Say "Support is fine" all you like but if they don't queue

I really started to notice this was true when every fps that game out was a Counterstrike clone or Battle Royale. It sucks to be a fan of arena/arcade shooters when all the legacy franchises have just as, if not more baggage than Blizzard. CoD and Battlefield are absolute unplayable jokes, and Halo, while good, was ruined by its cringe monetization.

I digress, yeah, Overwatch is one of the only fps games that actually has a layer beyond “shoot things.” And the other one is a freaking Minecraft rip off. It is a sad world we live in nowadays.


And now supports are in a situation where they cant do anything, but instead of shooting an annoying shield, they’re running back from spawn repeatedly. I know whats worse in my mind.

I really don’t mind playing support but the que times make it obvious that it is the least favorable role to play.

I usually flex queue, but I am sick of play old supports. Usually on live I get tank. But there isn’t much new for supports and it’s a bit boring. I want to try the changes on other heroes too. If they released a new support that would be nice for me. And I am sure plenty of others. Bridgette got nerfed for example, The new support passive works better if you play passively, or have escapes like lucio and moira to play aggresively. I think seeing a new healer designed for 5 vs 5 would help the queue a bunch.

Overwatch could be really interesting, if capturing objectives actually did change map in some ways.

Think one of best examples is TF2 map cp_steel: with each point captured, some paths close and some paths open.


I still die less than five times a game. So not seeing the issue.

I understand where you are coming from, but I just don’t agree. The entire support role needs a overhaul to work with 5v5 not just a new support hero.


Absolutely agree. I used my shield properly - you didnt get to “sit back and shoot” mine, because if you were, a hammer was coming for your face.

But we’re talking about things people complain about. I dont have huge problems with using cover as a support in OW2, but i see its an issue purely because its so much easier to get shot now.

In the same way many, many DPS complained so much about shields and healers in OW1, healers are complaining when other things are true. I dont think anyone, DPS or healer, is wrong.


5 times is lowkey bad for a quick play mode, but it also depends on your hero. If you are playing Zen and only dying 5 times, that is pretty good. Or they aren’t bothering with you. But hey, that’s good too!

That’s because you’re thinking about you and not empathising about other players. Their opinions count too.


I think some slight tweaks. Probably.

Like for baptiste they can remove his weird recoil thing, and make him more reliable with his shots without having to do that weird aim technique where you have to slightly go down for more accurate shots during all that chaos in team fights.

Zen for example could just fly/float like some past iterations, would help his movement if he can float to higher elevations (not like he’s touching the floor?

Mercy/Moira/Lucio seem fine right now. Ana has really good heals/antinade, just needs protecting/peeling. Bridgette is pretty bulky and can help peel her support friends but more could be done with her whipshot.

A new support can help add more diversity to team strats and create new synergies for other healers and dps that are struggling.

Funny that it works in both directions, and “make my job easier” for DPS actually makes their job harder - because there is enemy DPS, that has their job easier as well.

Same story with shields - somehow “I hate shooting shields” and “how do we get through this chokepoint now” are never connected logically, even while solution to first issue makes second worse.



I think I had a single queue that went up to 7min.

Everything else under 5

There are no decent changes to Support to test and the whole reason of this (for most folk) is testing out the fun stuff. Anyone going Support is probably a purely Support Main, with friends, or are being selfless saints to make sure everyone else can play… So, like, what else is new?

Torturing teammates can be fun too.


I improved they didn’t. I put the effort in they didn’t. Why would I feel bad for them?

Usually it’s 2 or 3. Just said less than five to get people to understand.

It’s also hero dependent and game mode dependent. If you die five times on a payload map you did well. Even in quickplay.

Fine. More support queues for me.

Edit: You do know that we said this same thing for tanks, right? Look at how that turned out. Believe me, I’m not exactly happy with what happened to the tanks, but you’re more likely to squeeze milk from a rock than you are to successfully complain.

Besides that, what do you want? Give all the supports wacky reworks whether they need it or not? Even if it completely ruins their gameplay loop? I see a lot of complaining, but little suggestions.

Nah, its not the same at all.
Im sorry dude but no matter how people can use euphemisms and wording, some complaints are more legit than others.

Double shield was an issue for everyone involved. Yes, that include Supports that engage and try to kill the enemy too. If a game consists in X comp where you shoot shields for like 80-90% of the time or pick heroes that avoid them, that is a GLOBAL issue.

Positioning and cover being more important and not being able to play passive behind a tank and just never engage the enemy + ultra pocket tanks is NOT a Global issue. Its more a “I dont want to adapt to the changes” issue.

Thats all there is :man_shrugging:

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You dont have to. That’s fine. You dont have to have empathy.

Their opinion still counts just as much as yours does though.