Say NO to private profiles

It will bring more toxicity than what it will stop
The game will be waay more toxic with this
for example:
A Person who has NEVER played genji and is in a high rank insta-locks him , claims that he has over 300 hours with him but in reality he just plays and reinhardt.


it will make the games on EU worse on low elo… where people dont even say “hi” back in voice chat.


And that is toxic as? Also you do realise he’s basically throwing his own SR away, logically in current Overwatch you could do that same thing.


i play on EU and with the new Looking for group system The game should be amazing match making wise


A Mercy one trick gets mad at the game and plays Hanzo, claims that she has 100 hours on him.

The list just keeps going…


Maybe he doesnt care as much ? Or just thinks that he is too good ?
Do the other 5 players deserve to lose this match because of his lies ?!


You don’t have to give a damn. Time played isn’t something that directly translates into skill. If they perform poorly, or if their pick doesn’t really suit the comp, kindly ask them to swap.


People do that now though.


And what’s toxic about this?


I Get your point my dude , but they simply have to be experienced with the hero at their level or i can NOW hide my profile , play widow all game and then say ‘‘My aim is just off’’

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Doesn’t matter how you ask them, it will still tilt them. I left comp because of that reason, people leave voice chat because of that and throw the game.


Just imagine
A Guy playing sombra hiding his profile
and is playing poorly
What will the other 5 players on his team think about him ?
‘‘Oh its just a mercy one trick playing dps’’
‘‘does he even play the hero ?!’’


I honestly don’t care why someone’s performing poorly, if they are I’ll ask them to swap. Someone performing well most of the time doesn’t mean they’re not performing poorly when they’re in fact performing poorly.

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Do you still not get it ? he`ll still say ‘‘No i wont swap i am a genji main i have 200 + hours on him !’’

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-when his most played are Dva and Reinhardt- :cry:

Honestly. I have to agree with you. Anyone who keeps their profile hidden would basically be assumed to be a liar until they refuse to stop hiding their profile. At least, I’d personally consider them wrong on anything they’re claiming until they prove me wrong and disable the private setting.

If Blizzard thinks this will stop toxicity, then they forgot to account for the fact that hidden profiles can and will breed animosity by the feature being optional at all. If anything, it will breed toxicity. It’s already got me feeling in that mindset. Can’t say I’d want to associate with anyone who wants to hide their profile. Why would I want to associate with someone who is hiding the truth from me? I wouldn’t care for their opinion either. Why care about the opinion of someone who wants to hide behind anonymity? And I’ll have no problem expressing that when the feature gets fully adopted.


I’m saying yes to private profiles, because honestly, I’m pretty sure it’ll make things less toxic across the board. I play a multitude of shooters, with and without profiles; have since the days of Quake and Unreal; and I can say without a shadow of a doubt that games without profiles, and with private profiles are consistently less toxic across the board than the former.

The worry about it making things more toxic is honestly over-thinking. It’ll be for the better in the end.


So this guy will lose the game and lose recommendation level. If he keeps doing this his ELO will fall until He play with people that have his genji ELO level.
This will happen 1/20 games. I’d rather have this than 1/2 games getting bullied in the spawn because I pick Mei and I only have few hours in competitive on her (but 80% winrate at master level on 3 hours competitive last season, more than 20 hours on arcade and almost 30 hours in QP).

Stats are BS because people haven’t the time to check what is interesting and even if they have the time most of them are currently learning how to do multiply at school.

I did my placements with Rein this season so I’m a Rein main ? Fck this.

This is healthy for the diversity of the game since it fck meta kids and trollers.


So much of the consternation over this matter boils down to people fretting that they won’t be able to berate people over their hero pool if they can’t see their hero pool. You won’t be able to scream at a person for not picking the hero at the top. But that’s the whole point – now you can’t typecast people anymore. It’s a good thing.


It’s s great idea and you don’t need to know someone’s profile to play with them.