(SAMITO) Overwatch 2 Has Finally Lost it

You make no sense at times. You come off wanting to improve the game for players, but then say you could care less if someone quits forever.

Because I think it’s impossible to make everybody happy.
But you can maximize the total amount of happy players.

And that any significant change to the game will cause some amount of people to quit.

And you essentially got 2 characters that play the game with Tactical Shooter killspeeds.

And 37 heroes that play the game like an Arena Shooter.

So the sentiment that “Overwatch Positioning must be played like a Tactical Shooter, or else a tiny subset of 7% of the players might quit”.

That gets a “Okay, then quit.”.

I do not respect extreme selfishness like that.


What if I told you that heroes like Widow aren’t even that impacted by abilities like Suzu :man_shrugging: Since there’s no time to react to it.

guy who complained about every patch for the past 5 years complains about the newest patch
This must truly be the end

Suzu is more of a Tank thing. Which directly relates to how easy, strong, and frequent AntiNade is.

ImmoField though, that’s both Snipers and AntiNade.

Oh how I wish this were the case.


You don’t think cleansing AntiNade is related to Tanks?

Right after the Mauga meta we just had?

It’s often used to cleanse the tank.

It’s often used to deny kills on squishies who were outplayed or on Kiri herself.

I’d hardly say Mauga is typical of anything.

Even if Blizzard did exactly what he asked for, he would still complain.

Because it’s how he pays his rent. It’s why he’s still making Overwatch content after “quitting” like 6 times.


Well, here’s how I would nerf Suzu/Lamp.

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maybe its time that we’d realize that going into OW2 was a big mistake and shouldnt happen. but we already know why they pursued this path is because the marketing for OW2 was nothing but a cash cow as they put all their efforts and hard work into the battle pass. everything else gets worse by the day

Yet you still tell people to quit and you don’t care if they quit.

7% of the population is huge. Really when the game is already struggling to keep people.

Yet, you always act selfish with your takes by always being combative when you get push back.


But 0.5% isn’t.

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.5% isn’t. 7% is fairly significant.

A lot of your takes revolves around three things, that aren’t going to help much.

1.) Snipers (They have been nerfed enough)
2.) Tanks being glorified DPS (Though most die if you look at them funny)
3.) That it does not matter what you deem is unbalanced, fun is what matters.

Fun does not matter in balance, it’s subjective. For example, I have fun with new Sombra, a lot of people find it unfun that I can do what I can with her. Do I want her nerfed? Slightly.
Do they want her nerfed? Dumpstered.

See where “fun” gets you in balance?

Forcing 93% of the player base to do really boring counterplay for half the match, because we can’t “afford” to lose a tiny fraction of 7%.

Nah. We can ABSOLUTELY “afford” that.


The entire concept of Overwatch is rock paper scissors, swap when you are getting countered.

Why remove the identity of the game, because some players refuse to help, feed, and throw by doing so?

Removing more counters would cause more than 7% to leave.

Dive would run amok, Tracer and Genji would be back to needlessly overtuned, Sombra would be unchecked. Winston and D.Va would instantly be meta.

You can’t sacrifice population at all in a game that has gone from MILLIONS of players daily in OW1, to only 2-300k a day. It’s dying faster than can be saved, and trying to get things changed that in the long run will only ruin the game, is not the way to go.

Incentivizing learning multiple heroes would be the way to go, and punish one tricking harder by slower SR gain and bigger SR losses.

Here’s an hour long lecture on counterplay design.
And none of what you just said fits that.


The elements of counterplay:

  • #1 Possible: Is a response possible?
  • #2 Clear Telegraphed: Is the need for a response clear, with enough Time for a response?
  • #3 Interesting: Are responses varied and nuanced?
  • https://www.gdcvault.com/play/1018273/Counterplay-and-Teamplay-in-Multiplayer
  • https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:JAlbor/GDC_2013:_Teamplay_and_Counterplay_in_League_of_Legends
  • https://ubm-twvideo01.s3.amazonaws.com/o1/vault/gdc2013/slides/822829%20Cadwell_Thomas_Counterplay%20and%20Teamplay.pdf

Ranged instakills are NOT “Clearly Telegraphed”, and inspecting a blue rectangle or the pixels on a wall isn’t “Interesting”. And “Sniping Snipers with more Snipers” isn’t all that varied. And generally to even deal with the Widow/Hanzo at all outside of “Sniping Snipers with more Snipers”, you gotta forfeit your entire gameplay loop to go play Whack-a-mole. Which is not Interesting for the vasty majority of players. (And not even that reliable, if they selfpeel and get peels).

Screw that. 7% of the playerbase isn’t the “identity” of the game.
And Snipers going basically COMPLETELY UNTOUCHED except for a slight range nerf on Widow between OW1 and OW2 isn’t any sort of “identity”.
That’s just 2 years of unprofessional procrastination on the devs part.

Why should I give a crap about economic opinions from people who don’t understand what an Opportunity Cost is?

If you lose 1% of players, but gain 10%. That’s just objectively a good thing.

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As I said, it’s probably different on the system you play on, but on Xbox DPS has been the most popular role for all of OW2 outside of new hero drops

I am not going to sit and read an hour long lecture, because you refuse to accept how Overwatch plays.

And once again, you loop it around to sniper this sniper that.

Sombra, Ball, Doom, Winston, D.Va, Tracer all exist.

So because people don’t want to swap when they are getting absolutely hammered by someone that counters them, it’s a game problem and NOT a personal issue problem (Which it is).

Because they don’t need it. Low ranks do not get a say in what is and isn’t OP, when they can’t even use the mechanics given to them to solve their issues. Once again, that’s a personal issue and NOT a game issue.

You won’t gain 10% by doing what you’re claiming. You’d probably lose more than you gain.

Let’s try this…

A lot of people want flankers removed, tuned down, or absolutely gutted.

There are a lot of Tracer, Genji, Sombra mains that play nothing but that hero. Let’s nerf them down to say… Bastion level of bad.

You would lose far far more players than you would gain, because then you have supports with no counter play going on.

You are solving ONE issue, and creating others.

A short population increase followed by an insane drop off isn’t an Opportunity Cost… It’s a game dying.

Because you prefer streamer takes from people who never studied game design?

Almost like those are massive game design problems.

Just because it’s possible to play Whack-a-mole the entire game, doesn’t mean it’s enjoyable. Same as why they got rid of Mass Rez Mercy. Because “Whack a Mole” duty sucks.

Pretty much. Like for real dude, you don’t even know what “Balance” means at this point if you think a Choice Reduction isn’t a Balance problem.


What is Play Balance?

Sid Meier once said, “A game is a collection of interesting choices”. It follows that game elements being out of balance and thereby eliminating choices detracts from the gameplay. Ideally, a game should be a series of choices, ending with victory of defeat or some other end condition. Sometimes, some choices will become unquestionably the only choice, or definitely not a valid choice. If there is only one valid choice at some point, but the game hasn’t ended, there is a play balance problem. <**Nearly all situations commonly referred to as imbalances can be boiled down to a CHOICE REDUCTION.

You think how “Frustrating” gameplay is, has nothing to do with Gameplay Design?


I think you overestimate how difficult it is to grow the playerbase by 1% or less.

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