with his weakspot.

Seems like you already understand why its bad, so why bring it up at all.

I was thinking more on payload maps. If Bastion couldn’t be transformed on the payload then your suggestion would be fine.

Ohhh, so like super pirate ship…

I mean, I can understand since most stuff that usually countered pirate ship are kinda really weak right now…

Rather I understand the counter to it. Its not like they can throw some extra armor on his tank form if survivability is an issue. IIRC, Ironclad really only adds an extra 80 HP of sustainability.

Because Ironclad is crap.

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Would this also include his restricted turning radius as well?


This would kill the hero worse than anything.


So we just give him a 1,000 HP shield with no restrictions just like that? The other problem is if you make it too low what does it fix?

I like this idea because as a tank player. I dislike being forced to play a shield. Granted I really want to jump in on Sigma, but the way how his shield functions it might not be a good combo with bastion.

His Shift needs to be a cooldown or resource meter ability.

Make his sentry mode a bit stronger, but in some way reduce the time he can spend in that form. That opens the possibility to buff/rework his recon mode.

That way Bastion can become much more fun and engaging to play as - and against.

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Bastion isn’t supposed to be self sufficient.

That’s the point.


I don’t. He’s way too high damage output for that. If you’re gonna protect him, commit more team to it.


Then thats pretty bad game design.

Its not that hes not self sufficient - hes almost completely useless unless he selfishly makes other players play around him.

Other DPS do not do this NEARLY as bad as Bastion.
Bastion needs this, especially considering he cannot move while in sentry form…

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No. No its not. twenty characters

Plenty of characters aren’t self sufficient.

Mercy and Reinhardt are readily apparent.

It’s a team game. Play with your team.

A quarterback needs an offensive line too.

That’s how some games are built. This is one of them.

Bastion does significantly more damage. That’s why he is less self sufficient. He can already heal himself more than other damage heroes too.

You want Bastion to have a shield, he’d have to lose about half his DPS potential, and probably his healing.

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Yea, and both aren’t doing too hot right now.

Yes, its a team game, but other DPS can go off on some level of freedom. Bastion literally needs a “protect the president” comp to even be viable.

That is not okay.

It’s definitely ok.
It’s one strategic option available, and it happens to work well enough.
There are others, you can play them if you want.