Say NO to private profiles

That’s a great talking point. You clearly brought a strong counter point to my original point of private profiles enabling hackers, DDoS’ers, alt harassers/stream snipers and more.

How could I ever fight against such strong logical reasoning like “take care pal” or “you are either young or impressionable” . Those two are just the be all end all of debates. You should seriously consider being a lawyer man.

That’s a HUGE stretch. You just can’t see what heroes someone play, please chill the f out.

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Please clarify further as too why you feel it would be a stretch?

Overall, I think I’ll miss it but it’s probably for the better.

Often times I’ll quickly scan through what people have played so I Can see if there are any other healer mains in the group. If there are, I wait and give them a chance to take a healer. If not, I’ll just go ahead and pick a healer. I’ll miss being able to pick my role based on what I see as the preferences of others.

Of course, however, it’s not the whole picture. Just because I see someone has 6 hours on Mercy this season, doesn’t mean they want to play Mercy. Maybe they’re team players who have picked Mercy a lot because no one else picked a healer.

Also, while I never call people out on it, I do sometimes check the play time of my team on various Heroes. And I set my expectations based on what I see. If someone picks Hanzo and they have 1 hour on him, my heart sinks and I get into a mindset where I expect things to go badly. That sort of negative feedback can only make me play worse, whatever the Hanzo player does.

So on that front I think hiding the profiles may well benefit me overall.

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If you don’t see why saying that someone hiding the characters they play to avoid being harassed for not playing something they may not usually play opens up any kind of door for them being “in-game abusers, hackers and scammers” is a huge stretch, I’m afraid I can’t say much to you.

If someone don’t want to share with you what heroes they play, that’s up to them. If you want to be a big child about it and harass someone because of that, well, that’s up to you and they have every right to report you and you should eventually be banned. No one owes you any kind of information. You don’t have the “right” to know anything. People will play the game with whatever they want and there’s nothing you can do about it except try to talk with them in a civilized manner in order to have a better game experience. If I were a betting man, I’d say you are one of those that goes “why is the reinhardt player picking widow?!?1?111/1” “why is the mercy main playing zarya?11/1?? waaah”, so congratulations, this change is being made because of you.

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I call BS. The ONLY way I ever see profiles used is to either force someone to play a role b/c you think they should… “Can you play Mercy since you have so many hours on her?” or to harass someone b/c their stats on that character aren’t as good as yours… “Give me Genji… I have 1000 hours and a 90% win rate… you only have a 30% win rate as him”.

People don’t lock characters and then immediately start talking about the hours they have. The truly toxic player is someone like you who would question someone about why they locked a character you wanted and then question them about their stats to prove a point (which would be the only reason they lie like you are claiming).

Let people play what they want to play and if they lock a character you wanted too bad for you. If they aren’t playing “good enough” and you are looking for a reason for them to switch - that has nothing to do with past stats . They could be having a bad game and the “process” of you asking them to switch (if you feel the need to even do that) should be based on how they are playing in that game and again not about past stats.

All those in this thread that agree with you are likely the cause of toxic behavior in others (and are likely toxic themselves) even though they think you are “helping” or showing game knowledge or strategy. People like that make others defensive so they become toxic when someone else judges them.

The only purpose of stats is for judgment and when you use it in a negative way to either force someone into a role or determine what they should or shouldn’t play I’d argue that no matter any toxicity that results is your fault; meaning you are ruining the game.

Private profiles are needed for the health of the community… period.


The feature was implemented because of people like you. Who thinks that more skill = more time spent on given character. Who judges over someone’s achievements or lack of them.

Dude, if you want to keep showcasing that you have no idea of what you’re talking about and how your opinion isn’t worth taking seriously then please, by all means, be our guest and just keep talking.

Saves us all the trouble of even having to address all the dumb things you say when you do it for us :wink: .

No, the feature also protects game abusers of any kind. I didn’t say the same people using it for one feature are also the same people who will be abusing it. The two are separate entities in most all cases. Do you remember gaming journalism getting into Overwatch over the years?

