(SAMITO) Overwatch 2 Has Finally Lost it

Oh swiftplay guy? Yeah I know. :man_facepalming: I think we’re just doomed dude.


Guys, stop posting videos without context it’s not hard to take a minute to bullet point the main argument.

That said, I watched this one last night. I’m in total agreement with Samito (I know, hell has frozen over lol) in what he said in the video; in fact he just mirrored my instant thoughts from the paragraph in which the healing passive going to all heroes in the game was revealed.

‘Teamplay and strategy is the best part of this game, so we’re making this change that works against that idea, just like every decision in the past year and a half has!’

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I apologize for not putting argument under the video. It seems that some are extremely volatile and after reading comments they keep spamming like Blizzard’s PR team what ideas can make this game the most popular fps on the market.

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To be fair, 5v5 brought in a lot more problems than what we had with 6v6.

We only really had like what? Double Shields and Tank Queues?
Meanwhile 5v5 has been a complete mess from the get-go reworking anything and everything BUT Ana.

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Also being fair, it’s not like we had a good solution for this issue on 6v6 without going back to open queue which is another can of worms.

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It’s just the way of the forums. The majority of people here are bored with the actual game and come on here for some debate simulator and some text-based PVP. They have learned it’s OK to make use of gaslighting and other manipulation techniques because the game’s leadership embraces these same tactics and have set the example for the community to follow.

Actual real facts here. I disapprove of his over-the-top reactions and screeching on stream, but I stand behind the fact that he knows what he’s talking about.

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just let this game die.

Exactly, IMO they should start making Tanks into bruisers instead of punching bags.

Starts out the video saying we need to get pro players in to help Blizz with balance

Why do we take this guy seriously? Hopefully the 150 comments here are all making fun of Samito

Why dont they just continue to copy TF2 and add MvM mode? That was fairly low investment, fun, and pve. checks all boxes

As opposed to what? listening to the bronze players like they do now?

Queues stopped being a problem since the game became Free To Play.

Tank - 2 min
DPS - 3 min
Support - 2 min

Tank - 2 min
DPS - 3 min
Support - 1 min

I hope the TOP500 players don’t come to me saying they have to wait 50 minutes to play because most players are not in that rank.

Why do everyone on YouTube have a picture of themselves in the thumbnail with their mouth gaping wide open, it’s so dumb.


I was sorta right but they went about it in a way I dislike.

Yeah, this guy is too cringey to watch.

I main support. It’s stupid not to have regen on everyone. Most games have it.