Say NO to private profiles

None of your claims are based on actual data just what you think will happen.

People can be in game right now and say, “I’m a GM genji on my other account” and play genji with literally no time on him, before it’s too late for their team to do anything about it. The reality is the control you feel you have over your team is an illusion, they can do what they want at any point.

I main and play them almost exclusively. I find what you said to be a little offensive TBH

Ez fix no public profile = Most LFG leaders will demand it or not let them join the group. People with hidden profiles will most likely only play with other people who have hidden profiles. Seems pretty simple. So let people hide em

You mean in a hyper-competitive video game where you’re on the internet with a bunch of strangers in a community known for it’s toxicity? I dunno, I think having the option to be anonymous is a pretty fair argument to have if that means lessening the harassment.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

How does seeing someones profile stop them picking a hero they have low played time on right now?

Oh, it doesn’t - unless that person feels pressured or harassed into doing so by his CURRENT toxic teammates.

The only people against private profiles are the toxic children the change is aimed at stopping.

well since the new LFG will allow us to filter Hidden profiles and avoid them. i dont see why this is a problem. It will be solved with a simple check mark.

It doesn’t mean lessening the harassment. There are games where stats don’t exist PERIOD, and people are STILL just as toxic. This isn’t even a slap on the wrist to the toxic players, but more of a hindrance to those who are truly competitive at the higher levels.

Not necessarily. I believe you’re putting the notion of games “being just as toxic without stats” out of context. I’m talking about the toxicity of Overwatch, not other games.

Even then, there’s also games that include stats that are also just as toxic, if we’re going to be technical :wink: so that’s not really a point to make.

My point is that toxic behavior in overwatch, as it pertains to people harassing others based on who they pick, will be harder to do, thanks to the private profile system. And quite frankly, I can’t wait for it to come to fruition.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

I don’t care if you play a different hero for once but if you don’t switch when it just isn’t working, then I am rightfully “flamed”.

If you are a one trick (which is a problem before a match starts but non-reportable) and you can’t and won’t play any other heroes when your one trick pick is getting hard countered, then I am rightfully “flamed”.

Hiding profiles = more toxicity

I think it might make things worse. Playtime on difficult or off-meta heroes helps justify them to your team. If I see a weird off-meta hero like Bastion or Mei, it helps me feel more confident if the player visibly has a bunch of time on them.

If someone fails to see the flaws on how the information is being applied, then that’s on them. Wanting to blind yourself because knowledge can be a scary thing sometimes is never the answer. It’s short sighted and only creates more problems.

Do you know what happens when information is gone? Do you know what happens when sites like Overbuff are gone? People start debating solely with their feelings. This place then becomes like TF2. Where half the people in the forums spend their time debating that the most underperforming class in the entire game that’s the least useful competitive-wise needs a nerf. People who complain that easier to use characters like Junkrat and Moira are way too OP will be far more likely to continue living in their delusions when people can’t cite how stats show these heroes are actually under-performing compared to others heroes. This lack of information will end up hurting low skill entry heroes the most.

If someone looked at your profile and suggested a hero based on it and you couldn’t say “no”, then that’s on you. If you feel like you were forced into that hero. Then you better watch out! All they have to do is force you to turn your profile back to public. Better ban public profiles! Might as well get rid of chat too. If they can’t communicate, you can’t be forced.

Not too mention, again, in loo of evidence or information people will assume and they will argue with feelings as a substitute of those facts. For some, being harassed based on blatant assumptions will be far worse than being harassed with their stats. When someone tells you to get off Hanzo, they can just assume you have low hours or perform poorly on average with him now if your profile is private. When in truth you could just be having a bad day.

It won’t. The profile breeds toxicity. If you truly believe this you can freely turn your own profile to public and avoid being toxic to other players. That should solve most of the problems.

As much as I love the idea of the private profile and will stand by the fact it has worked in other games so can work here - I saw an awesome idea that we could select our 3 most preferable heroes and have those displayed on the profile.

Therefore, your stats are hidden but your teammates will know 3 heroes you would prefer to play and thus can build a team better.

(If anyone has mentioned this up above, sorry, reading 313 posts didn’t seem too appealing :joy:)

A lot of people do including myself. It’s not as bad as people make it out to be. Sure you run into those really toxic or sexist people but you just report them and mute. Turning your cheek (aka disable voice) won’t help clean the community up, it only removes nice, fun people from the pool leaving the community appear even more toxic than it really is.

I can count on 2 hands the amount of people I had to mute over the past 2 years because they were toxic. I’ve muted more people because they have open mics the entire match and I don’t want to listen to their keyboard clicking or their hacking and coughing while chewing food.

What ever you do, don’t say no to General Profiles. he doesn’t like that.

Ah yeah, because the hundred of hours on dps actually did something for me when playing comp. Hint, they didn’t, I always had to support or tank, because even when I tried to force my will onto others by staying dps, they stayed as well and tried to convince me that I’m a support main for having 10 minutes on support. So I’m going to hide my profile and enjoy this new feature.

Also, stop using straw man arguments. I LEARNED to play support and tank while playing comp and I had 0 issues with reaching GM - playing basically 2 roles, more than half the roster I didn’t play before.

I’m a flex player playing mainly DPS and Tank. Sometimes I’ll lock a tank and the other player will just not lock anything. I check their profile and see they main a tank, and then I’ll go “do you want to take tank? I’ll take DPS”.

It’s not just toxicity. I use player profiles to help our team arrange an optimal composition. I’m going to lose that ability. How am I supposed to suggest compositions quickly when I have to listen to 5 people list all they are able to play, when I could just look at their profiles and have a decent idea in about 10 seconds?

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If you have a problem with them when “it isn’t working”, then you do have a problem. The team not meshing well together isn’t that one players fault. Literally everyone has bad matches, so getting “flamed” is a ludicrous response.
Especially since that definitely will not help.

Do you know what I do if I have some a-hole flaming at me for whatever reason? I mute them. I’m trying to win, and I’m doing my best. When has heckling your team ever gotten a good response? If I agree that I am not doing well, I’m happy to switch if someone organises with me to switch on next respawn.
It’s part of cooperation.

And I never said that the Genji player was a one trick.
People only give a sh*t about what role or hero you have the most hours in.
You can play a tonne of Genji and be a good McCree, or Rein too. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to play a character you enjoy.

Hiding profiles is going to make the toxic people salty, which I am all for.

How are we suppose to “mesh” together when one player is getting hard countered? You want us to play around that pick? Because that right there is a perfect reason why one tricking is so selfish. The one trick can play whoever they want yet they expect the other 5 to build a comp that is catered to trying to play around them and make their job easier rather then playing around what the enemy team has and countering them effectively.

Hence why one tricks are the biggest hypocrites.

I mean come on. Who WOULDNT be flamed at that?

The math doesn’t add up. I predict more people will hide their profiles then not. Thus only the Toxic A-holes will whine about it. Everyone will shrug, form a team, and play.

Profiles are like rank. People snoop on them find your main, aim, win rate, whatever and use that as an excuse to belittle someone. Now all they got is “he’s hiding his profile!..oh wait, so is pretty much the rest of the team”

Good change. Talk to people and build the team, you don’t need misleading info to do that with. Profile snooping doesn’t convince people to switch anyway lol