Like how one Streamer was harassed by just one individual across tons of alt accounts. The stream sniper made it his life mission to harass this guy. Do you remember how Blizzard finally banned this one person behind a mass harassment? Well, that harassing stream sniper would have had it easier with private profiles for all of his alts. As it would be much harder to distinguish an alt when you have less profile information to go on. The alts don’t get reported as often. Then that means the person would likely get away with the crime entirely or could just get away with it for much longer time periods as well.

Or how about one player who made news because he DDoS’d the enemy team to boost in a competitive season? The profile stats could be used immediately to identify who among the 6 players is the DDoS’er. His comp stats would have tells from this kind of behaviour. Otherwise, it’s like you’re playing Clue once a bunch of people with hidden profiles come into the mix.

How hackers benefit from private profiles is a no brainer. Not everyone can get enough information from just playing the match. They might need to have a looksee at the player stats afterwards to identify if the person was really cheating or not. But oh you can’t now.

wow ( incert wow meme here )

you realy dont know how this system is going to work do you. or anything about how accounts work and computers work. just reading your post

wow ( incert wow meme here )

lets clear this up for you.
1: this is not some second rate gameing company that has sold out inorder to make money. this is blizzard who has been around longer then steam has. and they know what there doing
2: hackers are punished alot harder in this game then in other games that you have formentioned above and in many diffrent ways. the main one being full wepon lock and other such punishments if a third party tool is detected (( go google some of the things that happen to hackers in overwatch ill give you time to do so its quite funny some of it ))
3: its not hard to find someones IP address bassed off what computer they logged in from and if there IP address is changing consdently. you pull up the one thing they can not change which is there mac address. which is what identafies there PC its self. and you ban via that. im going to go on a limb and say thats what blizzard did to said steamsniper again you talked about.

this is not some pony show blizard is runing there doing theses changes becuse of people like you and many others that are in this thread. people that demand access to something that a large portion of the player base feels you and others dont have a right to access.

you keep spewing things like cheating or hacking or such. the reality of it is. there are less hackers and cheaters on over watch then there are in CSGO. becuse overwatch has beter security better hack detection and blizzard actualy agulerly updates there systems inorder to pervent hackers from hacking. (( add to it that a large potion of everything that is this game is all server side which also pervents hackers where as CSGO is client side and hackers can access the base game files to create hacks for it )) and you have a nearly unhackable game. oh yeah you will find a hack here or there but as said above. theres allready systems in place to catch hackers before they even get into a match. or even when they are.

so nothing you are saying. realy matters on this game its self.

i have yet to see someone other then a smurf cheat in this game. and even they can not be found out as easaly as looking at there profile or stats.

i think the only reason your truly mad is becuse NOW you like everyone else. cant force people into a role that they dont want to be in via there profile stats anymore. no more forcing that mercy player that has x hours on her into playing her just becuse everyone else is to lazy to be her. no more forceing a person into a tank role. or herassing someone into a healer role. no more knowing whos a one trick and whos not. no more being able to hide being toxic.

no more hive mind, no more meta slaves, they can all go to LFG now and leave the solo Ques alone ! dont want to play with people that hide there profile. go play in the cancer that is LFG thats what people are going to say from here on out. and becuse profiles are hidden by default does that mean everyones going to notice ? hell no there just going to keep on playing as they have been playing. the only people that are going to even know to change it. are the people that are whining about it on the forum.

