Say NO to private profiles

I’m confused how the example you gave would create more toxicity than what already exists? Players already call other players bad. Players already tell each other how to play the game and who to pick. Players already just do what they want. Quality of matches are already garbage.

Literally the only thing that changes is people can’t use profiles and playtime as ammunition and validity to be a toxic garbage person, harass people for their picks or bully them onto a character they may not want to play. If it were me, I’d just play what I want regardless of what that person says and just mute them. However, with a hide profile, I can just not even have to submit myself to that crap and risk getting tilted.

Afterthought, enemy can’t use it to counter you in hero select.

And you think hiding profiles is going to fix that?

If someone insta locks any hero regardless of their playtime with them and they do poorly and don’t switch to better hold their own weight, the flaming is still going to happen regardless.

Also, no one said profile snooping is going to convince people to switch.

Finally, If you honestly think people are actually trying to just “find ways” to belittle people regardless of how well they do, you need to take a good look at yourself.

I’ve been experimenting with Sym and Torb on attack (in my low Plat elo) and NOT ONCE have I gotten flamed for playing that hero. You know why? Because I don’t one trick that character and I am willing to switch when I am getting countered to make it easier on myself and make it easier on my team so all 6 of us can consistently focus on effectively countering the enemy team.

I stumble upon one trick players numerous times and no I don’t get “flamed” right from the start (I only get worried at the start). I get flamed when they are getting hard countered and they expect us to build strategies and team comps around THEM instead of around countering the enemy team. THATS WHY WE GET FLAMED.

Just for you I will now main Genji - with 0 minutes on him. Should be fun vs the new Symmetra

I can’t wait to say no, glad I have the option to keep private profiles out of my LFG queue.

I wasn’t making any claims of Toxic behavior stopping. I responded to you because you said it would increase which makes no sense at all.

People on this forum and others seem to think that profile snooping accomplishes anything. All I ever see it do is cause bickering behavior which usually result in 1 or more ppl tilting.

It accomplishes nothing. The only thing people have said that may suck is being able to guess what the enemy team comp will be but that honestly is such a minimal thing it hardly matters ( and ruins the fun in my opinion)

Only time I ever check profiles is when I see a widow poppin off. I like to see how may hours it may have taken them to get that good. Aside from that I just, you know, talk to people. It’s much faster way to build teams with and shows people that your a team player not some control freak who expects others to bend to your will (which is how people tend to come across a majority of the time)

Not saying there aren’t polite people but you just never know how people will take being asked game after game to switch because others don’t like your choice.

Also, your experience is not universal. Other people exist and I have seen plenty of ppl flamed for every possible reason imaginable.

In which case I simply respond with "mute the idiot and don’t listen to him. Try your best. "

Me? Lol. I’m lazy as sheet. I wouldn’t waste my energy on being Toxic or have the energy to pull a profile out when I could be skating on Lucio or Bunny hopping on Rein.

I do know I get annoyed by Toxic people constantly for the dumbest sheet. You can’t honestly say you haven’t seen ppl moan about one-tricks, hours played, accuracy of players that they actively have to look for to belittle people. Why else would they look at it, call it out, then flame the person for it?

Lets say you asked them to swap because you saw their profile. They still don’t have to change, its up to them. Now players just can’t use profiles as ammo if its private. Sometimes I don’t wanna play support!

Awww, are you mad cause you can’t compare yourself to others by measuring their epeen in order to tell them what to do?

Sadly, you are not important enough to tell people who to play and how to play.

This way of thinking will only matter if you’re in a team that takes this game professionally, and even then, everyone knows what they are doing…

Your definition of toxicity is off. Toxicity is brought out when people treat other people poorly, and not because someone is trying to have fun with their game.
If that were true, I am being toxic every game for picking Junkrat. Every time I was asked to switch, we lost. I would lose even if I did play Junkrat the whole game. But when I switch its a sure loss.

So in essence, haters gunna hate, regardless of what anyone plays because they feel they need to control a bunch of strangers in a game so they can win matches.

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toxicity comes from people playing who they want to play instead of playing what works the best for the team. its competitive, its about winning. if you dont want to win then play qp where your teams SR doesnt suffer because you just feel like playing a role you suck at.

People’s obsession with looking at random stranger’s stats is downright creepy.

Its a completive game with an ad that said you could become a professional player with millions of people chanting your name downright people will use any thing to win
To stay true to the thread I have no issue with private profile just that it Is automatic private, since it was public originally

ya’ll are all weak and I’m hiding my profile as soon as this update goes live :clap: ya’ll have fun

There is ONE person on this forum who needs a reality check and a followup after the patch goes live. Betcha can’t guess who it is either, If you are right you will receive my like of approval, and not much else :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh Boy , look at the chaos in the live servers now.

Please stop bumping your own troll threads… It’s apparent that you’re just trying to start toxicity in the forums at this point.

There are people that have 100 hours on heroes some people could play better with less than 5.

Does that make them a thrower?

Does hours played = guaranteed results?

Sure it’s more likely they will be better but profiles aint all that.

I won’t unless I end up being a silver border who is still in silver.

Yeah me having an opinion is a “troll thread” , i want this post to come back again so the devs realize alot of the problems private profiles are causing.

You bumped your own 2 week old thread, just to say “Hey look it’s chaos in the servers”. Pretty sure you’re trolling.

Do you even know what trolling is ?
I reposted to not let this thread die , especially because of the problems private profiles is causing now.