Say NO to private profiles

Wait are you saying valve makes games? Half life 3 confirmed?

They used too… a decade ago.

I’ve been on Steam since 2004 and have never been harassed for my private profile. I was certainly harassed when it was visible.


If people become more toxic, then I guess there will be a lot more suspensions and bans. Almost like culling the toxic players by baiting them out.

Honestly, someone telling me I’m bad because I have a hidden profile means nothing. It’s a baseless insult. If someone wants to comb through my entire OW career and point out every mistake I made, that’s a little more frustrating.

It’s the difference between someone calling me a terrible writer without reading any of my work vs. someone circling in red all the errors I made in something I wrote ages ago. Both ultimately don’t matter, but one is more annoying than the other.


Honestly pal you lost me a very long time ago when you cited XQC as a person that should be talking about leadership when he is a part of a OWL team for profit but never seemed to fight for said structure in the game to begin with.

Personally, I saw this hate anywhere whenever there was a competitive game to be found. Perhaps you were just using Steam in a fashion that is not similar at all in the case of Overwatch here. For example, simply not using Steam’s forums or any steamworks games.

Let me quote a few Steam users on the matters of private profiles and how they felt about it.

“People with private profiles are mostly hacking or if not they must be hiding nsfw content xd”

“in csgo 2017, private Steam accounts mean “I Love Cheating””

“people think you’re cheating if you have a private profile”

“I got so much hate when I was new to Steam and had a private profile because I wanted to keep my privacy. Everyone hated me and insulted me for “hacking” so I made my profile public. With this I also found new friends.”

Dismissing an argument based on a person who is unrelated to the majority of the argument. Very good debating skills there with the strawman.

Also, the dismissal is even more ironic. As XQC has far more experience in competitive environments. Like probably more than both you and I put together and times by ten.

As it’s been pointed out before, are you seriously quoting XQC? Pretty much the poster boy for of toxicity in Overwatch? The guy who was suspended several times for being a racist idiot?

Yeah, how about we completely disregard a player that’s repeatedly proven to be racist and homophobic on what he has to say about “oh, we’re sacrificing good leadership because of people’s feelings”? Sounds good? OK, thanks.


Nice strawman there as well. Guess I shouldn’t have expected you to actually give me something worth debating either. My arguments that are presented are just too strong.

Also, that’s pretty dismissive of XQC. I’d say you’re more of the toxic one judging by your behaviour towards him.

Or perhaps your friends at the Reddit hive mind are exaggerating, as the Reddit hive mind is prone to do.

This is a good thing for the community. Not so good for people who like to harass others. That’s the rub we’re seeing.

The argument gets dismissed when said person you bring into the discussion very clearly never had enough interest in the betterment of the game we play. He gets the money… You get some warped sense of pride but the game has not improved when it comes to team building.


No, that’s called a strawman. The merit of the argument is being ignored because of a quote of a player you just so happen to disagree with. His qualifications are actually quite applicable to the discussion too.

Sure, I mean XQC posts racist comments constantly, tells a gay player “I’d tell you to go suck a fat you-know-what, but you’d probably enjoy it”, while I point out that he’s not exactly someone worth taking into consideration when discussing toxicity in Overwatch… and clearly I’m the most toxic of the two.

What was that about “your arguments are just too strong”? Because that was a really funny joke :laughing: .

And so do his repeated failures to remain employed on a team, despite his skills as a gamer, for failing to adhere to basic social behavior that regular human beings agree to follow as a society.

You have yet to debate against them. This is pretty clear why you wouldn’t. It’s because you can’t. You can keep pretending otherwise if you really want to save face. I don’t mind bud. :wink:

People already did before me and you ignored them. I’m not a fan of repeating what’s already been said only to get the same results they did. The definition of insanity and all that, ya know.

Also, after your whole “you’re more toxic than freaking XQC because you said he was toxic”, it’s kind of hard to care about your opinion on anything :wink: . So there’s that too.

Oopsies. You used an emoji in a previous post of yours. Better watch out there. The emoji could merit a suspension from it for a while.

At this point its clear you are either young and impressionable or having a laugh. Either way take care pal.

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You know what they say about excuses right? They’re made by liars.

You’re being totally disingenuous here in failing to acknowledge the streamer in question’s long history of inappropriate behavior that served as such a distraction for his team and such an embarrassment for his employer that his contract was terminated. This is not the sign of a good leader.

It’s pretty obvious that someone like this person would be very annoyed at the idea of having one less cudgel to use against his teammates. Not a great candidate for hanging your argument upon.


Who’s avoiding answering things now, buddy :wink: ? The difference being that nobody addressed what I’d said before about 10 times already, before you go comparing the two situations.

Sure as hell sounds like that, yeah…

Who’s up to go play some Overwatch instead :smiley: ?

Guess I’ll have to trust you on that one, for once. I mean, that seems like the only field when you seem to have any kind of actual experience in :wink: .