XQC is right, you trade something for some people privacy and feeling, it is no necessary a bad thing for the game (and probably be a good thing) in the direction of game play experience but it certainly hinder some abilities and strats by having access to extra information. Some people just don’t know how to tell other about them viewing other players profile, you do it as a suggestion, not a command or demand, I never call out who exactly need to switch, if there is two dps, I will say we might need 1 dps to go for something and leave it there (if they don’t switch, fine, still try my best, avoid them later if I want, he will know nothing about it), human skill is also important when you try to communicate. XQC is not exactly a good figure but he is not wrong on this part, the fact that you know nothing about your team will always be worse than you know something about them first unless you are being a deck* and affect your own team’s gameplay or stupid enough to throw and believe the game is lost because even with 5 dps you can still win, especially with the lower 4 tiers on the ladder, if no one cooperate, just shut up and play, some will eventually change their minds if they see you try, some will not, if the entire team are being a jerk, well, it’s not like you are the only one who lost sr, everyone lost sr. Again, tryharders will better off use the new role queue to find other people who agree with them, the main agrument of many hidden profile supporters are people who read your profile is toxic, that simply not true, some will be toxic, some will be not. How many of you, including me know exactly the number of people that read your profile and not harassing other people? You don’t know because they don’t do it. You can’t assume everyone is toxic.
Talk to them like fellow human >/< running a focus group with other five people to know about their preferable roles in 1 minute before the game start. Again, role queue will potentially fix it.

No one go look on overbuff profile im mid game

Steam did essentially the same thing with Steam profiles by altering how game data is shared with them. Massive backlash from the gaming community as whole. They also effectively killed Steamspy.

Similarly, Blizzard is killing sites like Overbuff and the like with this move. The only reason there is less backlash here, is because Overwatch has become more of a closed environment in recent months. The gaming community at large doesn’t care if Blizzard is messing up anymore. Leaving more loyalists on average.

Look, the main problem with your argument here is it seems to ignore that player reports for hacking is a thing. If Blizzard didn’t need people reporting cheaters, the option simply wouldn’t exist.

Also, anti-cheat isn’t perfect. And it’s always being tested for weaknesses. A large human resource safety net is what keeps this game relatively clean more than anything. Not the anti-cheat Blizzard employs.

Or maybe your playstyles generally tend to avoid hackers while my does not. Not only do I get a video in my feed about a hacker on Overwatch now and again. I’ve also had my fair share of them personally in certain gamemodes.

I hopped into competitive Deathmatch yesterday only to run across an aimbot immediately on my second match. Needless to say I stopped after that. And I’ve ran across another cheater back then in Deathmatch as well before a comp version of it even existed. But never once have I see a cheater (as far as I know) in Mystery Heroes. Obviously cheaters are more prone to some habitual behaviours over others. Gamemodes like DM also have the added benefit of these people not getting banned sooner because most won’t afford the time to watch the killcams when they can respawn instantly.

face palm do some research on your own. im not going to sit here and try and exsplane it to you. i dont have the time to break down how blizzards systems work it would take to long and it is not part of this topic. your diverging away from what everyone else has allready said and avoiding the facts people are giveing inorder to try and paint your agenda in a light that is both welcomeing and nice when in reality. no one is going to care what you have to say on this topic nad everyone else has stoped replying to you. and i my self am now going to do the same. becuse your a biger headach then i want to put up with.

so ill leave this last tidbit. the upcomeing change is going to happen. profiles are going to become private. and if people dont like it. there going to have to get over it.

this is going to remove all third party sites like overbuff and such from haveing access to peoples data. its going to mean no more people haveing access as well to other peoples data. and its going to bring the system in on its self. and that is fine.

people dont need access to my profile or anyone elses but there own. if they dont like my hero pick

go use the LFG option and leave solo Que to people that dont care who there placed with. and just wnat to enjoy the game for what it is. (( be it in comp or QP ))

and thats a game.

If someone wants to play Genji they get to play Genji. Just because you have X amount of hours playing a specific few characters doesn’t mean everyone gets to force you to keep only playing those. This makes no difference. They don’t need to ‘justify’ to you why they should be ‘allowed’ to play Genji.

Just like when they thought not showing the scoreboard will remove toxicity. What a joke.

IMO, a scoreboard can actually reduce toxicity because it shows whether if your teammates are actually doing something so you don’t have to report them.

