yea they really have to make new support heroes. will they do that… i kinda doubt it, blizzard are knuckleheads sometimes. watch them release a tank and another dps next
Yeh as a Tank or Support I kinda like longer engagements cos then I can do more. Sure I might get blown up on Support which would suck, but if my fellow Support/Damage are blown up before I die without me being able to heal them or use abilities to protect them etc then what am I sposed to do… substandard damage? =\
They had to deal with supports being better versions of them in OW1 so they would be used to it
They should release 2 supports than a tank.
Which is why supports and tanks are the harder heroes to balance. One wrong move can make the super busted or bad
No they haven’t. Also new puppy just ate the cord to my keyboard so oof.
DPS haven’t delt with a high damage support since release ana.
Supports would be proactive and leave for other queue/other game, before DPS come knocking on the door. Or simply drop striving to win and start goofing around.
Those are DPS tools, unfortunately, and if you have to be shooting to be impactful as support, may as well just queue as DPS.
just because devs want to reproduce the WOW raid system in Overwatch, supporters are mere healers, and tanks cannot exist in the game without being bombarded by isan heals
Support is considered busted, if they can make inferior teammate win against superior enemy. Even while that’s whole point of support.
Well, like I said in the other thread. Make it so they get their Ult more often.
Since Ults are pretty fun for the Ult user. And as is there’s 1 less Tank and a -30% Ult charge gain for healing Tanks.
If anything remove the -30 penalty for healing tanks.
And maybe give a 30% percent buff for healing Supports and DPS. So that Tanks aren’t more hard-focused on healing than they already are in OW2.
As long as tanks actually improve their survival, they will be hard-focused on healing.
We specifically discouraged healing anyone else by having instant kills.
Well yeah, but no need to make that situation worse.
You’re right. Of course, the usual suspects have come to tell you that support is fine. These forum trolls will disagree with anyone who points out the obvious problems in this game. They’re like the “nothing to see here” meme. Despite the clear evidence that the majority of players hate support in OW2, their elitist attitude makes them incapable of admitting there is a problem with support.
how it happens is more important than what.
it’s pretty dumb to see a guy with a hammer walk and press m1 on his entire team just because he was super pocket with all his team heals.
Impact and Fun aren’t necessarily the same thing.
I.e. OW1 Tanks.
Queue times, for the most part, are based on Fun.
Nothing is dumb about it, it’s called concentration of resources. In this game it’s primary way to get anything done.
yes this is dumb, huh, you can get afk on point just for being double pocket
even wow raid requires more than that, resource allocation is not about making someone nearly immortal, the only way to kill king is burst damage or kill his support.
There is always chance, that important player would be afk, so whatever it takes to make things work. And you need someone nearly immortal to breach both deep defense and high offense.
Baptiste has left the chat
Baptiste doesn’t do as much damage as Zen. So yeah, he left the chat. Neither of them ever did as much damage as release Ana who could 2 tap tracer.
Baptise still does high damage maybe not as much damage as zen but that’s because he has insane aoe heals and the best ability in the game.
Name a dps more broken than Moth Mercy, Goats Brig, Current Baptiste and Peak Zenyatta heck maybe even peak Ana
I dont know why this is such a hard thing for them to understand tbh, it is so simple xD We usually learn this in kindergarden or even sooner.
Player X (DPS) and Y (Support) are playing a board game.
Player X starts to get bored so he wants to speed up the game.
Suddenly he comes up with the idea that what if they use 2 dice instead of one.
The problem is if player Y wont accept it and refuses to roll the dice on the next turn overall or just rolls every 10 minutes. Then the game is essentially over.
It literally does not matter if what X wanted was warranted or not, or if the solution was correct or not.
The fact of the matter is that X need Y to agree to the terms in order for the game to continue.
That, or X has to replace Y by making the X from another playing session beside them take over.
The question is if that X is willing to be Y in the first game session, or he just stays at his table and waits for his Y to roll the dice as well.
Meanwhile both Y just pulls out a Nintendo switch and starts playing, meanwhile the X players keeps malding over the Y-s being stupid and not understanding their grand vision.