(SAMITO) Overwatch 2 Has Finally Lost it

That’s completely irrelevant to how bad some roles feel to play when others are allowed to be much stronger.

It’s not controversial to admit that if something is unfun people won’t play it as much.

Then that is a hero balance issue.


If we were talking about one or two heroes I’d agree.

Yet Junkrat is unfun to a vast majority of the player base, and he’s played quite a bit.

Your point is null.


Because the DPS role is less Fun, because there’s too much sustain.

And that excess sustain exists primarily because of AntiHeal, Snipers, and Bastion.

But also because not all DPS heroes have the same level of popularity.

If they pushed Widow, Sojourn, and Hanzo out of the meta.
And then pushed Genji, Tracer and Cassidy into the meta.

Then that would make the DPS role more Popular.

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It doesn’t matter if every hero in the Support role is overturned, you can still only ever have 2 of them.


And make supports queue go through the roof, and also push Zarya/Sigma meta.

No thanks.

At high ELO that would be a good thing. Since there’s too many Support player in GM.

You don’t see how that drop in fun should be priority #1 to fix?

It does in terms of fun. People will not play what isn’t fun and that can be seen by the crash in queue times experienced by every role not named support. Balance between roles does matter for the long term health of the game because people will just stop playing.

It wouldn’t in the long run. That’s the issue with a lot of your takes. You look at short term, but rarely look at long term effect.

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Ranks are role specific. There are as many Support GMs as there are Tank and Damage players.

(As a percentage)

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Not necessarily true since you don’t push people down in rank as you climb. Even if you were right as can be seen from the queue times those tanks and dps don’t queue since it’s unfun and all of the anti fun is coming from protecting the supports overtuned kits.

Also no, the excess sustain comes from abilities that erase mistakes with zero counterplay such as suzu. Remove those abilities and mistakes can be rightly punished again.

Nerf % or remove anti then, and we all know that’s not happening.

Don’t threaten me with a good time.

Let’s say, my disagreement is with incorrect usage of terminology and incorrect design methodology.

But that I mostly agree with you on a round-about way.

To me, at high ELO, the heroes occupying the top tierlist positions, should be the most popular to play as, and least frustrating to play against.

And that they should be equalizing the Popularity between Roles. Which, with how things are right now, would involve increasing DPS Role Popularity.

And the way they do that is

  1. Nerf AntiNade vs Tanks
  2. Dramatically reduce boring/frustrating it is to counterplay Snipers
  3. Nerf ranged Tank Shredding (I.e. Mostly Bastion Sentry and Hanzo Arrow+StormArrow)
  4. Give DPS and Tanks better out-of-combat Sustain
  5. Hard nerf in-combat Sustain

And in that way, DPS would be significantly more Popular.

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If you want them to nerf AntiBurst, then they first gotta nerf Burst.

Why is that difficult to understand?

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Why? The counter to burst is positioning. If you get outplayed you should be punished.

Outside of instant ranged one shots anyway but you did cover that in snipers.

I’ve called for a number crunch across the board. Healing, Damage, Shield numbers, etc.

All in one patch, a massive undertaking, but it’s one of the only ways to revive this game.

I genuinely don’t care if people who hold the opinion quit the game permanently forever.

Spending half the game starring at a brick wall isn’t fun for the vast majority of the players.

And the idea that 2-3 heroes have Tactical Shooter killspeeds, therefore Positioning in Overwatch must be like a Tactical Shooter.

Is both extremely unprofitable and ridiculously selfish.


Doubling down on immortalities is going great so far. We should definitely keep going and see just how many players we can lose.

I said that snipers can be addressed. Burst is a far wider net than snipers.