(SAMITO) Overwatch 2 Has Finally Lost it

To be sarcastic it’s like throwing a canister of diesel into the fire.

I’m watching it on a different browser because I don’t want this on my youtube profile xD

Nah jokes aside

I really don’t like Samito… but I’m giving him a try

Once again xD

But saying that 6v6 is better because there are “less denial abilities”?

You have 1 more player. Which happens to be a Tank, and whose sole purpose, is to deny incoming damaging threats from the enemy


And I can defend 6v6 for many reasons, but Devs also have strong points for going 5v5

It’s funny that you think you understand the game over someone like him, who actually does understand the game. But hey you’re the one who advocated for the dumb support role passive to be on everyone right? Well, the game dies with that change and any other dumb change they have planned.

What you want, is a true impossibility by the way. In all games where these 3 roles exist, the DPS role is always the most popular, generally followed by support and tanks last. Tank will never be a popular role so long as RQ and 5v5 exist in this game, they could add 100 new tank heroes and it would still not be popular because the majority of people are not leaders. Supports popularity is only ‘decent’ now because people like you advocated to literally have the role turn into a ridiculously broken mess.

They really need to not listen to the .1% of shills who think they know anything about game balance, all it’s done is ensure that when Micro$oft eventually takes a look at this nasty mess, they will just can the entire project because it’s a waste of time and money.


I will be blunt here.

No one gives a crap about Samito or his videos anymore. He’s nothing more than ego kid who complains and says how bad the game is, whenever something happens that stops his momentum.

He’s not the only one though, I’ve noticed a lot of OW streamers just complain a lot in general.

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My take is that you should balance QoL for the main player base. Then you balance individual heroes based on the highest levels of play. The heal passive is just like that. For the main player base it will be a huge boon and for the best players it won’t even get used. Can you imagine a GM1 tank hiding to self-heal - that’s the dumbest thing I’ve heard. They either don’t have time to do it because they will just lose, or they have good supports that will heal them anyways. Same goes for DPS, a DPS that ain’t DPSing any worth anything - that’s why they position themselves so they can get healed by the support all the time.

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I don’t know how you can reconcile the notion that DPS is not fun for anyone but also the most popular role? Sounds like just you personally don’t enjoy it


I mean, if I one tricked one of the most easily countered heroes in the game, I’d not like the role either.

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10 minute queue times to under 1 minute with frequent battlepass xp bonus is quite the collapse. But sure, I’m just imagining that people play dps less now and that definitely hasn’t had an impact on player retention.

It was the most popular role for the entirety of Overwatch 1 and into the start of Overwatch 2. It’s difficult to take the argument that such a huge collapse didn’t have a huge impact on the playerbase seriously. They made the most popular role unfun and now have player retention issues it’s really not difficult to see what caused the issue.

Yeah dps queues collapsed and get battlepass bonus now because all the Junk mains hate the game. For real. You’re not a serious person.

What makes you think balancing 3x tierlists is the same as balancing 1x tierlist?

Yeah go back and actually address the post.

You are absolutely insane if you even think I said that. If you assumed I said that, that’s on you and that’s quite embarrassing for you.

I quit DPS because I find tanking more engaging and fun, but not because the role is “weak” as you claim.

Seriously why the absolutely hell do these forums always resort to trying to gas light people for no reason.


Is this better?

Role vs Role Balancing mostly doesn’t exist, since the creation of Role Queue.

Since, as you know, that “Hero Balance” is the “Choices” given to an individual player, and making sure you have an increased amount of “Worthwhile Choices”.

But an individual player never has the Choice between heroes from more 1x Role.

So when they got people using the “That Role is too powerful”. What they are verbatim expressing is something like “Ana has a higher tierlist position than Genji”. But they aren’t on the same tierlist. So it’s gibberish.