Every Sym, Mei, Torb, Bastion, Widow and Hanzo players would love to see that implemented.

General vague dismissive behaviour. And for the record. I know a heck of a lot about Warden and Blizzard’s other methods they’ve used in the past. I also know a heck of a lot about most of the common ACs out there. VAC, TAC, BE, and EAC.

Which I fail to see how that’s a good thing. More information given to the playerbase can only be a good thing. It helps us understand the most effective tactics available.

The only reason I could see anyone considering more information a bad thing is if they hate over-centralization. Which seems to me they hate the stricter competition that entails from over-centralization.

You say that now. But I’m curious how the LFG option will impact solo que and whether you will be able to tolerate those changes. If solo que players end up getting stuck in the meat grinder and at a disadvantage to players who LFG, would you still be happy with that situation? I could see many solo que players being angry and asking for a revert. That or segregation.

Some of people whining here about private profiles yet they have the LFG system as well coming. I like this because more time and actually get to used Mei for once.

infermation can be abused. that is the whole point behind every argument everyone has made with you in this whole post all the way from the moment you set foot in this thread.

that is what you are not comprehending about this change.

as for LFG the only people i see useing it. are going to be the die hard meta occult slaves that only care about one thing and one thing only and that is " the meta "

solo quers are not going to be has heavaly effected becuse there not going to have the restrictions that the LFG people will have set on them selfs.

a LFG player will be seting the type of game they want to be thrown into where as a solo Quer will be thrown into any game anywhere. yeah t might be a meat grinder for a but. but in the long run.

the communitys going to split when it comes to que times.

i can see for the first week or so the LFG is going to be the hot new thing. but there are going to be a flood of threads complaning about wait times. and the answers that are going to appear on them are going to be echo chambers of what im going to say right now " dont be so picky who you play with and try to open your LFG more and make it broder as to what your looking for "

see the LFG people are going to simply be looking for a set set of people. where as the solo people in Que are not going to care

change this into wait times. a soloer whos not careing who there placed with on there team as long as there able to play. is going to have less time. while the LFG person is going to have to wait while the system matches them up with people that " met there standerds "

over all the real threads that will appear will be " remove LFG wait times to long "

the hideing profile one. not so much. people will get over it as well. once they relize that they cant exsploid peoples profiles anymore to force them into doing or playing a way they dont want to play.

and thats what this whole thing boils down to. this system is being put into the game to stop people from abuseing others. based on there profile stats.

ill break it into a way you can understand. without useing big words.

say i knew your name. where you worked. your cell number. car licance plate numbers. mothers address fathers address sisters names birthdates ect . say i knew everything there is to know about you even down to how you pick your nose or ear. now . how would that make you feel ? someone knowing ALL the infermation there is about you. and there is no way for you to hide it ?

now i or a person with that infermation has the ability to harrase you and make you do things you dont want to do IE blackmail you into doing things you dont want to do.

thats how this hide profile system is going to work. its going to take all the infermation away from everyone but you. your self. and make it so people cant blackmail others into doing or playing how they dont want to play. that is what this new system is about.

the pervention of one of the most toxic things people do in this game. which is blackmail others into playing a hero they dont want to based off there infermation on there profile.

Again another amazing argument. I totally share your view of course. I absolutely would be fine with the new LFG system if it had a feature to filter people by public/private profile, but of course it won’t because it would defeat Blizzard’s purpose of forcing (by witholding information) the small minority of skillful players to blend with the rest and be good donkeys.

The only way I see to counter this in a clunky way is to indicate “PUBLIC PROFILE MANDATORY” in an LFG title, which trust me I would if I ever use this functionality.

Also what’s to prevent people from reporting others for “gameplay sabotage” if they actually get kicked from LFG instances for not having public profiles despite the title of the host’s instance mentioning “PUBLIC PROFILE MANDATORY”… There’s just no limit to how nightmarish things can get when people start to exploit a flawed report system…