That said, what people are expressing is largely the sentiment that

  1. The Counterplay against Supports isn’t aesthetically enjoyable enough. (Usually due to low “Mechanical Risk” in either running away from duels, or getting kills)
  2. The overall Sustain in the game is too high, largely because of Healing/Immos.
  3. Abilities like AntiNade dramatically shrinks the “Worthwhile” Hero choices in the Tank Role.
  4. The misplaced fear mongering that we gotta be worried about GOATs comps in 2024. And that we gotta balance the Roles like they did in 2018. And that vaguely BAD THINGS will happen if they don’t. (I.e. Idiotic behavior, regardless of how high their ELO rating is, or how Popular their Twitch channel is).

But most of it is just spamming verbiage related to Tierlist Positioning between Roles, when there’s no such thing as Tierlist Positioning between Roles.

It’s mostly people who haven’t figured out that Roles are and should be balanced differently, with and without Role Limits. And that usually leads to really stupid conversations.

Usually including “Power Creep”, which literally translates to “Any buff I don’t like has a label, and because it’s got a label, I need no further justification to say it’s BAD”. I.e. Utterly moronic conversations.

Even worse when they have high ELO, or a popular Content Creator, and they think that makes their idiocy somehow valid. Even though it’s so ridiculously stupid.

But yeah, you gotta hard read-between-the-lines, and basically ignore their verbatim complaints. Because they don’t have a good understanding of the goals of game design, or the correct terminology.

Twenty Years, Twenty Lessons—Part 3 | MAGIC: THE GATHERING
Lesson #19: Your audience is good at recognizing problems and bad at solving them

My metaphor for this lesson is a doctor’s appointment. What does a doctor always do first? They ask you how you’re feeling. Why? Because you’re the expert on you. No one else better understands how you feel. However, the doctor doesn’t often ask you how to solve any problems that you might have because they’re better equipped than you to do that. The same is true in game design.

Your players have a better understanding of how they feel about your game than you do. They can tell easier when something is wrong and they’re excellent at identifying problems, but they’re not as equipped to solve the problems. They don’t know the restrictions you’re under or what needs you have to fulfill. They see the game from their perspective, but your job is to understand the perspective of all the players. So use your audience as a resource to help figure out what is wrong with your game, but take it with a grain of salt when they offer you solutions.


At least one the system I play on DPS is consistently the most popular role. Maybe you find it unfun, but the player numbers don’t lie :man_shrugging:


No since it doesn’t address the point. You’re so focused on queue times and dismissing balance between roles that you’re ignoring that fun drives long term engagement. It’s lacking because the complaints are correct.

Tempted to use the word gaslighting on this although I’m sure it’s unintentional. I haven’t seen dps have longer queues than supports for over 6 months on any mode. This is well documented across both EU and NA on pc. No, dps is not having long queue times the supports are.

You really think the devs are throwing ideas at the wall to change fundamental parts of the game because the numbers look great? Seriously? It’s not like we had tank players to lose and Lord knows it’s not supports who have lost out. They lost the dps.

I’m ignoring the idea that “How effective a hero is at contributing to an objective capture” is equivalent to Fun.

OW1 Tanks vs OW1 DPS couldn’t make that any more clear, that those aren’t the same thing.

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Then you’re wrong. One role making another feel obsolete is anti fun and exhausting to play against.

Why do you think dps queues have collapsed?

So was the Tank Role the most Popular role, in OW1?

Or was the DPS Role the most Impactful role, in OW1?

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Tank wasn’t the strongest role in OW1.

No. It did however feel rewarding and was fun. Which is why people would grind the role regardless. The collapse of the roles queue times should make you wonder why that is.

Ever stop to think the fact the game has lost millions of players (With DPS being the most played over all) is a major culprit in that, or are you going to come up with another stick your head in the sand notion?


“Balance between roles” is a non-sequitor though.

You can’t stack any particular role. There are a set number of each role on each team. Roles are balanced. In Role Queue, balance is only an issue at a hero level. That’s one of the big advantages of it.